Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

This list includes sole survivors of accidents and incidents that involved individuals of a colony, outpost, starship, or starbase.

Federation starships[]

Charlie's transport[]

Charles Evans was the lone survivor of a transport that made a crash landing on Thasus. (TOS: "Charlie X")

SS Puget Sound[]

As a child, La'an Noonien-Singh lived aboard the colony ship SS Puget Sound, which was attacked by the Gorn. The population of the colony ship was captured and placed on a Gorn planetary nursery, where the entire population of the ship except La'an were subsequently either eaten alive or had their bodies slit open and used as breeding sacks. During that time, her brother Manu would sacrifice himself so she could live.

La'an, the only survivor, was then sent into space on a "raft" as part of a ritual. She was eventually rescued by the crew of the USS Martin Luther King Jr., including Ensign Una Chin-Riley. (SNW: "Strange New Worlds", "Memento Mori")

SS Columbia[]

In 2236, the SS Columbia crash landed on the planet Talos IV, with crewmember Vina the only survivor. Eighteen years later, the USS Enterprise detected what appeared to be a distress signal from the Columbia, coming from Talos IV. Beaming down, the crew discovered a group of survivors, but it was soon revealed that they were elaborate illusions created by the Talosians, for the purpose of kidnapping Captain Pike. (TOS: "The Cage", "The Menagerie, Part I")


USS Buran[]

On or around 2256. Gabriel Lorca from a parallel universe took over the original captain's identity and reported that, knowing his crew would be tortured and executed on Qo'noS, he had elected to destroy his ship and crew. He claimed he was the only survivor, and that (during the battle) he sustained an injury that left lasting photosensitivity in his eyes. How much of this is true is uncertain, especially in light of the fact that Humans from that universe were innately more photosensitive. (DIS: "Choose Your Pain", "What's Past Is Prologue")

USS Stardiver[]

In 2259, Lieutenant junior grade, Montgomery Scott was stationed aboard the USS Stardiver when the Stardiver was attacked by the Gorn in the Shangdi system. As the sole survivor, he escaped by constructing a transponder using parts from the Stardiver's Hubble K7C Stellar Assessment Array, which fooled the Gorn vessels into seeing his shuttle as one of their own. (SNW: "Hegemony")

USS Cayuga[]

In 2259, Christine Chapel applied to study under Roger Korby in late 2259. Her application was accepted, and she subsequently left the USS Enterprise, briefly traveling aboard the USS Cayuga. With most of the crew tasked with assisting the colony on Parnassus Beta, including improvements to its agriculture and providing necessary vaccines for the population. However, Capel remained onboard the Cayuga when the ship was destroyed by the Gorn at Parnassus Beta. Chapel managed to be the sole on-board survivor of the ship's destruction. (SNW: "Subspace Rhapsody", "Hegemony")

USS Constellation[]

In 2267, Matt Decker was on a routine survey mission near system L-374 when the ship encountered an alien planet killer systematically destroying the planets of the system. During the encounter, Decker's ship became hopelessly damaged, rendering all power plants dead. Decker remained on board to confront the machine, beaming his entire crew to what he believed was safety on L-374 III, the third planet of the L-374 system. When the alien machine destroyed that planet, and further damaged the Constellation, Decker was the only survivor. (TOS: "The Doomsday Machine")

USS Grissom (NCC-638)[]

In 2285, the USS Grissom transported Lieutenant Saavik and David Marcus to the Genesis Planet in order to conduct scientific studies on the newly formed world. While in orbit, however, they discovered the photon torpedo in which Captain Spock's body had been ejected from the USS Enterprise. In addition, sensors registered an animal lifeform on the surface, something previously thought to be impossible. Electing to investigate further, Saavik and David beamed down to the planet's surface while the Grissom monitored their progress.

While Saavik and David were on the surface, however, the Grissom came under attack by a Klingon Bird-of-Prey commanded by Kruge, a Klingon commander intent on exploiting the Genesis technology as a weapon. Although it was Kruge's intention to simply disable the Grissom so that he might take prisoners, the ship was completely destroyed, in what his gunner described as "a lucky shot."

While on the surface of Genesis, group of Klingons arrived and demanded the Genesis Device. David was killed by a d'k tahg knife leaving Saavik the sole survivor of the Grissom crew before being rescued. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)

USS Jenolan[]

In 2294, the transport USS Jenolan was carrying passengers to the Norpin colony when the ship experienced an overload to one of its plasma transfer conduits. When the captain brought the ship out of warp, it hit the gravimetric interference caused by the gravitational field of a previously uncharted Dyson sphere.

The survivors, Ensign Matt Franklin and passenger Captain Montgomery Scott, were unable to devise a means of escaping the sphere. To maximize the probability of surviving until rescue, they placed themselves in suspended animation through an ingenious modification of the transporter pattern buffer by locking it in a continuous level 4 diagnostic, and feeding it power from auxiliary systems.

The Jenolan's distress call was not received until seventy-five years later, when the USS Enterprise-D dropped out of warp to investigate the call and discovered the sphere crash site, along with a very low power signature from the Jenolan. An away team boarded the Jenolan and discovered that life support was still barely functioning and the transporter was still online. By this time, only Scott's transporter pattern was still intact and only he was rematerialized; Franklin's pattern had degraded by 53 percent, effectively killing him. (TNG: "Relics")

USS Olympia[]

Captain Lisa Cusak was initially the sole survivor of the Olympia's crash landing until her death some time later. She was able to communicate with the crew of Deep Space 9, who were years ahead of her, by means of a temporal anomaly. By the time the Olympias wreckage was located, she was already dead. (DS9: "The Sound of Her Voice")

USS Valiant[]

In 2374, after the USS Valiant attacked a Jem'Hadar battleship, the bridge crew were eventually all killed except Dorian Collins. Nog convinced her to abandon ship with himself and Jake Sisko. She was the only Red Squad member to survive the destruction of the Valiant. (DS9: "Valiant")

Mirror universe[]

ISS Charon[]

Emperor Philippa Georgiou was transported by Michael Burnham unexpectedly to USS Discovery before her flagship, the ISS Charon was destroyed, leaving her as the sole survivor of the Charon. (DIS: "What's Past Is Prologue")


Anna's Terellian cargo freighter[]

A woman named Anna was the sole survivor when a Terellian cargo freighter crashed on Iyar. For seven years, she was alone until a Human male crashed there and was injured. She cared for him until they could leave together. (TNG: "Liaisons")
