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Walking Dead Wiki

My mom founded this place before the world changed. Then the CRM came in and offered us supplies to help us live. Making those hazard signs, keeping people from finding their research place, that's a part of the deal.
Asha about the Perimeter[src]

The Perimeter is a location that appears in AMC's The Walking Dead: World Beyond. A thriving artist colony turned safe haven after the outbreak, the community is led by Indira and located a few miles away from the Civic Republic Research Facility.


Prior to the outbreak, the Perimeter was an abandoned farm town that would eventually be purchased by an artist named Indira with the intentions of transforming it into a commune for other artists. As years went by, the community acquired a number of residents who greatly contributed to the unique architecture of the town's buildings and their off-the-grid lifestyle continued to flourish until the collapse of civilization in 2010.


After the outbreak began, Indira assumed leadership of the town and established a council with a few of her trusted colleagues. The town's residents were able to fortify their home, as well as recruit a number of new survivors in order to further expand their settlement and create a safe haven amid the undead world.

Around two years after the outbreak, the Perimeter encountered the Civic Republic Military, a brute and antagonizing force with questionable motives. In order to protect her community, Indira agreed to a deal with Lt. Col Elizabeth Kublek in which her soldiers were not permitted to enter their territory in exchange for the Perimeter's commitment to clear walkers and ward away any oncoming survivors from their research facility. Since then, the two groups have peacefully coexisted, with the Perimeter being deemed "neutral" amongst the CRM.

Eight years after the outbreak, Indira and her people were commissioned to create a globe sculpture for the research facility. While doing so, Indira informed Elizabeth of her declining health, where she was sympathetically offered dialysis treatment for her kidney problems. Indira kept this exchange a secret from her people in fear of being scrutinized for her "selfishness", and performed her treatments in secrecy with the help of her children for the next two years.

Season 1[]

"In This Life"[]

As Felix and Iris are walking in the woods, they come across a group. Then one of their group members approaches the pair and it is revealed to be Will. Will is overjoyed to see the two as he thought that they had died during the Campus Colony extermination, something that they do not know about. Will says they have a lot to catch up right before they hear a helicopter flying nearby.

Season 2[]


The Perimeter will appear in this episode.


The Perimeter will appear in this episode.

"Exit Wounds"[]

The Perimeter will appear in this episode.

"Family Is a Four Letter Word"[]

The Perimeter will appear in this episode.


The Perimeter will appear in this episode.

"Who Are You?"[]

The Perimeter will appear in this episode.

"Returning Point"[]

The Perimeter will appear in this episode.

Government and Society[]

The Perimeter is shown to be a passive, compassionate, and peaceful community, often prioritizing their survival over conflict and keeping in touch with their humanity. On occasion, they've shown to be extremely welcoming towards outsiders, even if they've been deemed by enemies by the oppressive Civic Republic Military. The community is predominately inhabited by survivors of artistic backgrounds, allowing them to greatly contribute to the town's architecture. They are governed by a council led by Indira, who serves as the catalyst for the town's philosophical outlooks, though outliers such as Brody do have a minority presence within the community and disapprove of Indira's leadership.





World Beyond[]

Season 2[]

The Ones Who Live[]

Season 1[]


  • The sculpture seen at the entrance of the Perimeter is called Verite. In "Exit Wounds", Asha informs Elton that the artist who created it died at the beginning of the outbreak, and the sculpture reminds them of everyone who has been lost to the apocalypse.
  • The residents appear to be called "The Perimeters" by the CRM as in "Quatervois", Elizabeth Kublek mentions how Iris, Felix, Percy were supposedly captured by the Perimeters.