


Velko Jahen was a Soikan female who served as an aide to the Galactic Republic head of the Starlight Beacon space station during the High Republic Era. After arriving on the station, Velko had to deal with her new job and experiencing the Jedi of the Jedi Order for the first time.[1]

At some point after the Slaughter on Daivak, Jahen approached Estala Maru while he was conversing with Jedi Knight Keeve Trennis and reported an ongoing Nihil attack in the Rseik sector. Maru thanked her for the information and gave the mission to Trennis.[5]

By 229 BBY,[6] Commander Jahen was assigned to the Longbeam cruiser Gios, serving under the command of Jedi Master Keeve Trennis. She informed Trennis to report to the Gios's flight deck as they were receiving an incoming transmission from Coruscant.[4]

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Behind the scenes[]

"Throughout a lot of this storytelling, as you can probably gather, we're dealing with the Jedi, but this is our way of seeing what it's like to be the people who are working alongside the Jedi. And so we see a new character called Velko who arrives in the station."
―Cavan Scott[7]

Velko Jahen[1] was created for the Star Wars: The High Republic publishing initiative, primarily appearing in short stories within the Star Wars Insider "Starlight" series written by Cavan Scott and Justina Ireland. She was first mentioned, albeit only by her forename, in the initiative's launch event on January 4, 2021,[7] and subsequently first appeared in the first part of the short story "Starlight: First Duty," written by Scott and published in Star Wars Insider 201[1] on March 30.[8] Jahen was later pictured in the second part of "First Duty" in Star Wars Insider 202[1] on April 27.[9] On August 31, 2021,[10] Jahen appeared as a voiced character in the audio drama The High Republic: Tempest Runner, though the voice actor was uncredited.[11]

Despite the High Republic initiative's large focus on the Jedi, the Insider short stories center on the regular denizens aboard the Starlight Beacon. To that end, Jahen was introduced to show the reader the point of view of a character on the station who had not previously experienced the Jedi.[7]



Notes and references[]

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