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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
This article is about the Webisodes character. For other pages with the same name, see: Paul

In this world, stripped of humanity and hope, we have to fight to live. And you gave up, you thought everything was taken away from you. But here I am. She was right, it is a choice, but you were wrong about one thing. You were never alone. You gave up on me, on all of us. But it still means something, our oath; "One lives. All live". It means you're coming with me.
―Paul to an undead and bound Karina about the events that had unfolded.[src]

Paul is the deuteragonist and a survivor of the outbreak in The Walking Dead Webisodes: The Oath.


Paul is a strong-willed and determined survivor. He and Karina are the only two surviving members of their group, living on for their fallen comrades due to their oath of "one lives, all live." He cares greatly for Karina's well-being more than himself. After he is seriously wounded, he attempts to downplay the severity and still pushes forward until he passes out. Karina manages to get him to a hospital and after he seemingly dies, she loses the will to live. However, Paul awakens and proves to be very capable, managing to escape the cafeteria from numerous walkers. After he sees Karina die, Paul loses it and holds Gale Macones, the person who injected her, at gunpoint. It's unknown if Paul shoots Gale but after their confrontation, Paul seems to be much more cold and serious. He still pushes forward and holds his oath by taking a zombified Karina with him.


Rockford, Georgia[]

Nothing is known about Paul's life prior to or as the outbreak began.


King County, Georgia[]

Some time after the apocalypse began, Paul was surviving with a group of other survivors. At some point, his group met with a newcomer, Karina, and it was Paul who made her take the oath of "one lives, all live" before she was allowed to join. 

The Oath[]


Whilst staying at a group near Rockford, Georgia; Paul's group was attacked by a swarm of walkers. The entire group was devoured, leaving Paul and Karina to escape into the woods. The following morning, the pair stumble upon a still-working car and discover it's original owner was searching for various aid stations in the area. After Paul passes out from a serious wound incurred in the attack, Karina drives around the county in search of help, only to find every aid station overrun. Eventually, the pair arrive at the Harrison Memorial Hospital and immediately seek out medical supplies to treat Paul's wound. An unconscious Paul and an unarmed Karina are attacked and almost killed by a lone walker.


Gale Macones, the hospital's last remaining doctor, arrives on the scene and impales the walker in the head. Dr. Macones delivers medical treatment to Paul, but isn't optimistic about his chances. After telling Karina she needs to "take him away", Macones wheels Paul's unresponsive body onto a gurney and pushes him into a walker-infested cafeteria, locking the doors behind him. Paul awakens moments later to find himself restrained to the gurney and with numerous walkers approaching.


He eventually manages to free himself, fend off the advancing walkers and escape the cafeteria and sets about searching for Karina. Paul finally finds Karina with Macones, and the two survivors share a brief smile as Karina learns of Paul's survival. However, their reunion is short lived as Karina dies of a lethal injection of drugs administered by Macones. A furious Paul holds the doctor at gunpoint as she explains she was simply giving Karina a choice. She protests she has seen so much chaos and destruction in the wake of the apocalypse that there is no such thing as hope anymore and that choosing how one dies is as good as it gets. 

It's unclear if Paul does indeed shoot Macones. Before he leaves the hospital, he uses chains to reinforce the hospital cafeteria's doors and spray paints "DON'T OPEN, DEAD INSIDE" before leaving. Karina has by this point re-animated and Paul removes her teeth with pliers and restrains her in a straitjacket before leaving the hospital with her in town. His current whereabouts are unknown.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Paul has killed:


For a more in-depth look at Paul's relationships, read here: Paul (Webisodes)/Relationships




Episodes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Torn Apart
Cold Storage
The Oath
Flight 462
Red Machete
The Althea Tapes
Dead in the Water
Appears Voice is heard
👁 Appears with no lines Appears in a flashback
Appears as a walker 🖼 Appears in a photograph/video
Appears as a corpse Appears in a hallucination/dream


  • Similarly to Michonne and The Governor, Paul pulls Karina's teeth out following her reanimation and takes her along so he isn't alone.