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"The acquisition was a human named Jonmor Tinto. He'd been an accountant in a bank on Humbarine but was caught embezzling and sent to a Republic prison."
―Cradossk, Making a Killing[5]

Humbarine was a Core Worlds city-planet that was one of the founding members of the Galactic Republic, having been originally settled by Humans from the planet Kuat. During the Tionese War of 24,000 BBY23,900 BBY Humbarine was the site of a Galactic Republic shipyard. A bank was located on the planet decades prior to the Clone Wars, and the world was home to the military officer Barrow Oicunn and Republic Senator Bana Breemu of the Humbarine sector. During the Clone Wars, Humbarine was repeatedly attacked by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, with Oicunn's family perishing in the process. Ultimately, around 20.2 BBY the flagship of Confederate General Grievous subjected the planet to an orbital bombardment that depopulated it and melted its crust. Humbarine served the Galactic Empire as a fortress world decades later.


Humbarine was a city-planet[4] located in the Humbarine system,[1] a part of the Humbarine sector[2] in the Arrowhead, the Slice portion of the Core Worlds. It was situated on the Trellen Trade Route hyperlane, which connected it to the Trellen system as well as the Colonies' Commenor system.[1]


An ancient colony[]

Kuat TEA

Humbarine was settled by Humans from Kuat (pictured).

Humbarine was settled by Human colonization arks from the planet Kuat of the nearby Kuat system. In turn, Humbarine eventually established colony worlds of its own, leading to the formation of the region known as the Humbarine Rule. At some point, however, the Colonies planets Balmorra and Commenor declared their independence from Humbarine.[1]

Once hyperdrive technology was reverse-engineered in the Core Worlds, Humbarine was among the planets that sent traders and explorers out in uncharted space in search of potential new worlds to claim. Humbarine, by that time an emerging commerce hub, became one of the founding members of the Galactic Republic[1] upon that government's establishment in 25,053 BBY.[8]

Under the Republic[]

"Despite having served his sentence, [Jonmor Tinto] had an outstanding debt to a Humbarine industrialist who was not interested in reparations."
―Cradossk, Making a Killing[5]

During the conflicts between the Republic worlds Coruscant and Alsakan, Humbarine was allied with the former.

During the early stages of the Tionese War,[6] a century-long conflict[1] fought between the Republic and the Honorable Union of Desevro & Tion[6] beginning in 24,000 BBY,[1] Humbarine was the site of a Republic shipyard. After a Tionese invasion deep into the Core Worlds was repulsed, the starship manufacturing facility at Humbarine was among those that began the rapid construction of warships, which the Republic used to further drive back the Tionese. Humbarine also remained loyal to the Republic capital world Coruscant during the early Alsakan Conflicts, a series of wars that erupted around 17,018 BBY and pitted the planet Alsakan and its allies against those of Coruscant in a struggle for political control over the Republic.[6]

The Humbarine Housekeepers HoloBook was a cookbook[9] published at some point several millennia prior to 22 BBY.[10] Humbarine was among the Core worlds that remained inside[1] the greatly diminished[6] territory of the Republic during the final phase of the New Sith Wars leading up to 1000 BBY.[1] Several decades before the Clone Wars, Jonmor Tinto worked as an accountant at a Humbarine bank before he was imprisoned by the Republic for embezzlement. Although Tinto was eventually released from prison, he subsequently became the target of bounty hunters hired by a Humbarine industrialist, to whom Tinto was in debt. The hunter Cradossk ultimately captured Tinto on[5] the Hutt Space[1] moon Nar Shaddaa and claimed the bounty on him. Cradossk later went on to mention Humbarine in his account of the capture of Tinto in his autobiography, Making a Killing.[5]

Clone Wars[]

Senator Bana Breemu

Republic Senator Bana Breemu of the Humbarine sector hailed from Humbarine.

During the Clone Wars, Humbarine remained within Republic borders,[1] and, during the first campaigns of the conflict in 22 BBY, the Republic's Second Sector Army was tasked with engaging the military forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems in the planet's vicinity.[6] Barrow Oicunn, a junior officer with the Humbarine sector's defense forces,[11] and Bana Breemu, a senator who, during the Clone Wars, represented the sector in the Republic's Galactic Senate, both hailed from Humbarine.[12]

Eventually, some of the Humbarine sector's worlds joined the Confederacy,[13] while others were infiltrated,[12] conquered, or ravaged by the Confederate forces.[14] Humbarine itself, left by the inefficiencies of the Republic bureaucracy with insufficient resources for its own protection, came under repeated devastating attacks led by General Grievous, including a blitz that killed Oicunn's family and as a result weakened the officer's faith in the Republic.[11]

Death of a world[]

Grievous's flagship, the Providence-class carrier/destroyer Invisible Hand,[15] coordinated naval attacks on twenty-six Republic Loyalist worlds.[3] Around 20.2 BBY,[4] in an attack that horrified the inhabitants of the Core Worlds, on Grievous's orders,[1] the Invisible Hand subjected Humbarine to an hour-long orbital bombardment that depopulated the world and melted its crust.[3] Balmorra eventually became home to many Humbariner refugees.[7]

During downtime on Coruscant, where Oicunn had been transferred as part of Coruscant Home Fleet, the officer met Breemu, with whom he had a sad conversation about Humbarine's desperate state. The senator, however, declared Oicunn a hero of Humbarine, bolstering his spirit and reinforcing his faith in the galactic government.[11] After the formation of the Republic's successor, the Galactic Empire, in 19 BBY, Humbarine was located within its territory,[6] and between 4 ABY and 7 ABY, the planet served as an Imperial fortress world.[1]


Originally settled by Humans from Kuat,[1] Humbarine served as the capital of the Humbarine sector.[16] During the Clone Wars, the planet was depopulated.[3] Around 25 ABY, the population of the Humbarine system numbered between ten and one hundred million.[1]


During the Tionese War, Humbarine hosted a Galactic Republic shipyard.[6] Decades prior to the Clone Wars, the planet was the site of a bank.[5]

Behind the scenes[]

"Humbar is a back-formation from the planet Humbarine; I figured the planet was named after this family (maybe the original colonists?) but that was as much thought as I put into it."
―Nathan O'Keefe[17]

Humbarine was first mentioned in the reference book Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Incredible Cross-Sections, authored by Curtis Saxton[18] and published on April 2, 2005.[19] It was given its first visual depiction in[20] the October 25, 2005[21] reference book The New Essential Chronology by Daniel Wallace and Kevin J. Anderson,[20] and first appeared in the non-canonical 2009 mobile game Star Wars: Jedi Mind Tricks.[22] Published on August 18, 2009,[23] the reference book The Essential Atlas placed Humbarine in grid square M-10.[1]

"Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji," an article authored by Nathan O'Keefe and published as part of the StarWars.com Hyperspace feature on February 5, 2009, mentions a legendary political dynasty named Humbar.[24] In his endnotes for the article, O'Keefe mentioned that "Humbar" was back-formed from the name of Humbarine and that the family may have been the planet's namesake and possibly its first settlers.[17]


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Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 The Essential Atlas
  2. 2.0 2.1 StarWars Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion on StarWars.com (article) (backup link) — Based on corresponding data for Humbarine system
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, Vol. II, p. 110 ("Invisible Hand")
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, Vol. II, p. 110 ("Invisible Hand") states that the bombardment of Humbarine depopulated the city-planet and melted its crust. The New Essential Chronology dates the Battle of Duro, which—along with the bombardment of Humbarine—is established by The Essential Guide to Warfare to have been a part of Operation Durge's Lance, to 20.2 BBY.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 The Bounty Hunter Code: From the Files of Boba Fett
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 The Essential Guide to Warfare
  7. 7.0 7.1 StarWars Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, Part 12: Tales of the New Republic on StarWars.com (article) (backup link)
  8. Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia
  9. The New Essential Guide to Droids
  10. The New Essential Guide to Droids establishes that Humbarine Housekeepers HoloBook had been published several millennia prior to the release of COO cook droid model. That droid model appeared in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, the events of which The New Essential Chronology dates to 22 BBY.
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 Databank title Oicunn, Lieutenant in the Databank (content now obsolete; backup link)
  12. 12.0 12.1 Databank title Breemu, Bana in the Databank (content now obsolete; backup link)
  13. The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, Vol. II, p. 67 ("Humbarine sector")
  14. The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, Vol. I, p. 93 ("Breemu, Bana")
  15. Databank title Trade Federation cruiser in the Databank (content now obsolete; backup link)
  16. The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, Vol. II, p. 66 ("Humbarine")
  17. 17.0 17.1 StarWarsDotComBlogsLogoStacked "TTSP Endnotes: Volume 1" — Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, FanboyNathan O'Keefe's StarWars.com Blog (content now obsolete; backup link)
  18. Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Incredible Cross-Sections
  19. StarWars Planning Your Episode III Bookshelf on StarWars.com (content now obsolete; backup link)
  20. 20.0 20.1 The New Essential Chronology
  21. Cargo Bay New Essential Chronology in the StarWars.com Cargo Bay (content now obsolete; backup link)
  22. Star Wars: Jedi Mind Tricks
  23. StarWars Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion on StarWars.com (article) (backup link)
  24. HyperspaceIcon Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji on Hyperspace (article) (content removed from StarWars.com and unavailable)

External links[]
