Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Gravimetric interference was a phenomenon associated with gravitational anomalies.

The Kerkhovian transport tunnel was surrounded by a distortion field that produced gravimetric interference, which impaired subspace communication. (SNW: "Charades")

The Dyson sphere discovered by the USS Enterprise-D in 2369 generated a great deal of gravimetric interference due to its mass, which Lieutenant Commander Data theorized to be the reason why the Enterprise's sensors failed to detect it before the ship dropped out of warp. The same was experienced by the USS Jenolan seventy-five years earlier. (TNG: "Relics")

Navigating through a globular cluster could be complicated by gravimetric interference. When the Enterprise-D was studying the Amargosa Diaspora later that year, Commander William T. Riker assisted Ensign Sariel Rager in compensating for the interference. (TNG: "Schisms")

A graviton ellipse produced intense gravimetric interference. In 2376, Commander Tuvok devised a way to modify USS Voyager's tractor beam to partially penetrate the interference, so as to retrieve the Delta Flyer from its interior. (VOY: "One Small Step")

Also in 2376, Lieutenant Reginald Barclay, while working on the Pathfinder Project, brainstormed a way to compensate for gravimetric interference with holographic duplicates of the Voyager crew. (VOY: "Pathfinder")
