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"What does ideology matter at this point? Is it worth being beaten to death? Look at what they did to you."
―Christo, to Onaconda Farr[1]

Christo was a Quarren who served as a senator of the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. Loyal to the constituents who had appointed him to the Senate, Christo placed their needs before those of all others during his career, even the clone troopers who had been bred to fight for the Grand Army of the Republic. In 21 BBY, when Senator Halle Burtoni proposed a drastic increase in clone trooper production, Christo initially considered voting for the bill, especially after several opponents to the measure were pressured into supporting it by bounty hunters. However, he rethought his position following an impassioned Senatorial address from Senator Padmé Amidala.


Senator of the Republic[]

"The people I care about are my constituents, the ones who put me in office."
"And when was the last time you ever spoke to your people?"
"Probably the same time you did. [To Padmé Amidala] Or you, Senator."
―Christo and Onaconda Farr[1]

Senator Halle Burtoni introduced a bill to expand the Republic's clone army.

Christo was a Quarren who lived during the final decades of the Galactic Republic's regime.[1] He[2] was elected to the Republic Senate, and he remained loyal to the people who had chosen him as their Senatorial representative. While on the planet Coruscant to attend sessions at the Senate Building, Christo lived in an apartment in a residential block on the galactic capital, one that provided an expansive view of the skyline of Galactic City.[1]

During the Clone Wars, Christo supported the Republic's production of clone troopers for the Grand Army of the Republic's campaign against the Confederacy of Independent Systems.[1] In 21 BBY, the war's second year,[3] Senator Halle Burtoni of the planet Kamino, representing the Kaminoan cloners who manufactured the Republic's clone troopers,[4] introduced an emergency appropriations bill to order five million additional clones for the war effort. Christo considered giving the bill his support, especially after some senators who were opposed to the measure were set upon by bounty hunters, who pressured them into endorsing it.[1]


"But what about the millions who are dying in this war?"
"Who, the clones? We created them for just that purpose."
―Farr and Christo[1]

Christo receives a visit from Senators Amidala and Farr at his apartment.

Christo's undecided position on the bill earned him a visit from Senators Padmé Amidala and Onaconda Farr, two of the bill's main opponents, who desperately sought support for their side in the Senate. Christo dismissed Amidala and Farr's claims that the troop increase for the Grand Army would mean greater death tolls on the war front, believing part of the clones' purpose was to die. However, when Amidala mentioned that Senator Bail Organa, who was also against the bill, would soon be speaking before the full Senate, Christo reconsidered his position, though only promised that he would listen to what Organa had to say.[1]

Before the vote on Burtoni's bill, Organa was severely injured by bounty hunters and the scheduled address from the bill's opposition was delivered by Amidala instead,[1] who garnered support in the Senate[5] by arguing that the longer the war went on, the more it would consume funds for the Republic citizenry's basic services. She supplemented her case[1] with a moving account[6] of how the war had affected the life of an everyday citizen—one of her handmaidens, Teckla Minnau. Christo joined in the thunderous applause that followed Amidala's speech,[1] which resulted in many senators joining the opposition to the bill.[5] Despite the efforts of Amidala's coalition, however,[1] the bill was eventually passed.[7]

Personality and traits[]

"Senator Organa? Hmm. I'll listen to what he has to say."
"So you are open to voting with us?"
"I said I'll listen to what he has to say."
―Christo and Padmé Amidala[1]

Christo applauds Senator Amidala's speech before the Senate.

Christo was a pink-skinned Quarren with blue eyes. As a senator of the Republic, he was devoted to his constituents and placed their needs and views before all others during his career. He did not regard the Republic's clone troopers with much importance, believing that dying for the Republic was their purpose. When Halle Burtoni's introduced a bill to expand the clone army, he was fearful enough of being attacked for opposing the bill that he did not agree to oppose it when asked by Senators Padmé Amidala and Onaconda Farr,[1] remaining uncertain how he would vote and unswayed by the senators.[2]

Like many others in the Senate, Christo held Bail Organa in high esteem, as the Alderaanian senator was regarded as a voice of reason amidst the often indecisively argumentative Senate. After discovering that Organa was preparing to speak before the Senate on behalf of the opposition to Burtoni's bill, Christo's respect for him caused him to reconsider his endorsement of the measure, as did Amidala's address to the Senate.[1]


When he was visited by Senators Amidala and Farr and later in the Senate, Christo wore a purple and yellow shirt, gray pants, and black boots. He also wore a magenta jacket with dark green stripes and gold cuffs, with a necklace that had a gold string and a large teardrop-shaped blue ornament. Christo's Coruscant apartment was decorated with an aquarium, potted plants, and various works of art, including a sculpture.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Senator Christo was developed for the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series and appeared in the episode "Pursuit of Peace," which aired on December 3, 2010, as part of the series' third season. He was voiced by actor Jason Spisak.[6]


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Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Pursuit of Peace"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 StarWars Pursuit of Peace Episode Gallery on StarWars.com (backup link) (Slide 10)
  3. The Official Star Wars Fact File Part 7 (KAT1–2, King Katuunko)
  4. StarWars Halle Burtoni in the Encyclopedia (content now obsolete; backup link)
  5. 5.0 5.1 Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic 6.20
  6. 6.0 6.1 StarWars The Clone Wars Episode Guide: Pursuit of Peace on StarWars.com (content now obsolete; backup link)
  7. TwitterLogo Leland Chee (@HolocronKeeper) on Twitter: "For those left wondering, we learned in Season 2 Senate Murders that the military spending increase passed anyway." (content now obsolete; screenshot)
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