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"Fine. I'll try to remember you when I'm boldly going and you're not!"
– Casey, after the rest of the Redshirts ditch him to focus on their duties, 2381 ("The Spy Humongous")

Ensign Casey was a Human male command division Starfleet officer who lived during the late 24th century. He served aboard the USS Cerritos during the 2380s.



In 2380, he was at the conn while the ship was in orbit of Galardon when Brad Boimler was called up to the captain's ready room to speak with Captain Freeman. After the rage virus had been neutralized aboard the ship, he was again at the conn as the ship continued on to its next destination. (LD: "Second Contact")

He was at the conn when Captain Freeman was talking with a Klingon captain and the ship became inundated with Beckett Mariner's disruptive musical performance. Over a week later, after the Temporal Edict had been implemented, he was at the conn when he had trouble entering his security code while the ship was in orbit of Gelrak V. Unable to unlock it, he apologized to the impatient Captain Freeman, explaining that "there's something wrong with the console", before she shoved him back and told him she'd do it herself. (LD: "Temporal Edict")

He was again at the conn during the mission to tow the alien ancient generation ship, where he reacted to Commander Jack Ransom's comment about cleaning the holodeck biofilter. (LD: "Moist Vessel")

He was on the bridge during the Cerritos' confrontation with the Drookmani ship over the salvage of the freighter NCC-502. (LD: "Terminal Provocations")

He was once again at the conn when the Cerritos' temporary captain, Amina Ramsey came aboard. (LD: "Much Ado About Boimler")

He was at the conn position the bridge when Q appeared there. (LD: "Veritas")

He was on the bridge when the Cerritos received a partial distress call from the USS Solvang in the Kalla system, which he reported to Captain Freeman. When the Cerritos arrived at Kalla and was attacked by a Pakled Clumpship, Freeman ordered him to send another distress call, to which Casey replied that the Pakleds were jamming them. Casey's console exploded when the ship's port nacelle was torn off, knocking him unconscious. Later, he was present at Shaxs' funeral service following the battle with the Pakleds. (LD: "No Small Parts")


In 2381, was at the conn during the Cerritos' second contact mission to Apergos, when Commander Ransom was affected by strange energy. When Ransom began to threaten the ship, Casey reported to Captain Freeman that there was "a giant head approaching the ship". (LD: "Strange Energies")

He was again at the conn when the Cerritis rendezvoused with Siggi at Kerner Hauze's ship. (LD: "Kayshon, His Eyes Open")

He was in the ship's cafeteria ordering from the replicator when Ensigns Rutherford and Mariner discussed the mysterious return of Shaxs from the dead. (LD: "We'll Always Have Tom Paris")

He was on the bridge when the Cerritos fell victim to a scam that appeared as if they had accidentally destroyed the Ladyjane. (LD: "Mugato, Gumato")

Casey was the head of the Redshirts club, and invited Boimler to join the club when they had an opening. With Boimler's service aboard the USS Titan, Castro was interested in learning about William T. Riker, and offered Boimler the chance of becoming an acting captain on the bridge in exchange for information. He and the other Redshirts began to teach Boimler everything they knew about being a Captain, but it became apparent to Boimler very quickly that their experience was limited to copying the personas of other Starfleet captains. Casey also angered Boimler when he belittled Boimler's friends, saying that they didn't work in Starfleet, rather than worked for Starfleet.

Casey ended up kicking Boimler from the club when Boimler took initiative to save Ensign D'Vana Tendi, who had been transformed into a scorpion-like creature. Boimler deliberately made himself look foolish by slathering himself with messy food, which made Tendi laugh. Casey said that the act made him look like a fool, and that he didn't belong in the club. Boimler was not bothered by this, saying his club was wasting their time, and that rather than copying other captains, they should be their own. While Casey was undeterred by this, Boimler's words and actions were enough to cause the other members of the Redshirts to leave, intent on focusing more on their duties. In response, Casey nominated himself to Ransom to be acting captain and was given it dismissively by Commander Ransom, who immediately instead focused his attention on commending Boimler on his leadership dealing with the crisis with Tendi. His time, however, was incredibly brief, as when he was given the conn, Shaxs arrived with a new duty shift, and demanded Casey to get out of the chair, before having him go clean out Airlock 17, as their recent Pakled visitor in Rumdar had mistaken it for a bathroom, and "did something unspeakable in there." (LD: "The Spy Humongous")

He later participated in the training drills presented by Shari yn Yem. (LD: "I, Excretus")

Later that year, he was leaning against the bar when Captain Carol Freeman ordered to the to report to their supervisors to assist in removing the Cerritos' hull plating. Later, after the Cerritos rescued the USS Archimedes and made first contact with the Lapeerians, Casey joined the rest of the crew in celebrating Captain Freeman Day in the mess hall. (LD: "First First Contact")

Casey was at the conn when the Cerritos traveled from Ornara to Brekka during Project Swing By. He glared at Mariner after she entered the bridge informing the crew to "look alive people!", while on her way to the ready room, unaware of the trouble she was in making the ship look bad. As Casey and the others glared, Mariner commented on them being "a tough crowd", and that it must be true that "the camera does add ten frowns." After Mariner entered the ready room, she commented to Freeman and Ransom on how she wasn't usually concerned with the crew's morale, but the energy of Casey and the others was "dark". (LD: "Trusted Sources")

Later, he sat in the bar with Barnes celebrating the California-class' combined defeat of the rogue Texas-class USS Aledo. (LD: "The Stars At Night")

He was on during at the conn when the Cerritos arrived in the Portelo system. (LD: "Twovix")

Holograms []

Casey (hologram)

Casey's holographic duplicate

A simulated version of Casey appeared in two holoprograms run by Commander Jack Ransom: Command Trainer 43 and Command Trainer 4.

In the first advanced simulation he reported to "Captain" Sam Rutherford that the ship was "being drawn into a temporal rift."

In the second basic simulation, he reported to Rutherford that the ship was "directly in the path of a small asteroid," and inquired "should we move to avoid?" When Rutherford ordered the Janeway Protocol, he questioned the order, and moments later they were struck by the asteroid in question. (LD: "Envoys")



Background information[]

Casey's holographic duplicate in "Envoys" was voiced by Tom Kenny, while the real Casey was voiced by Neil Casey in his subsequent appearances.

His name was initially revealed in the closed captioning for "Strange Energies". He was later identified by name on-screen in "The Spy Humongous".
