Walking Dead Wiki

Attention! Please be aware that spoilers are not allowed on the wiki and a violation of this policy may result in a ban. Information (character deaths/fates, screenshots, etc.) from episodes released early on AMC+ may not be added to the wiki until the episode officially airs at 9pm EST on the Sunday it is scheduled for. Thank you.


Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Requests for Adminship (RfA) is the process by which the community decides who will become Administrators (also known as admins or sysops), who are users with access to additional technical features that aid in maintenance. A user either submits his/her own request for adminship (a self-nomination) or is nominated by another user. See the Archive page if you are looking for all past applications.

Additionally, this page serves as a ground for other Administrators to vote for Bureaucrats as well.

Adminship Requirements

Before submitting a request for adminship, users must meet a list of requirements. The requirements are listed below:

  • The user must have completed at least 2,000 or more edits at the time of their submission
  • The user must have been an accounted member of the wiki for at least seven months* at the time of their submission
  • In addition, no user may submit a request if another admin request is still being voted upon. This allows the community to focus and devote their full attention to a single request before moving on to another

If a user submits a request without matching one of these requirements, their submission will be removed immediately. They can re-submit their request at a later date, with an existing administrator's permission.

Additionally, while not required, there's a few things that might help ones chance of being supported:

  • Present and active on the Community Discord
  • Have a proper profile picture and bio on your account
  • Have a somewhat filled out User Page
  • Have no history of being blocked

*This time period was decided upon so that the user has had experience on the wiki during various times of the year, including during the airing of any of AMC's Walking Dead shows, when the community tends to be the most active.

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Bureaucrat Requirements

Before submitting a request for Bureaucrat, users must meet a list of requirements. The requirements are listed below:

  • The user must have completed at least 4,000 or more edits at the time of their submission
  • Must already be an administrator for more then six months
  • In addition, no user may submit a request if another bureaucrat request is still being voted upon. This allows the admins to focus and devote their full attention to a single request before moving on to another

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Request Process


1. A user submits their request for adminship or is nominated by another user. Submit your request by leaving a message detailing why you feel you are qualified for the position and why you would be an asset to the community. Follow your message with your signature.

2. Users in the community will have a two-week period to support, oppose, or remain neutral to a user's request. IPs, or users without accounts are not allowed to vote.

3. When the two-week period is up, the page will be locked so that no new votes can be made. If the request has at least 8 supportive votes* and more supportive votes than opposing votes, it is qualified for admin voting. If not, the request is denied.

4. If the request is qualified, the admins will have one week to vote. They will submit their votes anonymously amongst themselves. The request needs a simple majority of the voting admins** to be approved.

5. If the majority of the voting admins decide to approve a request, a bureaucrat will grant the user adminship.


*Admins are allowed to vote in the preliminary voting if they decide to, but they are not required to.

**At least two-thirds of the admins need to cast votes during admin voting.


1. An admin submits their request for Bureaucrat or is nominated by another user. Submit your request by leaving a message detailing why you feel you are qualified for the position and why you would be an asset to the community. Follow your message with your signature.

2. All other admins will have a two-week period to support, oppose, or remain neutral to the admin's request.

3. All admins must vote in agreement for the vote to pass. If they are not in agreement, the request is denied. If the vote passes, the admin will be promoted to a bureaucrat.

IPs are NOT allowed to edit this section.

Voting Requirements

In order to be eligible to vote for Administrators, users must meet the proper requirements. Anyone who doesn't fit these requirements will have their vote removed. Existing Staff Members (no matter the position) are always allowed to vote for Administrators, even if they don't reach one or more of the requirements.

Voting For Administrators

  • All voters must have more than 500 edits
  • All voters must have decent editing activity within the prior five months
  • All voters must have been an accounted member of the wiki for at least seven months before the vote

Voting For Bureaucrats

  • Only administrators are allowed to vote for bureaucrats

IPs are NOT allowed to edit this section.

How to Vote

To vote, simply place one of the four voting templates below the request, along with any existing votes. The voting templates to choose from are "Support", "Oppose", "Neutral", and "Comment". After placing the template, explain why you cast that specific vote. Provide valid reasoning; don't support a user simply because they are your friend or oppose a user because you don't like them. Provide solid and clear reasoning. Keep in mind that you are not only voting on the request, but also trying to persuade the admins to support or oppose the submission. Follow your reasoning with your signature.

Voting Templates

Code Produces
{{support}} Support Support |
{{oppose}} Oppose Oppose |
{{neutral}} Neutral Neutral |
{{comment}} Comment Comment |

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The following is all the current requests. Please remember to check the voting requirements to see if you're eligible to partake in this or any other elections.

Requests for Adminship

Nominations/Requests are closed! Please come back at another time!

Requests for Bureaucrat

We currently have one position open! Please apply!


Hello everybody and my fellow admins! It's me, Zee Everett. I've been planning to apply for a little while and I think it's finally time (Kayla is aiming a gun at me, please send hel--)! Jokes aside, this wiki is due for another Bureaucrat, we haven't had a second one since Devinthe66's departure at the end of 2022. It's been a year and a half and it's not really a good idea to only ever have one Bureaucrat on a wiki this big, Mr. T has even agreed with me on that already. Currently the only other admin eligible is Natalie (Rat sadly doesn't have enough edits yet and Wwefan's just too new), however I'm unsure whether or not she's interested. I though, would very much like to take a shot and apply.

Over the course of my first year (yippe!), I've focused heavily on improving our backbone site pages, ranging from policies, portals, staff and admin pages, and revamping parts of the mainpage. One of these stand out the most right now and that's the improvements to Staff over the past few months, ranging from converting Wiki Janitors into Content Mods, the staff templates on the mainpage, and quality of life improvements on our archives. Dealing with Staff and Admin topics a lot means I run into the user rights system a lot when we get new staff, and (now especially so with Content Mods role) I feel like the Bureaucrat abilities fall hand in hand with my recent and soon-to-be future work. Plus, it would feel great to stop having to bug Mr. T about user rights all the time when I could easily do it myself if I could. Anyway, that's my request! Please consider! Thank you for your time! - Zfungi148 (talk) 05:29, 17 July 2024 (UTC)

Admin Voting