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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

The Rockford Camp was a location featured in The Walking Dead Webisodes: The Oath.


This location didn't exist before the apocalypse. It's possible that some of the group members knew each other but that is unknown.


Karina is holding the body of one of her dead compatriots, as she is doing so walkers close in on her and she does not notice. A fellow survivor Paul comes to her aid and cuts down a walker that is about to bite her. He tells her that they have to get out of the area and away from the walkers. After prying her from the corpse they depart into the surrounding woodland.

Later Karina was telling Gale about the zombie attack at their camp and says they did not know they were overrun until Angelo began screaming.





The Oath[]


  • In real life there is no town, city, or county in Georgia by the name of Rockford thus indicating that this is a made up location for the webisode.
    • The closest thing there is to a Rockford, Georgia in real life is Rocky Ford, Georgia which is located in Screven County, Georgia.
      • Interestingly enough, the distance between Rockford and King County, Georgia on the show is about the same amount of distance as Screven County, Georgia is to Coweta and Fayette County, Georgia which is what King County is based off of.