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Make banner larger in height so it covers the whole homepage, just like the desktop version. Thanks!
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Hello we are looking to build a membership website where a person would buy a monthly membership and based on their membership plan, they get access t...
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I'm stuck! Time is running short on converting our Additional Scripts at checkout to Shopify Customer Events / Pixels. TL:DR; How do I convert Additi...
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Take a look at the website of Represent (, they have this very unique header for their website. I want to implement this ...
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Hi, I’d like to remove the PayPal button under the checkout button in my cart page. I was able to remove it on desktop but it still shows on mobile. I...
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When updating our featured reviews, I noticed that for the body text for the review, it fills up the space starting from the bottom and going up rathe...
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A shopify merchant growth reached out through email wanting me to start using shop pay installments. I declined several times, but somehow the option ...
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hjælpe til at rette en fejl i opsætning af mine beskrivelser 1 class tweed virker som den skal men alliance fine virker ikke som den skal også kan jeg...
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Hello, i want to change my font for all buttons. It is way too light right now. I am using the dawn theme with ‘din next bold’ as header font. I want ...
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Hello Everyone, I am trying to deploy my webapp using Heroku. I am following this Shopify documentation here
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Hi everyone, I'm looking to streamline our reporting process for tracking sales by discount. Is there a way to automate this using an Adverity API or ...
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Is there a Shopify App that provides transparency for Affiliates to see their assigned coupon code's performance?Is there a shopify function or free a...
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I'm hoping someone can help me change the layout on my Collection page.It currently looks like thisWhat I would like to be able to do is change it to ...
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Hi,I'm using the template "Image with text" from Dawn templateHow can I make that the image is not cut off and the logo can be completely visible in ...
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Hi there, I'm trying to align the check out button with the other express checkout buttons on mobile (screenshot below):What's the best way to do this...
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I need to remove the "mark unpaid" option from the check out screen (iPad configuration) because we have associates hitting it accidentally. Associate...
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When using Shopify Store Credit it is giving me a message that I am exceeding my store's credit limit. If it's my store, and Shopify treats store cred...
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I would like to know if and how do I enter a transit time in my shipping options? I would like to manually enter my delivery time and Shopify says tha...
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Hi All, I have set my store for manual payment acceptance, this is a great feature if you want to cancel fraud purchases, then the merchant does not i...
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Hello, How can I change the base font size only for the blog articles in the Symmetry theme?example post:
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