

Are you...?     Well, are you?     I think you know the Truth.

JMAS montage
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Biographical information
Birth date

September 29


Washington, USA


See above

Descriptive information



1.7 meters

Hair color

Light brown

Eye color

Hazel brown

General information

Medical field


Reading, movies, Star Wars (duh), photography

en-N This user is a native speaker of English.
sw-3 This user has an advanced understanding of the Star Wars galaxy.
Bookslogo This user collects Star Wars books, novels, and reference works.
Addicted-template This user is addicted to Wookieepedia, dammit!
UB-senguard This user is a recent changes patroller.
Imagejunkie This user is an Image Junkie and specializes in beautifying Wookieepedia articles.
15+ yr. This user has contributed to Wookieepedia for more than fifteen years.
edit This user has made 169,889 edits to this wiki.
WP-TCW This user is a member of the WookieeProject The Clone Wars
Din Djarin's clan This user is a member of the WookieeProject The Mandalorian
Premium-FeaturedIcon This user helped promote the article Raid on Ziro's Palace to Featured status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Skirmish at Carkoon to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Davtokk to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Battle of unidentified planet (shielded city) to Good status.
Premium-ComprehensiveArticle This user helped promote the article Sector 3263827 to Comprehensive status.
Luke Swarm War This user believes the Force is neither light nor dark.
JediOutcastcover This user has never played
Jedi Outcast
FirefoxLogo This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.
WindowsLogo This user runs Microsoft Windows.
Computer This user's monitor resolution is 1920 x 1080.
<html> This user knows HTML.
Just say no This user does not support excessive "This user supports…" userboxes.
"Automatic doors make me feel like a Jedi."
―Slogan on a T-shirt I designed.

Personal Info[]

My name is Aaron and I live in Washington with my wife and fur baby. I have been a Star Wars fan since my dad took me to see Star Wars as a kid. I would always watch ANH, TESB and ROTJ on LaserDisc at least a couple times a year growing up (so much that I had all three movies virtually memorized line by line). My favorite description of Star Wars is by author Elaine Cunningham who said Star Wars: "… an adventure story with a fantasy heart and a science-fiction wardrobe."[1]

I was drawn back to the Star Wars universe again when Timothy Zahn wrote Heir to the Empire and the rest of the original Thrawn Trilogy. I have read and own a majority of the novels written from then until the Canon reboot. I will always love Star Wars, but will always prefer the pre-Disney acquisition version of it.

Know that I will respect your choice of who you want to be, but do not expect me to agree with it. If that is not okay with you, then you are the problem. I won't be forced to hold a certain mindset that agrees with yours just to make you feel better about yourself. If you can't work with that, you need to change, not me.

I have been fortunate to have several of my submissions chosen for the now-defunct StarWars.com "Photo Caption" feature:

All were submitted under the name "JediMasterAramis."

You can also come have a laugh at my Happy Caption Page.

My Collection[]


Software & Games[]


Audio dramas


The Star Wars Solution

Audio books

Reference books[]

PDF versions



My Edit Count

Articles I've created (for easy access):

Other Miscellany[]

Imp has awarded you a Wookiee Cookie!
For uploading several high-res pics of Lando Calrissian.
KEJ has awarded you a Wookiee Cookie!
for proposing a very cool Bantha oriented search icon (let's hope it gets accepted)
Chack Jadson has awarded you a Wookiee Cookie!
for uploading an image for me.

The Pit Droid Award of Diligence! I hereby award this Pit Droid Award of Diligence to JMAS for his massive amounts of image categorization. -- Riffsyphon1024 21:05, 12 December 2007 (UTC)

CC7567 has awarded you a Wookiee Cookie!
For uploading and updating so many high-res images, as well as uploading all those images from NRKsuper.no.
Kigon has awarded you a Wookiee Cookie!
For sending me so many TCW images from NRK
Darth Trayus has awarded you a Wookiee Cookie!
For being incredibly capable with images and incredibly prompt. Also, for your audio additions to TCW articles.

The Pit Droid Award of Diligence for your willingness to upload numerous Tales of the Jedi audio files and add them to their respective articles. Tommy9281 Dark side Master SWGTCG (No quarter given, all exits sealed) 00:42, 4 July 2009 (UTC)

JangFett Talk has awarded you a Wookiee Cookie!
For uploading High quality images from TCW for my noms. Thanks again JMAS :)
WookieecookieFor uploading images from TCW for my noms other arcticles really quick. Thanks JMAS
Image Awardall

I, Kreivi Wolter, award JMAS with the Image Mastery Award for his indefatigable image uploads. Keep up the good work!

Xd1358 has awarded you a Wookiee Cookie!
For your valuable contributions to the site for over four years. You have uploaded a huge amounts of high quality images of many various subjects. Your 50,000 edits shows you are a very dedicated Wookieepedian. Keep up the good work, JMAS!
Dentface (talk) has awarded you a Wookiee Cookie
for your hard work in uploading high-quality PNG images!