


The Humbarine system was a part of the Core Worlds' Humbarine sector. It contained the city-planet Humbarine, one of the founding members of the Galactic Republic. Republic naval forces passed through the system on their way to fight the Mandalorian Crusaders in the Inner Rim as part of the Great Sith War.

Millennia later, during the Clone Wars, the Separatist flagship Invisible Hand carried out an orbital bombardment that depopulated Humbarine and melted its crust. The Humbarine system became a part of the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY and, more than four decades later, saw the forces of the New Republic pass through in order to combat the extra-galactic Yuuzhan Vong invaders elsewhere in the galaxy.


The Humbarine system was located in the Humbarine sector,[2] a part of the Arrowhead, the Slice portion of the Core Worlds. It was situated on the Trellen Trade Route hyperlane, which connected it to the Trellen system as well as the Colonies' Commenor system. The Humbarine system contained the city-planet of the same name.[1]


Ancient Republic system[]


Galactic Republic naval forces passed through the Humbarine system during the Great Sith War.

Humbarine was settled by Human colonization arks from the planet Kuat of the nearby Kuat system. In turn, Humbarine eventually established colony worlds of its own, leading to the formation of the region known as the Humbarine Rule[1] that would eventually also become known as the Humbarine sector.[4] Once hyperdrive technology was reverse-engineered in the Core Worlds, Humbarine was among the planets that sent traders and explorers out in uncharted space searching for potential new worlds to claim. Humbarine became one of the founding members of the Galactic Republic[1] upon that government's establishment in 25,053 BBY.[5]

Humbarine and its star system also remained loyal to the Republic capital world Coruscant during the early Alsakan Conflicts, a series of wars that erupted around 17,018 BBY and pitted the planet Alsakan and its allies against those of Coruscant in a struggle for political control over the Republic.[3] During the Great Sith War of 3996 BBY, Republic naval forces passed through the Humbarine system on their way to engage the Mandalorian Crusaders in the Inner Rim's Japrael system.[1]

The Humbarine system was among the Core systems that remained inside the[1] greatly diminished[3] territory of the Republic during the final phase of the New Sith Wars leading up to 1000 BBY.[1] Several decades before the Clone Wars, the Humbarine bank accountant Jonmor Tinto was imprisoned by the Republic for embezzlement. After Tinto was eventually released from prison, he and other ex-convicts established a settlement on the[6] Mid Rim[1] world Longwind.[6]

Clone Wars and onward[]

General Grievous NEC

General Grievous subjected Humbarine to a devastating orbital bombardment.

During the Clone Wars, the Humbarine system remained within Republic borders[1] and, during the first campaigns of the conflict in 22 BBY, the Republic's Second Sector Army was tasked with engaging the military forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems in the system's vicinity.[3] Despite that, Humbarine, left by the inefficiencies of the Republic bureaucracy with insufficient resources for its own protection, came under repeated devastating attacks led by Confederate General Grievous.[7] Shortly after the acquisition of the planet Ukio by the Commerce Guild during that conflict, a galactic map featuring the Humbarine system was displayed on a viewscreen at a facility run by Passel Argente, the Magistrate[8] of the Corporate Alliance.[9]

Ultimately, around 20.2 BBY,[10] Grievous's flagship, the Providence-class carrier/destroyer Invisible Hand,[11] subjected Humbarine to an hour-long orbital bombardment that depopulated the world and melted its crust.[12] The Humbarine sector's defense force junior officer Barrow Oicunn, who hailed from Humbarine, survived the event, as did[7] Humbarine's native[13] Republic Senator Bana Breemu of the Humbarine sector. Oicunn was eventually transferred to the Coruscant Home Fleet.[7] After the formation of the Republic's successor, the Galactic Empire, in 19 BBY, the Humbarine system was located within its territory.[3]

The population of the Humbarine system numbered between ten and one hundred million around 25 ABY. That year, the military forces of the New Republic passed through the system on their way to engage the extra-galactic Yuuzhan Vong invaders at the Colonies' Fondor system. They also did the same three years later when preparing for a confrontation with the Yuuzhan Vong in the Treskov system of the Deep Core.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The planet Humbarine, and therefore the star system it was in, was first placed on a map included in the 2005 reference book The New Essential Chronology by Daniel Wallace and Kevin J. Anderson.[14] It first appeared in the non-canonical 2009 mobile game Star Wars: Jedi Mind Tricks.[15]

Published on August 18, 2009,[16] the reference book The Essential Atlas by Wallace and Jason Fry identified the Humbarine system by name and placed it in grid square M-10.[1] The Clone Wars: Act on Instinct, a webcomic authored by Pablo Hidalgo and released on StarWars.com[8] over the span of the 2009[17]2010[18] second season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series,[17] featured the first canonical appearance of the system with respect to the Star Wars Legends continuity.[8]


Non-canon appearances[]


Notes and references[]

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