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This article is about General Grievous's flagship. For more uses of Hand, see Hand disambiguation.

"Master, General Grievous's ship is directly ahead. The one crawling with vulture droids."
Anakin Skywalker to Obi-Wan Kenobi — (audio) Listen (file info)[5]

The Invisible Hand was a modified Providence-class carrier/destroyer and one of General Grievous's flagships during the Clone Wars. The vessel was colored a light blue-gray, with subtle yellow bow stripes which distinguished it from other Providence-class vessels.

As the command ship of the Supreme Commander of the Droid Armies, it also served as the flagship for the Confederacy of Independent Systems. At the height of the Clone Wars in 19 BBY, it had become one of the most feared ships in the galaxy.[1] It also was the sister-ship of the Colicoid Swarm and the Lucid Voice.

Specifications and weapons[]

"Activate ray shields!"
―Grievous activates the ray shields in Hallway 328 — (audio) Listen (file info)[5]

The Invisible Hand was manufactured by Quarren exiles from the Mon Calamari world of Dac as part of the Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps along with Pammant Docks at an underground factory on Pammant.[1]

Boarding battle

The hangar of the Invisible Hand.

While lacking the Malevolence's sheer firepower and armor, the ship was covered with powerful weapon emplacements, including quad turbolaser turrets, dual laser cannons, ion cannons, point-defense ion cannons, proton torpedo tubes and flak cannons. Each shot from the point-defense ion cannons released as much heat as a 4.8 megaton bomb, while the maximum yield of one of the quad turbolasers was equivalent to a magnitude 10 groundquake.[1]

As Grievous's replacement flagship, the Invisible Hand was given several major modifications. The aft reactor bay assembly was rearranged to provide more hangar space, so that the Invisible Hand could better serve as a carrier and invasion craft.

The ship's dorsal fin mounted communication and sensor pod was refitted into spacious quarters, which were eventually taken over by Count Dooku. From there, Dooku broadcast manipulative propaganda for the Separatist cause. It was known as the Wizard's Tower, and contained the General's quarters.[1]


"Another happy landing."
Obi-Wan Kenobi — (audio) Listen (file info)[5]

The beginning of the Invisible Hand's descent.

As the Trade Federation became increasingly hostile, they bolstered their fleet with combat starships to further their Sith-influenced goals. Viceroy Nute Gunray chose the Invisible Hand as his flagship. When the Trade Federation joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems, they diverted their heavy Providence-class starships to the Confederate Navy, including the Invisible Hand.

Since control of the Separatist forces was handed to Grievous, after he "lost" the Malevolence, Gunray reluctantly surrendered the Invisible Hand to the cyborg general to use as a replacement flagship at the behest of Darth Sidious. Gunray's reluctance was assuaged by permission to allow Lushros Dofine to be the captain of the ship, and he assigned Neimoidian navigators and controllers to the bridge crew.[6]

The Invisible Hand saw action at many engagements including at Belderone, Humbarine, Duro, and the final Separatist strike on Coruscant. As part of Operation Durge's Lance, Grievous oversaw numerous atrocities from the bridge of the ship, such as the deployment of the Brainrot Plague in the Weemell sector. As the new flagship of the infamous General Grievous, slaughterer of billions, its name was so feared that Republic agents made a concerted effort to track the ship, but Grievous frequently swapped to a pair of "decoys", Lucid Voice and Colicoid Swarm, for Mid Rim patrols to confuse the enemy and further terrorize unsuspecting Republic worlds.[1]

Grievous escape pod

Grievous abandons his flagship.

It was aboard the Invisible Hand that Palpatine was held captive and Count Dooku lost his life to Anakin Skywalker during the Battle of Coruscant. The Battle of Coruscant would be the Invisible Hand's last battle, however.

Due to the suddenness of the attack, as well as heavy signal jamming, not all Republic forces were aware of the Chancellor's presence aboard the Invisible Hand and continued firing on it.[6] A barrage of turbolaser fire from the Venator-class Star Destroyer Guarlara took the Invisible Hand down. Due to Captain Dofine's quick thinking: reversed stabilizers, magnetized fields; and General Grievous's last resort measure—the emergency booster engines—the ship was righted again, but not for long.

During a skirmish on the bridge with Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi the main viewport was shattered by Grievous in order to make his escape, sucking most of the crew into space. Dofine and what remained of the crew ran off the bridge, allowing the Invisible Hand to finally succumb to Coruscant's gravity, splitting in two as it fell out of orbit.


The Invisible Hand splits in two.

Against all odds, Skywalker landed what was left of the ship in an abandoned industrial zone, knocking over a radar tower in the process. Though Skywalker, Kenobi, and Palpatine survived, the ship was reduced to a wreck.[5]

The Invisible Hand cantina on Coruscant was later named after it and had on display hull fragments were claimed to be from the Invisible Hand and had dropped on Coruscant following its destruction.[7]

Behind the scenes[]

The modified communication and sensor pod used by Dooku is referred to as the "Wizard's Tower" in the Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Incredible Cross-Sections.

Early concept sketches described the cruiser as being from the Banking Clan world of Mygeeto, thus producing a number of art pieces with prominent crystalline structures.[8]

In 2007, a model of the ship was incorporated into the Topps/WizKids game, Star Wars PocketModel TCG. The ship was also made into a die cast model in the Hasbro Titanium series of miniature vehicles.

In the novelization, every single member of the bridge crew is killed, while the movie clearly shows some members fleeing to the escape pods shortly before Grievous and the members escape.



Early concept art; later reused for the Malevolence

Non-canon appearances[]


Notes and references[]
