

This article is about the Incom Corporation starfighter. You may be looking for the Ubrikkian Industries S-K2 Skywing personal speeder.
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"Scramble the Skywings."
―Captain Amaryl Pel[4]

The Z-28 Skywing was a model of starfighter utilized by the Galactic Republic during the High Republic Era. Produced by Incom Corporation, the fighters had an arrowhead shape. The Republic possessed direct control of a number of Skywings, while further squadrons of Skywings were owned by the member worlds of the Republic Defense Coalition.

For years, Skywings were deployed in the conflict with the Nihil marauders. During the Battle of Kur of 232 BBY, Republic Skywings fought alongside the Jedi Order against the forces of Nihil Tempest Runner Kassav Milliko, with a number of the fighters being destroyed. Later in the conflict, the fighters saw action in the Bright Jewel system, the planet Dol'har Hyde, in which they assisted in the capture of Nihil member Krix Kamerat, during a mission to board a freighter, the planet Ballum, where they engaged Hutt Clan forces and their enforcer, Lourna Dee, the Ribento system, where they engaged the forces of Nihil member Melis Shryke, and during a mission to rescue prisoners aboard the Korvix Vorn prison ship.


The Z-28 Skywing was an arrowhead-shaped starfighter model manufactured by Incom Corporation.[1] It featured two sublight engines on its stern and between them was a canopy enclosing a cockpit[5] for a single pilot.[3] For weaponry, the Skywing possessed two frontal laser cannons on its underside.[2]


Battle of Kur[]

During the High Republic Era, Z-28 Skywings were operated by the Galactic Republic and were also owned by member worlds of the Republic Defense Coalition (RDC).[1] In 232 BBY,[6] multiple Skywings and Longbeam cruisers complemented Republic Admiral Pevel Kronara's Emissary-class Republic Cruiser Third Horizon during the Battle of Kur. They fought against the Nihil marauders' Tempest Runner Kassav Milliko and his Tempest as part of a conflict with them. The RDC member worlds also contributed multiple Skywing and Longbeam squadrons of their own to support five Pacifier-class sector patrol cruisers. In the battle, two Skywings pursued a Nihil freighter before the latter released from its bay doors a gray sludge that coated the fighters, causing them to explode in a chain reaction that destroyed multiple Republic ships.[1]


Several Skywings participated in the Battle of Kur (conflict pictured).

The Nihil corvette New Elite, Milliko's flagship, later fired its weapons at a nearby group of Skywings, while another Nihil vessel also released reactor by-products from its engines that poisoned the pilots of the vessels the substances came into contact with. As a result, several Skywings were downed alongside a number of Republic vessels.[1] In another encounter, two Skywings and a Longbeam tailed a Nihil ship at high speed and as such were unable to evade the gray-brown sludge released by it. The liquid was ignited by the Republic ships' engines, engulfing them in flames.[3]

By the time the Jedi Order had joined the battle, the New Elite had already shot down a number of Skywings. The fighters continued to engage Nihil forces as the battle progressed. When Eye of the Nihil Marchion Ro activated the Path engines of the Nihil ships, they began to appear in and out of hyperspace, putting themselves in the paths of Republic and Jedi vessels and crashing into them, Skywings included. By the end of the battle, which ended in a Jedi-Republic victory and the death of Milliko, several Skywings had been destroyed, with their pilots' bodies floating in space.[1] Kronara later reviewed the battle via a hologram projection with construction workers Joss and Pikka Adren aboard the Starlight Beacon space station, watching as the Republic ships, Skywings among them, combatted Nihil vessels, as well as the Longbeam and two Skywings that were affected by the gray-brown sludge.[3]

That same year,[7] following the battle, a pair of Skywings was stationed aboard Starlight Beacon when Jedi Padawan Keeve Trennis and her Jedi Master, Sskeer, landed there in a Jedi Vector to meet with Master Avar Kriss, the station's marshal.[8]

Nihil conflict, 232–230 BBY[]

"Everyone, in formation!"
―A Skywing pilot, prior to a battle in the Bright Jewel system[5]

Skywings and Vectors engage Nihil vessels in the Bright Jewel system.

In 232 BBY,[6] Skywings were stationed at the Republic Outpost above[5] the planet[9] Ord Mantell. When reports arrived of Nihil activity in the Bright Jewel system, several Skywings and Jedi Vectors took off from the outpost to engage them. Although losses were endured on both sides, the Jedi and the Republic emerged victorious. Jedi Master Yoda ordered the remaining ships to set course for Ord Mantell's junk moon, Quantxi, and alert Starlight Beacon for reinforcements, as they had received a distress signal from a communications tower on the moon.[5] At Quantxi, the Jedi battled with the Nihil forces on the ground and defeated them.[10]

In 230 BBY,[6] Skywings were part of a Jedi-led task force intending to capture Nihil member Krix Kamerat at his base on the jungle planet Dol'har Hyde. As the Jedi and Republic battled the Nihil, Kamerat was successfully captured and taken into Jedi custody.[11] That year,[6] multiple Skywings accompanied Jedi Master Emerick Caphtor and Detective Sian Holt. They attacked a Nihil convoy, and multiple Skywings were shot down while Caphtor and Holt boarded a freighter.[2]

Nihil conflict, 229 BBY–228 BBY[]

"Firebird Squadron to your fighters!"
―Commander Velko Jahen orders Firebird Squadron to man Skywings[12]

Firebird Squadron (member in background Skywing) utilized Skywings during a conflict at Ballum to assist the Jedi.

In 229 BBY,[13] Skywings were kept aboard the Longbeam cruiser Gios. Ordered by Commander Velko Jahen, the pilots of the Republic's Firebird Squadron manned and flew them during a conflict with the Nihil at the planet Ballum, supported by the Vectors of Jedi Terec, Ceret, and Ai-Dan Yelooc. In the battle, Firebird Three, who was flying beside Ceret's Vector, and multiple pilots in the squadron were shot down by the Jedi starship Ataraxia, which had been hijacked by the Hutt Clan enforcer Lourna Dee and renamed the Lourna Dee.[12] After an alliance between with the Hutt Clan and Jedi was secured, Skywings engaged the Lourna Dee together with Hutt skiff fighters to help to recover the ship and prevent its escape, with at least one more Skywing being shot down in the process. Trennis ultimately secured the vessel and took Dee prisoner. The Republic and Jedi received orders to return to[14] the Republic's capital planet,[15] Coruscant, but Trennis decided to take the ship into[14] the Nihil territory of space[4] known as the Occlusion Zone against those orders.[14]


Skywings participated in the raid on the Korvix Vorn.

That year,[16] eight Skywings were stationed aboard the bay of the Pacifier-class sector patrol cruiser Tractate. The Tractate arrived in the Ribento system to witness the Nihil bombard the planet Ribento. With the Republic and Jedi intending to capture the Nihil member leading the bombardment, Melis Shryke, Captain Amaryl Pel then ordered the deployment of the Skywings, which exited the ship and split off into two squadrons. During the battle, one Nihil fighter and another ship fired upon the Tractate. Four Skywings tailed the fighter, caught it in a tight pincer move, and destroyed it with cannon fire, while the rest circled around the patrol cruiser and chased down the other ship. As the battle progressed further, four new Nihil fighters engaged the Skywings around two larger Nihil ships. The battle ended when the ship leading the Nihil forces, the Cacophony, with Shryke aboard, fled when reinforcements from the RDC arrived.[4]

In 228 BBY,[17] multiple Skywings formed part of an RDC-Jedi strike team deployed from[18] the planet[19] Eriadu that raided the prison ship Korvix Vorn. With the rescue of the prisoners aboard serving as the mission's goal, Vectors would draw the ship's fire while the Skywings and the Vector of Jedi Master Fleur Ridleg targeted the shield generator, then the engines, followed by the ship's inventory of blister bombs. However, during the mission, Admiral Kronara, who commanded the RDC forces, ordered all fighters to cease firing upon the shield generator due to the prisoners being present on the Korvix Vorn's Yard in close proximity to the generator. The Jedi then successfully boarded the vessel and made their way to the Yard.[18] The Longbeam cruiser intended to transport the prisoners was damaged in the battle, forcing the Jedi and Republic to use their own fighters to retrieve them. After the strike team was successful in the effort and the Korvix Vorn was destroyed, all forces returned to Eriadu.[20]

Behind the scenes[]

Z-28 Skywings were created for the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project. They first appeared in Charles Soule's novel Light of the Jedi,[1] published on January 5, 2021[21] as part of the project's Phase I.[22] They received a visual depiction in the first issue of the The High Republic comic-book series. The issue was written by Cavan Scott, illustrated by Ario Anindito, and published by Marvel Comics[8] the day after the novel's release.[23]

The fourth issue of the 2021 comic-book series Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures, written by Daniel José Older and illustrated by Harvey Tolibao, features a design for the Skywing[5] that originated as a fan-made design. When this was pointed out by the creator of the design, Tolibao responded that he did not have any reference when designing the ship for the comic. He created original designs for work-in-progress artwork and found the fan design via[24] the Google Search search engine.[25] Tolibao apologized to the original creator and stated that he was unaware the design he found was in fact fan-made.[26]



Notes and references[]

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  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 The High Republic: Light of the Jedi
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 The High Republic: Trail of Shadows 4
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 SWInsider "Starlight: Go Together" — Star Wars Insider 199200
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 The High Republic: The Eye of Darkness
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 The High Republic Adventures (2021) 4
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Star Wars: Timelines
  7. Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of The High Republic (2021) 1, which include Sskeer and Keeve Trennis' arrival at Starlight Beacon, to 232 BBY.
  8. 8.0 8.1 The High Republic (2021) 1
  9. StarWars-DatabankII Ord Mantell in the Databank (backup link)
  10. The High Republic Adventures (2021) 5
  11. The High Republic Adventures (2021) 12
  12. 12.0 12.1 The High Republic (2023) 1
  13. The events of The High Republic (2023) 1 take place one year after the destruction of Starlight Beacon, which Star Wars: Timelines dates to 230 BBY.
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 The High Republic (2023) 3
  15. StarWars-DatabankII Coruscant in the Databank (backup link)
  16. The High Republic: The Eye of Darkness takes place a year after the destruction of Starlight Beacon, which Star Wars: Timelines dates to 230 BBY.
  17. Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia dates Starlight Beacon's fall and the Guardian Protocols' implementation to 230 BBY and 229 BBY, respectively, while Shadows of Starlight 1 establishes that the Guardian Protocols' implementation happened one week after the space station's destruction. The events of The High Republic Adventures (2023) 4 take place one year and two weeks after Starlight Beacon's fall, equating to 228 BBY.
  18. 18.0 18.1 The High Republic Adventures (2023) 4
  19. StarWars-DatabankII Grand Moff Tarkin in the Databank (backup link)
  20. The High Republic Adventures (2023) 5
  21. PenguinRandomHouse Star Wars: Light of the Jedi (The High Republic) on Penguin Random House's official website (backup link)
  22. StarWars Star Wars: The High Republic Chronological Reader's Guide on StarWars.com (article) (backup link)
  23. StarWars The Makers of Star Wars: The High Republic: Cavan Scott and Daniel José Older on Marvel's and IDW's Comics on StarWars.com (backup link)
  24. TwitterLogo harvey tolibao (@harveytolibao) on Twitter (May 7, 2021): "...hello corellian. oh my god. this is my mistake, this is my fault. i think when z-28 was mentioned i never have any reference when working with it, this are my ship design but it was specify to used a z-28 ship and i think i only got one photo the sideview. so i did google it.." (backup link) (In response to: "Whelp it seems my design for the Z-28 Skywing is canon now! Not sure if an accidental decision or not (most of my stuff comes up when you google the Z-28) but seeing something I made in an official star wars comic is surreal to say the least!")
  25. In-depth guide to how Google Search works on developers.google.com: "Google Search is a fully-automated search engine…" (archived from the original on April 5, 2024)
  26. TwitterLogo harvey tolibao (@harveytolibao) on Twitter (May 7, 2021): "..im very very sorry. i always do my designs. i apologized, i never got the knowledge and enough research that it was a fanart. im really really sorry about it." (backup link)