Walking Dead Wiki

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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
ClementineByeBye Fred50909 has left the Walking Dead Wiki!
We thank you for your contributions to the Walking Dead Wiki!
TWDS2E07 11 This user is a fan of Shane Walsh.
"You're pretty much dead already."
Daryl.S4.1 This user thinks Daryl Dixon Is Overrated .
What Is SO special in him? JUST TELL ME! .
NGB Get Out Of The Way This user is a fan of Kenny.

"Close your eyes and I'll make it quick"

ATL Beef With David This user is a fan of Clementine.
"I'm still. NOT. BITTEN. I never was. And you left me out here to die."
NGB Good Old Lee This user is a fan of Lee Everett.

"We have to keep hope alive. It's the one thing none of this can take away."
