

Leia holo

Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope.

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The following lists individuals who held the title of senator.

Galactic Republic and Imperial Senators[]

"Observation: Senators are not nice, master. They are either on top of their game or yesterday's news."
Senator Planet or sector represented Term Notes Species and gender
Aang Roona c. 21 BBY Roonan male
Aak, Ask Malastare and the Dustig sector 22 BBY–19 BBY Gran male
Adem'thorn, Yeb Yeb Makem Te and the Nilgaard sector c. 32 BBY Swokes Swokes male
Alavar, Nee Lorrd and Kanz sector c. 19 BBY Arrested and executed by Palpatine Human female
Aldrete, Agrippa Alderaan and Alderaan sector c. 52 BBY Replaced by Bail Antilles Human male
Allum, Vivendi c. 44 BBY male
Amedda, Mas Champala c. 33 BBY elected as Vice Chair Chagrian male
Amidala, Padmé Naboo and Chommell sector c. 25 BBY-19 BBY Died giving birth to her children, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa Solo Human female
Annon, Blix c. 77 BBY Killed by heart attack Human male
Am-Ris, Paran Cerea c. 3653 BBY Became interim Supreme Chancellor Cerean male
Antilles, Bail Alderaan and Alderaan sector c. 33/32 BBY Replaced by Bail Prestor Organa Human male
Anujo, Cellheim c. 19 BBY
Argente, Passel Murkhana and the Corporate Alliance c. 33 BBY–22 BBY Joined Separatists Koorivar male
Ashgad, Seti c. 20 BBY exiled by Palpatine Human male
Atanna, Gabrial Esseles c. 0 BBY Spied on Esseles' defense industry for the Alliance to Restore the Republic Male
Atell, Voe Joined Separatists Female
Awmeeth, Veedaaz Sarrish and Vensensor sector c. 19 BBY Unidentified Sarrish species male
Baab, Fema Bajic sector c. 19 BBY Human female
Bar Gane, Edcel Roona c. 33/32 BBY Roonan male
Bel Iblis, Garm Corellia and Corellian sector c. 22 BBY–0 BBY Death faked Human male
Bendon, Tendau Ithor and Ottega sector c. 33 BBY–19 BBY arrested by Palpatine Ithorian male
Bertar, Canny Mandary Mrlsst and Tapani sector c. 23 BBY–0 BBY Mrlssi female
Beruss, Doman Illodia and Illodia sector c. 19 BBY–0 BBY Human male
Bibbeck, Char Colunda Prime and Colunda sector c. 22 BBY Censured Human male
Binks, Jar Jar Representative of the Gungan people of Naboo; later Senator of Naboo c. 22 BBY–19 BBY (Rep.); c. 19 BBY–6 BBY (Sen.) Replaced by Pooja Naberrie Gungan male
Bluss, By Joined Separatists Male
Bonteri, Mina Onderon Joined Separatists and assassinated Human female
Braxis Pho Ph'eah and Kalamith sector c. 19 BBY Pho Ph'eahian male
Breemu, Bana Humbarine and Humbarine sector c. 19 BBY Arrested by Palpatine Human female
Bremack, Tyreca Agamar and Lahara sector c. 22 BBY Joined Separatists Human female
Bribbs, Beolars Sullust Joined Separatists Sullustan male
Bronk, Dewell Kedorzha c. 22 BBY Kedorzhan male
Brun, Rasit Rintonne and Lambda sector c. 22 BBY Human male
Burtoni, Halle Kamino c. 22 BBY Kaminoan female
Cadaman, Tanner Feenix c. 19 BBY Arrested amd supposedly executed by Palpatine Human male
Bu, Candabrine Lansono c. 22 BBY Human female
Callen, Vi c. 44 BBY male
Card, Nix Associate Planetary Representative of the InterGalactic Banking Clan Joined Separatists Muun male
Chelo Gerrard V c. 0 BBY Human male
Christo c. 22 BBY Quarren male
Chuchi, Riyo Pantora and the Sujimis sector c. 22 BBY Pantoran female
Clovis, Rush Scipio c. 22 BBY Joined Separatists and exposed as traitor Human male
Concorkill, Sweitt Sembla and the Sertar sector c. 19 BBY Arrested by Palpatine Vurk male
Contispex I c. 11,000 BBY elected as Supreme Chancellor Human male
Coorr, Ronet Iseno c. 22 BBY–20 BBY Retired in disgrace after taking bribes from the Separatists Human male
Creip, Neb c. 19 BBY Human male
Crote Frego c. 40 BBY Arrested for criminal connections Human male
Danu, Giddean Kuat and Kuat sector c. 19 BBY Arrested by Palpatine Human male
Darsana Glee Anselm c. 22 BBY Anselmi male
Deechi, Mee Umbara and the Ghost Nebula c. 22 BBY Stabbed and murdered by Lolo Purs Umbaran male
Dell, Harkon c. 19 BBY male
Derlin, Galen Tiisheraan c. 19 BBY Retired and assassinated by Palpatine's operatives Human male
Des'sein c. 19 BBY male
Dhori Tolas, Mina Korvaii 0 BBY Human female
Dio, Lexi Uyter and the Lantillian sector c. 22 BBY–20 BBY Assassinated, replaced by Malé-Dee Human female
Divinian, Bog Nuralee 26 BBY–22 BBY Human male
Dod, Lott Neimoidia and the Trade Federation c. 33 BBY Joined Separatists Neimoidian male
Ortell Donovan, James Mindabaal ?–0 BBY Supposedly survived Imperial bormbardment of homeworld caused by Palpatine's orders Human male
Donte, Silvu Riflor c. 32 BBY Joined Separatists Advosze male
Dowmeia, Tundra Dac and Calamari sector 22 BBY–19 BBY Arrested by Palpatine, replaced by Timi Rotramel Quarren male
Drake, Ivor Kestos Minor and Kwymar sector c. 19 BBY Arrested and supposedly executed by Palpatine Human female
Drexx, Bezz c. 22 BBY Exposed for corruption after receiving bribes from the Separatists male
Eddawan, Galim Tyan c. 77 BBY Human male
Eddicus, Anwis Elected as Supreme Chancellor
Eekway, Chi Wroona c. 19 BBY Arrested by Palpatine Pantoran female
Elsah'sai'Moro Devaron and Devaron Space c. 22 BBY Assassinated, replaced by Vien'sai'malloc Devaronian female
Estornii, Eeusu c. 19 BBY Zeuolin female
Farr, Onaconda Rodia c. 32 BBY–21 BBY Killed by poison from Lolo Purs, Farr had also previously joined the Separatists but re-joined the Republic Rodian male
F'ass, Dodra Clak'dor VII and Mayagil sector c. 22 BBY Joined Separatists Bith male
Fillorean elected as Supreme Chancellor
Fird Alsakan and Coruscant sector Human male
Fonti, Amita Joined Separatists Gossam female
Fontin, Kare c. 19 BBY–0 BBY Human male
Fordox, Com Corellia and Corellian sector c. 33 BBY Replaced by Garm Bel Iblis Human male
Gno c. 19 BBY–0 BBY male
Gopple Erigorm c. 22 BBY–19 BBY Human male
Goravvus, Haydel Taris and the Taris sector 3,966 BBY-3,964 BBY First senator of Taris; disappeared during the Siege of Taris humanoid male
Gracus, Bor Sluis Van and Sluis sector c. 33 BBY replaced by Corlissi Ludar Human male
Graw c. 3,963 BBY Male
Grebleips Brodo Asogi and the Perinn sector c. 33 BBY–19 BBY Arrested by Palpatine male
Greejatus, Janus Chommell Minor and Chommell sector 32 BBY–30 BBY replaced by Horace Vancil Human male
Greyshade, Jheramahd Vorzyd V and the Commonality c. 24 BBY Assassinated by Tsian, replaced by Simon Greyshade Human male
Greyshade, Simon Vorzyd V and the Commonality 24 BBY–0 ABY Human male
Gunray, Nute Neimoidia and the Trade Federation —44 BBY Replaced by Lott Dod Neimoidian male
Ha'Nook, Jannie Glithnos c. 20 BBY–19 BBY Human female
Harbright, Selnia Salliche c. 0 BBY Human female
Herbin c. 22 BBY male
Howler, Zo Gravlex Med and Raioballo sector 22 BBY–19 BBY Anx male
Hrul, Boganni Ord Thoden and Dynali sector c. 22 BBY Human male
Indriummsegh, Rennimdius B'thog Elom and the Sertar sector c. 22 BBY Elomin male
Iridik'k-stallu c. 19 BBY female
irm-Drocubac, Nemrileo Tanjay IV c. 22 BBY Assassinated Tanjayan male
Jubben c. 22 BBY Assassinated by Zam Wesell
Kaa, Chom Frey Representative of Ryloth and the Gaulus sector c. 32 BBY Arrested by Mace Windu Twi'lek male
Kalpana elected as Supreme Chancellor
Kee, Denaria Associate Planetary Representative of Murkhana and the Corporate Alliance c. 33 BBY–22 BBY Joined Separatists Koorivar female
Kharrus - 22 BBY Assassinated by Weequay pirates Gran male
Kim, Vidar Naboo and Chommell sector —52 BBY Assassinated supposedly by Palpatine, replaced by Palpatine Human male
Komain, Alet Daimar —19 BBY Human male
Krasul, Zorin Anaxes 3641 BBY Human male
Krystal Malastare and the Dustig sector c. 0 BBY Human male
Kuna, Fo Representative of Gravlex Med and the Raioballo sector 22 BBY–19 BBY Anx male
Kushi, Kerch Joined Separatists Male
Largetto c. 19 BBY male
Lawise, Bec Joined Separatists Siniteen male
Ledwellow, Danry Er'Kit and the Noonian sector c. 22 BBY Er'Kit male
Lenoan Risi Kuat and Kuat sector c. 22 BBY Removed from office and replaced by Giddean Danu Human female
Li, Eelen Triffis pre-32 BBY— Triffian
Limoth, Garlan Trans-Nebular sector c. 32 BBY–19 BBY Assassinated on the orders of Palpatine Human male
Looruya, Havriso Yir Tangee c. 22 BBY Human male
Ludar, Corlissi Sluis Van and Sluis sector c. 22 BBY Joined Separatists Sluissi male
Maas, Ilov Delphon c. 0 BBY Human male
Malé-Dee Uyter and the Lantillian sector 20 BBY–19 BBY Arrested by Palpatine Human male
Matrin, Quorl the Gordian Reach c. 0 BBY Human male
Maxim c. 33 BBY
Mcnamara Before 1 ABY Imperial-aligned male
Merrik, Tal Kalevala and the Mandalore sector c. 22 BBY Joined Separatists and was executed as a traitor Human male
Metonae, Tash Alderaan Contemporary with Supreme Chancellor Vaila Pecivas Human
Mezzileen, Signet Elected as Supreme Chancellor
Moe, Aks Malastare and the Dustig sector c. 33 BBY–22 BBY Assassinated, replaced by Ask Aak Gran male
Moje Associate Planetary Representative of Thustra Joined Separatists Sephi male
Morvis Chandrila and Bormea sector c. 3963 BBY On third term Human female
Mosbree, Arcel Brentaal and Bormea sector c. 22 BBY Retired Human male
Mothma, Mon Chandrila and Bormea sector c. 19 BBY–0 BBY Exposed as a member of the Rebel Alliance, replaced by Canna Omonda Human female
Mousul Ansion and the Churnis sector c. 22 BBY Joined Separatists Ansionian male
Naberrie, Pooja Naboo and Chommell sector c. 6 BBY–0 BBY Human female
Navi Thustra and the Sumitra sector c. 21 BBY Joined Separatists and arrested for attempting to kill Yoda Sephi male
Netus Elected as Minister of Defense male
Niopua, Ihu c. 21 BBY male
Not Rab, Mot c. 33/32 BBY Tarnab male
Nudo, Po Ando and Dufilvian sector c. 33 BBY–22 BBY Joined Separatists; replaced by an Aquala male Ualaq male
Olbeg, Han Pitann and Kathol sector c. 22 BBY near-Human male
Omonda, Canna Chandrila and Bormea sector 0 BBY Executed by Palpatine Human female
Oodora Manaan
Oraltor Ithor and Ottega sector Ithorian male
Oranda Agamar and the Lahara sector 3643 BBY Human female
Organa, Bail Alderaan and Alderaan sector c. 22 BBY–2 BBY Murdered when Alderaan blew up on the orders of Palpatine Human male
Organa, Leia Alderaan and Alderaan sector 2 BBY–0 BBY Arrested Human female
Ot'Hyne, Eeshrin Caamas c. 22 BBY Caamasi male
Paddie, Ister Sermeria and the Locris sector c. 22 BBY Human male
Page Corulag and Bormea sector c. 0 BBY Human male
Paige-Tarkin, Shayla Eriadu and Seswenna sector c. 22 BBY–19 BBY Human female
Palpatine Naboo and Chommell sector 52 BBY–32 BBY Elected as Supreme Chancellor, replaced by Janus Greejatus Human male
Pecivas, Vaila Elected as Supreme Chancellor
Philo c. 22 BBY Assassinated by Cad Bane Gran male
Plain, Mak Associate Planetary Representative of the InterGalactic Banking Clan Joined Separatists Muun male
Ransa, Bicon c. 44 BBY Human male
Ravein Alderaan and Alderaan sector Human male
Regrap, Mik Associate Planetary Representative of Neimoidia and the Trade Federation Joined Separatists Neimoidian male
Resbin, Jollin Sneeve and Kastolar sector c. 22 BBY Sneevel male
Rimbaud, Punn Joined Separatists Female
Ritsomas, Bufus Till Chorios and Meridian sector c. 22 BBY Joined Separatists male
Robb, Kin Taris and Ojoster sector c. 22 BBY Human female
Rodd Fondor and Tapani sector c. 23 BBY Joined Separatists, replaced by Canny Mandary Bertar Human male
Hurst Romodi —0 BBY sat in the Death Star conference room Human male
Rotramel, Timi Dac and Calamari sector c. 0 BBY Executed by Darth Vader for attempting to recruit Si-Di-Ri to the Rebel Alliance Mon Calamari male
Rotsino, Esu Abrion Major and Abrion sector c. 22 BBY Joined Separatists Human female
Ryyder, Horox Gravlex Med and Raioballo sector c. 71 BBY–22 BBY Retired, replaced by Zo Howler Anx male
Sadashassa, Shea Herdessa c. 19 BBY Arrested and supposedly executed by Palpatine Human female
Saam, Gume Tibrin c. 19 BBY Joined Separatists Ishi Tib
Sauro, Sano Eeropha c. 37 BBY–c. 19 BBY Human male
Scoritoles, Daggibus Yag'Dhul c. 22 BBY Joined Separatists Givin male
Sedran, Yudrish Chalacta c. 22 BBY Chalactan female
Se'Lab, Polo Bothawui and Bothan sector c. 32 BBY–0 BBY Bothan male
Sh'neel, R'shinnos Genassa and M'shinni sector c. 22 BBY M'shin
Shessaun, Silya Thesme and Thesme sector c. 19 BBY Human female
Sidras, Mael Assassinated Human male
Sirrom, Gem c. 19 BBY Human Female
Snopps, Zafiel Corulag and Bormea sector c. 33 BBY–after 19 BBY Replaced by Page Human male
S'orn, Uta Belasco c. 42 BBY Retired, Arrested Human female
Spince Corellia and Corellian sector Human male
Streamdrinker Tynna and the Tynna sector 19 BBY Arrested and supposedly executed by Palpatine Tynnan male
Taa, Orn Free Ryloth and the Gaulus sector c. 33 BBY–19 BBY Twi'lek male
Talon, Pel c. 19 BBY–c. 2 BBY Human male
Taloon, Rhya Agridorn c. 19 BBY Received death mark from Palpatine, joined the Erased Human female
Tambor, Wat Metalorn and the Techno Union c. 33 BBY–22 BBY Joined Separatists Skakoan male
Taneel, Terr Neelanon and Senex sector c. 19 BBY Arrested by Palpatine Human female
Tara, V'troren c. 19 BBY Twi'lek male
Tarkin, Ranulph Eriadu and Seswenna sector c. 44 BBY Killed, replaced by Shayla-Paige Tarkin Human male
Tarturi, Berm Andara c. 26 BBY Human male
Tashrikam Grizmallt c. 22 BBY Human
Teem, Ainlee Representative of Malastare and the Dustig sector c. 32 BBY–22 BBY Gran male
T'Egal, Pi c. 44 BBY male
Tal Teff Alzoc III 3643 BBY
Thorm, Hrekin Fedalle c. 0 BBY Human male
Tikkes Dac and the Calamari sector c. 33 BBY–22 BBY Joined Separatists, replaced by Meena Tills and Tundra Dowmeia Quarren male
Tills, Meena Dac and the Calamari sector 22-19 BBY Arrested by Palpatine, replaced by Timi Rotramel Mon Calamari female
Toora, Toonbuck Sy Myrth and the Phelleem sector c. 33 BBY–22 BBY Joined Separatists Sy Myrthian female
Toryn, Jasso c. 22 BBY Human male
Treen, Alastar Corulag and Bormea sector c. 22 BBY replaced by Zafiel Snopps Human male
Trell, Connus Representative of Ryloth and the Gaulus sector c. 32 BBY Killed by Jango Fett Twi'lek male
Tyrell, Bog Aleen c. 22 BBY Aleena female
Vagger, Gorothin Andosha II and the Andoan Free Colonies c. 22 BBY–19 BBY Ualaq male
Vancil, Horace Naboo and Chommell sector 30 BBY–24 BBY succeeded by Padmé Amidala Human male
Valorum, Eixes c.100 BBY Elected as Supreme Chancellor Human
Valorum, Finis Spira and Lytton sector 60 BBY–40 BBY Elected as Supreme Chancellor Human male
Valorum, Tarsus c.1000 BBY Elected as Supreme Chancellor Human male
Vibrion, Gebnerret Ghorman and Sern sector c. 19 BBY–0 BBY Human male
Vien'sai'Malloc Devaron and Devaron Space 22 BBY Joined Separatists and was executed for hiring Aurra Sing to murder Senator Elsah'sai'Moro Devaronian female
Viento c. 32 BBY–21 BBY Joined Separatists and assassinated Human male
Vordu, Alku Daroon c. 0 BBY Human male
Wallen, Jonus Darlon and Darlon sector c. 22 BBY Censured Human male
Wena Havid Kalarba c. 5 BBY Killed Human male
Wodrata, Rogwa Alliga and Phelleem sector c. 22 BBY Joined Separatists Holwuff male
Wojaine, Wuja Pydyr and the Mortex sector c. 22 BBY Joined Separatists Pydyrian
Wrede, Lanus Sermeria and the Locris sector c. 22 BBY Supposedly committed suicide, replaced by Ister Paddie Human male
Wren, Lavina Durada-Vashne Cularin 34-19 BBY Human female
Wuxod Derilyn and Elrood sector c. 0 BBY Human male
Yarua Kashyyyk and Mytaranor sector c. 33 BBY–19 BBY Wookiee male
Yeb, Solipo c. 19 BBY Human male
Yufwa Malastare c. 22 BBY Gran male
Unidentified Echani Senator Eshan Killed by Darth Revan Echani
Zar, Fang Sern Prime and Sern sector c. 22 BBY–19 BBY Arrested by Palpatine Human male
Zian, Grom Solu Five 3,641 BBY Arrested for treason Chagrian male
Zurros Falleen c. 21 BBY Joined Separatists Falleen male
Eero Iridian's father[2] c. 90 BBY[2] Male of a species[2]

Separatist Senators[]

"This is a democracy, and unlike the Republic, corporations do not rule us."
―Senator Kerch Kushi, to Senator Voe Atell[3]
Senator Planet Sector Term Notes Species and gender
Atell, Voe c. 21 BBY Alien female
Bluss, By c. 21 BBY Leyakian male
Bonteri, Lux Onderon c. 21 BBY Replaced his mother, later renounced the Separatists Human male
Bonteri, Mina Onderon c. 21 BBY Murdered ordered secretly by Dooku Human female
Fonti, Amita c. 21 BBY Gossam female
Kushi, Kerch c. 21 BBY Alien male
Lawise, Bec c. 21 BBY Became Separatist Congress Leader Siniteen male
Rimbaud, Punn c. 21 BBY Amphibious alien female

New Republic and Galactic Alliance Senators[]

Senator Planet Sector Term Notes Species and gender
Gial Ackbar Mon Calamari Calamari sector 4 ABY–c. 10 ABY Replaced by Q-Varx Mon Calamari male
A'Kla, Elegos Caamas -- 19 ABY25 ABY Murdered by Shedao Shai, replaced by Releqy A'Kla Caamasi male
A'Kla, Releqy Caamas -- 25 ABY–c. 35 ABY Caamasi female
Amamanam the B'das people -- c. 16 ABY B'das male
Amara -- -- Human male
Anglethorn, Darial Beheboth Sanbra sector 7 ABY–after 8 ABY Human female
Arastide Gantho -- c. 13 ABY Human male
Behn-kihl-nahm -- -- prior to 16 ABY Elected as Senate Chairman male
Bel Iblis, Garm Corellia Corellian sector 11 ABY–prior to 16 ABY Replaced by Chelch Dravvad Human male
Beruss, Doman Corellia Corellian sector 4 ABY–c. 10 ABY Replaced by Garm Bel Iblis Human female
Beruss, Doman Illodia Illodia sector c. 16 ABY Human male
Bogen, Ab'el Ralltiir Darpa sector c. 16 ABY Human male
Boma (Gungan) Naboo Chommell sector c. 13 ABY Gungan male
Boras, Fyg Vortex Glythe sector c. 26 ABY–c. 28 ABY Vor male
Bramsin, Fost Coruscant Coruscant sector c. 43 ABY Human male
B'thog Indriummsegh, Verrinnefra Elom Sertar sector 4 ABY–c. 10 ABY Replaced by Rattagagech Elomin male
Charr Corellia Corellian sector c.40 ABY Human male
Cilghal Dac Calamari sector c. 13 ABY–c. 24 ABY Replaced by Pwoe and Gron Marrab Mon Calamari female
C-Gosf Gosfambling Lifh sector c. 17 ABY Gosfambling male
ChoFï -- -- c. 6 ABY–c. 17 ABY male
Coome, R'yet[4] Exodeen[5] -- 17 ABY Exodeenian male
Cornin, Ala -- female
Cundertol, Molierre Bakura Shiritoku Spur c. 16 ABY17 ABY Human male
Deega, Nara Clak'dor VII Mayagil sector c. 16 ABY replaced by E'noro Bith male
Drankin -- -- c. 16 ABY Human male
Dravvad, Chelch Corellia Corellian sector c. 25 ABY–c. 27 ABY Replaced by Charr Human male
Drey'lye, Tiurgg Bothawui Bothan sector c. 43 ABY head of the Senate Unification Preparations Committee Bothan male
Dru, Dall Thara Raxxa -- c. 16 ABY Human female
Dx'ono, Ghic Isht Ishori Confederene c. 19 ABY Ishori male
E'noro Clak'dor VII Mayagil sector c. 26 ABY Bith female
Ekhat, Nav Murkhana Auril sector c. 40 ABY male
Falanthas, Mokka -- -- c. 13 ABY–c. 16 ABY Human
Feswin, Chau Elrood Elrood sector c. 28 ABY Human male
Fey'lya, Borsk Kothlis Bothan sector 4 ABY24 ABY Elected as President; replaced by Mak Sezala Bothan male
Frammel -- -- c. 16 ABY
G'Sil, G'vli Coruscant Coruscant sector c. 40 ABY Replaced by Bramsin Fost Human male
Gadan, Addath Vannix -- c. 8 ABY27 ABY Exposed as traitor Human female
Gahan, Gial Mon Calamari Calamari sector c. 130 ABY Executed by Darth Krayt Mon Calamari male
Gavrisom, Ponc the Calibop people -- prior to 19 ABY elected as President Calibop male
Gno -- -- c. 6 ABY–c. 17 ABY male
Harbright, Borert Salliche -- c. 25 ABY Human male
H'aas, Nab Clak'dor VII Mayagil sector c. 41 ABY Bith
Hodidiji -- -- c. 16 ABY male
Iman, J'mesk the Tamran people -- c. 24 ABY Tamran male
Kvarm Jia -- Tapani sector c. 27 ABY Human male
Kem, Rokari Qaras c. 44 ABY elected as President Jessar female
Kerrithrarr[5] Kashyyyk Mytaranor sector 4 ABY–c. 17 ABY Voted against former Imperials to serve in the Senate[5] Wookiee male[5]
Korden, Arani Naboo Chommell sector New Republic era[6] Human female
Kybacca[7] -- -- -- Voted against former Imperials to serve in the Senate[7] Wookiee female[7]
Lillald -- -- c. 16 ABY Human male
M'yet Luure[4] Exodeen[4] -- 17 ABY murdered; replaced by R'yet Coome[4] Exodeenian male
Marook, Cian Hrasskis -- 11 ABY–c. 17 ABY Hrasskis male
Marrab, Gron Dac Calamari sector c. 25 ABY–c. 29 ABY Mon Calamari male
Meido Adin -- 17 ABY male
Miatamia, Potolo Diamal -- c. 19 ABY Diamal male
Moolis, Umwaw Ithor Ottega sector c. 12 ABY Ithorian female
Mothma, Mon Councilor of Chandrila Bormea sector 4 ABY11 ABY elected as President Human female
Mulaxis, Muchardis Ovise III Moddell sector prior to 19 ABY Ayrou male
Navik Rodia Savareen sector c. 25 ABY–c. 29 ABY replaced by Moog Ulur Rodian male
Niuv, Niuk Sullust Brema sector c. 25 ABY–c. 29 ABY Sullustan male
Noimm, Cair Tok -- -- c. 16 ABY female
Nyxy Rudrig Tion Hegemony c. 17 ABY replaced by Thuv Shinev
Odaay, Luralon Limbala sector some time between 11 ABY and 18 ABY assassinated Turian male
Omas, Cal Alderaan Alderaan sector after 11 ABY27 ABY elected as President Human male
Ovin, Padnel Klatooine c. 44 ABY elected as President Klatooinian male
Peramis, Tig Walalla Seventh Security Zone 16 ABY censured Human male
Ph'Olla Clak'dor VII Mayagil sector c. 41 ABY Bith
Plif Arbra Bon'nyuw-Luq sector c. 6 ABY–c. 25 ABY Hoojib male
Praget, Krall Edatha -- c. 16 ABY Edathan male
Pwoe Dac Calamari sector c. 25 ABY28 ABY exposed as a traitor Quarren male
Pym, Drextar[8] Excarga[8] Herios sector -- Lead the panel responsible for prosecuting former Imperial officials and military leaders; attempt made on his life by a former member of the Storm commandos.[8] Human male[8]
Quedlifu -- -- c. 19 ABY
Quis, Cola Ryloth Gaulus sector c. 27 ABY–c. 29 ABY Twi'lek male
Q-Varx[9] Dac[9] Calamari sector[9] 13 ABY A New Republic Council member and a leader of the Rationalist Party on Dac; he accepted a bribe to arrange a meeting between Leia Organa Solo and Seti Ashgad.[9] He was replaced by Cilghal Mon Calamari male[9]
Ranth, Ta'laam Antar 4 -- c. 25 ABY–c. 35 ABY Gotal male
Rattagagech Elom Sertar sector c. 16 ABY Elomin male
Rockbender, Deggan Tatooine Arkanis sector c. 44 ABY Human male
Rodan, Fyor Commenor -- c. 25 ABY–c. 29 ABY Human male
Sezala, Mak Bothawui Bothan sector 24 ABY–c. 27 ABY replaced by Tiurrg Drey'lye Bothan male
Shesh, Viqi Kuat Kuat sector 19 ABY26 ABY exposed as a traitor Human female
Shibatthi -- -- c. 19 ABY
Shinev, Thuv -- Tion Hegemony c. 25 ABY–c. 29 ABY Human male
SoBilles, Jenssar Duro Duro sector 4 ABY–c. 10 ABY Duros male
Solo, Leia Organa Councilor of Alderaan Alderaan sector 4 ABY11 ABY elected as President; replaced by Hrekin Thorm Human female
Tevv, Sian Councilor of Sullust Brema sector 4 ABY–c. 10 ABY Signatory of the Declaration of a New Republic; replaced by Niuk Niuv Sullustan male
Treen, Haydnat Kuat Kuat sector c. 43 ABY Human female
Triebakk Kashyyyk Mytaranor sector c. 25 ABY35 ABY Member of the New Republic Advisory Council Wookiee male
Trubor Chad Jospro sector 24 ABY Killed while investigating the Diversity Alliance Chadra-Fan male
Tuomi Bosch -- c. 16 ABY Bosch male
Typia -- -- c. 13 ABY A member of the Daysong political faction
Ulur, Moog Rodia Savareen sector c. 35 ABY Rodian male
Verwood, Kaysil Iridonia Glythe sector 4 ABY Zabrak female
Wuul, Luewet Sullust c. 44 ABY Sullustan male
Wwebyls Yn -- c. 17 ABY Yn male
Wynl the Baragwin people -- c. 25 ABY Baragwin male
Yar, Tolik Oolidi -- c. 16 ABY–c. 25 ABY Member of the Council on Security and Intelligence Oolid male
Zalk't Thyferra Jaso sector c. 35 ABY Vratix
Zilar Praesitlyn Sluis sector c. 16 ABY Member of the Senate Defense Council Human male
Unidentified Exodeenian senator[5] Exodeen[5] -- 17 ABY[5] Killed during the Senate Hall bombing[5] Exodeenian male[5]
Unidentified Nyny senator[5] Nyny[5] Ash Worlds 17 ABY[5] Killed during the Senate Hall bombing[5] Nyny species male[5]

Bakuran Senators[]

Other Senators[]

Nom Anor and Tamaktis Breetha served in the Rhommamoolian Senate.

Notes and references[]
