Walking Dead Wiki

Attention! Please be aware that spoilers are not allowed on the wiki and a violation of this policy may result in a ban. Information (character deaths/fates, screenshots, etc.) from episodes released early on AMC+ may not be added to the wiki until the episode officially airs at 9pm EST on the Sunday it is scheduled for. Thank you.


Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Deletion is the process of deleting pages, images, and categories here at the Walking Dead Wiki. While only Administrators and Content Moderators can delete pages, any editor can mark a page for deletion with the associated {{Delete}} template.

Possible Reasons For Deletion

The following is a list of reasons for why a page may be deleted;

  • Page mergers
  • Unnecessary content
  • Harmful content
  • Fanfiction content (Read more about this here; Fanfiction Policy)
  • Irrelevant content
  • Spam content

Properly Marking Pages For Deletion

Any and all auto-confirmed users can mark pages for deletion at any time, however there are a few guidelines in place beforehand. The following must all be followed before marking anything for deletion;

  • Talk to the user(s) responsible for the page creation. Always discuss reasons why the page may be unnecessary and/or harmful with them, especially if the page was made in good faith.
    • If the page is clearly not made in good faith and is spam or unrelated to the wiki's topic, this step is unnecessary.
    • If the page is months or even years old and has gone unnoticed or integrated into the wiki, this step is unnecessary.
  • Talk to any of the Administrators or any Content Moderators about why you think the page should be deleted. This should be done someplace publicly open, such as Message Walls, Discussion Threads, and/or the Discord Server. Should you get the greenlight from any of them, you're open to marking the page for deletion.

The following must be followed while marking any pages for deletion;

  • Add the marked for deletion template. If editing in Source Mode, type {{Delete|<reason>}}. Please remember to add your reason in the spot that says 'reason'. If in Visual Mode, click Insert, then Template and search up "Delete".
    • Please always place the deletion template at the top of the page, so everyone visiting the page can see it immediately.
  • Next, always add a detailed reason for marking the page for deletion on the template and in the "Describe what you changed" section of the editor. Additionally, one can add their reason to the page's "Talk Page".

Deletion Process

Following being marked, any Administrators or Content Moderators can review the marked page(s). It is up to them if the page is restored or deleted. If restored, the mark is reverted and depending if the marking policies weren't properly followed, will warn the one responsible for the mark and link the user to this page for future reference. If reverted and the marking policies were properly followed, they'll explain their reasons for why they believe the page shouldn't be deleted to the user and the Administrator or Content Moderator who approved the mark. Should the issue not be resolved, contact another Administrator or Content Moderator to break the tie. Remember all disputes should be resolved civilly. If deleted the page will be wiped from the Walking Dead Wiki. Any deleted pages can be viewed here on the deletion log along with their given reasons for deletion. If an administrator comes across a page without a properly marked deletion template, it will always be reverted.

Deletion Do-Nots

Some deletion do-nots include;

  • Not following the previously listed marking policies.
  • Randomly marking pages for deletion without reasons.
  • Failing to include reasons for deletion after getting proper approval on the template.
    • If this happens, please edit the page to include the reasons.
  • Failing to include reasons for deletion after getting proper approval on the "Describe what you changed" edit section.
  • Placing the deletion template anywhere that isn't the top of the page.
  • Reverting a mark - only Administrators and Content Moderators can revert a mark, normal editors should never revert a mark.
  • Getting to edit wars over a marked page, once a page is marked it should not be touched by anyone that isn't an Administrator or a Content Moderator.
    • The only exception to this is if the page is clearly improperly marked by vandalizers.
  • Restoring a deleted page without Administrator approval.

Breaking any of these polices will result in a strict warning depending on the severity of the offense. Reverting any legitimate marks will always result in a block without warning.
