


Cheriville was a human woman who was part of the Nihil marauders with their husband, the Nihil commander Vark Tarpalin, during the High Republic Era. The wife watched historical holodramas and told Tarpalin about them, including one that included information about the Scarlet Skull Cult child assassins. By that time, the commander kept a framed painting of Cheriville hung in his city hall office on the Outer Rim planet Valo. In the artwork, the woman held a Gedonian ground weevil and donned Nihil body armor.[1]

In 229 BBY,[2] when Tarpalin's Dark Fair event on Valo was attacked by Jedi Padawan Ram Jomaram, who was operating under the code name "the Scarlet Skull," he was reminded of his wife's holodramas. Later, the aspiring pirate Zyle Keem and the Jedi youngling Gavi broke into Tarpalin's office and noticed the paintings of the man and Cheriville, with the former thinking the woman had fashionable hair.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Cheriville appeared in a painting in Escape from Valo, a 2024 junior novel written by Daniel José Older and Alyssa Wong as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's[1] Phase III.[3] On Twitter, Older confirmed that the woman in Vark Tarpalin's office painting was Cheriville.[4]


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Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 The High Republic: Escape from Valo
  2. The events of The High Republic: Escape from Valo take place one year after the destruction of Starlight Beacon, which equates to 229 BBY per Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia.
  3. StarWars Star Wars: The High Republic Chronological Reader's Guide on StarWars.com (article) (backup link)
  4. TwitterLogo Daniel José Older (@djolder) on Twitter (January 31, 2024): "yes" (screenshot) (In response to: "In Vark Tarpalin's office there's two paintings hanging over the desk, Tarpalin himself and a human woman wearing Nihil gear and holding a weevil. Is the woman intended to be his wife Cheriville mentioned earlier in the novel?")