Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

"I'm a good spy!"
– Rumdar, 2381 ("The Spy Humongous")

Rumdar was a male Pakled rebel who lived during the late 24th century.

In 2381, Rumdar was being held as a prisoner by the Pakled government. As part of a ruse concocted by the rebels, Rumdar escaped his confinement on Pakled Planet, and requested asylum aboard the orbiting USS Cerritos as a refugee.

Rumdar, who was actually a rebel spy, took an interest in learning more about the ship's systems, but his approach was less than subtle. Almost immediately, he revealed his desire to acquire classified information, and almost overtly attempted to photograph sections of the ship, which ultimately resulted in him taking a picture of his own foot, and temporarily blinding himself with the camera flash. Lieutenant Kayshon and Commander Jack Ransom quickly recognized him as a spy, and Ransom reported the situation to Captain Carol Freeman, who, realizing how inept a spy Rumdar was from Ransom's description, ordered them to keep him talking.

Ransom and Kayshon subsequently pretended to be none the wiser, leading him on a tour of the ship in order to distract him and make him think his undercover operation was going well. After Rumdar toured the ship's gift shop, where he got a t-shirt and baseball cap, he eluded his hosts and eventually ejected himself out of an airlock.

Rumdar in space

Rumdar in space

Following his recovery, Rumdar explained how he tried using the airlock – which he thought was a bathroom – and was "shot out of a little hatch" when he "pressed the flush button". He followed his story with a request for the ship's access codes. Ransom laughed sarcastically, then ordered Rumdar to be returned to Pakled Planet.

Rumdar's return was met by the Pakleds' new leader, who informed Freeman of their deception, and their unintended desire for peace. Rumdar reported that "the Enterprise [had] the biggest bathrooms ever", and that Captain Freeman was not Captain Janeway, despite Freeman having already established her identity upon her arrival. He further bragged how he hadn't given up his secrets, and that he was "a good spy." However, Freeman tricked him into revealing the rebels' plan of smuggling a Varuvian bomb onto Earth. Freeman and Lieutenant Shaxs beamed out immediately after the revelation, causing the Pakled leader to believe that Rumdar had "beat[en] Captain Janeway".

As the Cerritos left orbit shortly afterward, Shaxs ordered Ensign Casey to clean airlock seventeen, as Rumdar had done "something unspeakable" inside. (LD: "The Spy Humongous")

Pakled group

Rumdar among implicated Pakleds (2nd row, 2nd from the right)

An image of Rumdar, along with other members of the Pakleds' plot to frame Captain Freeman, later appeared in the summary of the events that led to Freeman's exoneration. (LD: "Grounded")



Background information[]

Rumdar was voiced by Rich Fulcher.
