Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
For the Iotian tax system, please see percentage.

Percent was a mathematical term, expressing the number of something as a fraction of one hundred.

Starships counted the strength of their force fields, life support system, hull plating, and weapons in percent during an attack. (ENT: "Regeneration")

Milk was classified by its percentage of fat. Two percent milk was available from Enterprise NX-01's drink dispenser. (ENT: "Terra Prime")


When the Borg assimilated the transport Arctic One in 2153, they'd increased its mass by 3 percent when Enterprise NX-01 first met them. (ENT: "Regeneration")

In 2267, Earth probe Nomad attacked the USS Enterprise, which caused the deflector shields to absorb energy equivalent to ninety of the ship's photon torpedoes. The energy used for the shields to repulse the attack reduced shielding power twenty percent. According to Spock, they could resist three more such attacks, while a fourth would shatter their shields completely. Nomad later made alterations to the ship, which increased engine efficiency fifty seven percent. However, this threatened to destroy the ship as Its structure not stand the stress of that much power. (TOS: "The Changeling")

In 2366, an attack on the USS Enterprise-D by a D'deridex-class Romulan warbird resulted in a seventy percent loss to deflector shields. (TNG: "Tin Man")

In 2372, the Ferengi imposed an unfair 6 percent tariff on woolen goods they traded with the Karemma, claiming that the tax was added to help offset the "lost income of Tarkalean sheep herders." (DS9: "Starship Down")

In 2374, the blood pressure of Jadzia Dax dropped by 20 percent. (DS9: "Change of Heart")

Slug-o-Cola contained 43 percent live algae in every bottle. (DS9: "Profit and Lace")

The same year, Seven of Nine was given a list of dietary requirements by The Doctor; "two hundred fifty grams glycoproteins consisting of 53 percent polypeptides and 26 percent fibrous glycogen". (VOY: "The Raven")

In 2374, the female population on Ferenginar made up 53.5 percent. (DS9: "Profit and Lace")

Over 70 percent of the organisms on Earth are bacteria. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident")

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