


"Nasty, horrible place!"
―B-333, on the Korvix Vorn[1]

The Korvix Vorn was a prison ship of the Nihil marauders during the High Republic Era. Run by the former enforcer known as "The Warden," the starship was active within the Nihil's Occlusion Zone territory behind the Stormwall, but made occasional delivery runs outside Nihil space. A number of Jedi, including Torban Buck and Farzala Tarabal, were imprisoned on the Korvix Vorn after the destruction of the Starlight Beacon space station, but hid their identities. The Warden wished for the young Nihil scientist Niv Drendow Apruk to use his Nameless creatures to identify Jedi among his prisoners, and Apruk eventually chose to head for the Korvix Vorn with fellow Nihil Driggit Parse, hoping to use its space to hatch more Nameless.

The smuggler Argomon and the droid B-333, members of the droid 5A-G3's spy network, brought information from the Korvix Vorn outside the Occlusion Zone while making deliveries to the ship in a black market hauler. 5A-G3 informed the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic, who gathered a strike team under Admiral Pevel Kronara of the Republic Defense Coalition to launch a raid on the prison ship. At the same time, the Warden and Apruk prepared to release the Nameless on the prisoners in the shielded yard atop the vessel, but Tarabal and his allies revealed themselves as Jedi, fighting back against the Nihil. After Jedi forces boarded the Korvix Vorn, the Warden ordered the shield to be lowered, exposing the prisoners to space.


"Just dirty, unkempt. Ugly. Poorly maintained. And the undue moisture! I have ne—what?!"

The Korvix Vorn[2] was a prison ship that had a boxy, rectangular design, with a central tower at its front that curved up and over the vessel.[1] The flat upper surface of the Korvix Vorn served as the yard, where prisoners would gather before a raised platform. A loading dock was located in an area that jutted out of the central tower, situated just below a laboratory. Other areas of the Korvix Vorn included a control room and level 3.[2] A red glow emanated from the windows of the vessel. According to the droid B-333, the Korvix Vorn was an unkempt and poorly maintained ship that possessed undue moisture.[1]

The prison ship was equipped with multiple engines at its rear, as well as a hyperdrive. Several batteries of laser cannons, which were also equipped with hull blister bombs, lined its bilge and the raised area. The Korvix Vorn possessed a shield generator situated at the top of the central tower that also powered a large shield to protect the yard from space.[2]


Prison ship of the Nihil[]

"They'll have the space I need to hatch another Grendrek. And their black market runners might be able to smuggle at least some Mycopram to me."
"Perfect. We'll make that our next destination."
―Niv Drendow Apruk and Driggit Parse[3]

During the High Republic Era, the Korvix Vorn prison ship was operated by the Nihil marauder organization and ran by "The Warden," a disgraced Nihil enforcer.[2] The vessel was active within the Occlusion Zone, the territory of the Nihil behind the Stormwall barrier[1] that was established in 230 BBY.[4] The prison ship occasionally exited the Occlusion Zone in different areas to make supply runs,[1] and several black market runners were associated with the vessel.[3] A number of individuals who had survived the destruction of the Starlight Beacon space station[2] earlier in that same year,[4] including the Jedi Master Torban Buck, Jedi Knight Farzala Tarabal, Jedi Padawan Bindal Sep, and Jedi Order ally Ishnar Ti-Kharatal, were imprisoned aboard the Korvix Vorn by the Nihil.[2] Another prisoner was a mysterious masked woman.[5] The Warden suspected that his prisoners included Jedi, who he intended to identify and execute, although the Jedi survivors of Starlight Beacon managed to conceal their nature for the year following the destruction of Starlight Beacon. The Warden's threats to kill one prisoner for each day that any escapees were gone, however, kept the Jedi in line.[2]


Niv Drendow Apruk operated on the Korvix Vorn, hatching Nameless.

In the same year, the Warden wished for the young Nihil scientist Niv Drendow Apruk to determine which of the Korvix Vorn's prisoners were Jedi with his Nameless creatures. After Apruk had fled the planet Valo aboard a shuttle piloted by fellow Nihil Driggit Parse, he decided to head for the Korvix Vorn penal ship. Apruk hoped that he would be able to use the space aboard the vessel to hatch another Nameless following the demise of his previous, Grendrek, and that their black market runners could smuggle Mycopram to aid with the hatching process. Parse, who secretly hoped to gain Apruk's trust to later turn against the Nihil, decided that she would join him, making the penal ship their destination before entering hyperspace.[3] Aboard the Korvix Vorn, Apruk eventually obtained multiple new Nameless,[2] including Deblindrix III.[1]

Escape plots and espionage[]

"We need someone out there in the O.Z. to plant a tracker on that prison ship!"
―Zeen Mrala[1]

Outside of the Occlusion Zone, the Korvix Vorn was watched by the spy network of the droid 5A-G3,[2] who worked alongside members of the Jedi Order and their associates, including Jedi Master Kantam Sy and the Force-sensitive Zeen Mrala. A black market hauler crewed by[1] the smuggler[2] Argomon and the droid B-333, who worked as spies for 5A-G3, often made deliveries for the Nihil to the Korvix Vorn, obtaining intelligence from Tarabal, B-333's source within the ship.[1]


Argomon and B-333 infiltrated the Korvix Vorn under the guise of delivering a shipment to Apruk.

After receiving information from B-333 that the Korvix Vorn would soon be exiting the Stormwall for a supply run, Sy and Mrala intended to plant a tracker on the vessel in order to know where it would emerge. To do so, they tasked Argomon and B-333 to cross into the Occlusion Zone and enter the Korvix Vorn. As Argomon delivered a shipment of Mycopram to Apruk, B-333 sneaked away and met Tarabal, who declared the beginning of a plot to break free from the ship.[1] Argomon returned to the Republic and Jedi base on Eriadu, where a strike team gathered under the Republic Defense Coalition's Admiral Pevel Kronara. The Republic's technicians developed a rough model of the Korvix Vorn based on the information passed along by 5A-G3's spies.[2]

Prison break[]

"I thought a scientist of your caliber would understand. Those prisoners out there are our insurance policy."
"Just get us out of here! We can make it across the Stormwall and—"
"Why would I do that…when I have the Jedi exactly where I want them?"
―The Warden and Apruk[2]

As the Korvix Vorn exited the Occlusion Zone and the Jedi and Republic strike team prepared to launch a raid on the vessel, the Warden gathered the prisoners in the yard to test the Nameless, despite Apruk and Parse's concerns of being too exposed. The Warden declared that he finally had a method to determine which of the prisoners were Jedi, upon which Tarabal, telling his allies to wait for his signal, caused a scene, leading to the Warden ordering that he be brought up as a volunteer. Apruk released his Nameless, noting its effect on Tarabal, but Ti-Kharatal drew the Nihil's attention by declaring that she was a Jedi. Tarabal and his other allies followed suit, leading to a skirmish against the Nihil.[2]

At the same time, the Republic and Jedi strike team—consisting of several Pacifier-class cruisers, Z-28 Skywings, Jedi Vectors, and a transport intended to deliver a boarding party to rescue the prisoners—exited hyperspace and began their attack on the Korvix Vorn. The Warden ordered that the yard be sealed; he rejected Apruk's protests that they could escape back across the Stormwall, believing the Jedi were exactly where he wished them to be. As the Warden had hoped, Kronara ordered his fighters to hold off on their plan to target the shield generator in order to avoid endangering the prisoners in the yard. As the blister bombs were causing significant damage to the Republic vessels despite the Jedi pilots' attempts to handle them, Kronara ordered his forces to pull back and regroup out of range.[2]

However, Mrala and Lula Talisola, piloting the transport, did not wish to fall back. Argomon, who was aboard the transport along with 5A-G3, suggested using their access to enter the loading dock. While Master Tani Briwill and the others kept the Korvix Vorn's cannons distracted, Mrala landed the transport in the prison ship, followed by Jedi Knight Qort and Padawan Ady Sun'Zee in a Vector. The assembled boarding party dispatched the Nihil resistance, fighting their way towards the yard. When the Warden was informed of the breach, he ordered the control room to momentarily drop the shields, exposing the Jedi and the other prisoners in the yard to space.[2]

Commanders and crew[]

"This obnoxious Nihil prison warden on the Korvix Vorn penal ship has been nagging me to come find out which of his prisoners is Jedi."
―Niv Drendow Apruk[3]

The Korvix Vorn was operated by the disgraced Nihil enforcer known as the Warden[2] and was crewed by a number of droids. The scientist Niv Drendow Apruk worked aboard the vessel,[1] as did Driggit Parse, who acted as his associate. A number of Nihil also served as guards on the Korvix Vorn. Prisoners on the Korvix Vorn wore identical white hooded jumpsuits.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

"And a Nihil prison ship is floating around somewhere with some kinds of secrets on board. But that's all I'm going to say about that."
―Daniel José Older[6]

The Korvix Vorn[2] was first mentioned, albeit indirectly, in an interview with Daniel José Older and Alyssa Wong, authors of the novel The High Republic: Escape from Valo in Phase III of the Star Wars: The High Republic publishing initiative, which was published on StarWars.com on January 23, 2024.[6] The ship was later mentioned and identified in Escape from Valo,[3] released on January 30 of that year.[6] The Korvix Vorn first appeared in the third issue of the 2023 Dark Horse Comics Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures comic series, written by Older, illustrated by Harvey Tolibao and Nick Brokenshire,[1] and published on February 14, 2024.[7] The Korvix Vorn was designed by Older, who promised fans he did not base the design on an overhead projector despite the resemblance.[8]



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