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Chapter Eight is the eighth chapter of Skybound Comet's Clementine: Book One.


In her dream on the train, a young Clementine talks to Lee and asks him "will the pain ever stop", while remembering having to shoot him and remembers Amos.

In the aftermath of Amos' murder, Left is distraught over Amos's death causing Right to stomp on her back, telling her to shut up. Right pulls out a gun and shoots at Clementine and Ricca. The two are able to escape safely into the woods. Ricca breaks down, telling herself that maybe Amos is okay, despite Clementine's doubts. Ricca says she wants to leave the mountain, but Clementine says they can't leave without Olivia.

After some time, Clementine and Ricca make their way back to the camp while waiting for the snow to pick up, so they can use it as cover. Clementine opens up to Ricca about how she keep making it and it is a problem for her, since everyone else around her dies, including Lee, her parents, many others, and now Amos. She says something inside her changed when she got bit. The idea that she could live for years scared her and after many years of trying to find somewhere safe, she found Ericson's with people she loved, but after she lost her leg, she thought that they thought she was a liability, but the real issue was that she couldn't talk to them about it because they were all around her age and she wanted to talk to Lee about it. After leaving the school, she was alone like when she was when he first found her and she realized she was waiting for him to come find her, despite knowing he's dead. After being on her own, it felt nice, but after a while it got sad and she would cry for days and was scared about what her future would be like. Ricca tells Clementine that she can be sad around her and they'll find something to do that will make her happy.

Inside the camp, Right has Olivia tied up, waiting for Clementine and Ricca to come. Clementine unfreezes a walker and dresses it up in her jacket. When Right comes out to shoot at what she thinks is Clementine in the shoulder, it turns out to be the walker, confusing Right long enough for Clementine to come behind her and drive an axe into her arm. While Ricca attempts to save Olivia, Right starts firing wildly and shoots Ricca in the side of her stomach. An enraged Clementine drives her fingers into Right's wound. However, all the loud commotion triggers an avalanche.



  • None


  • Last appearance of Lee Everett. (Dream/Flashback)
  • The flashback that Clementine has of Lee shows her raising her gun up to shoot him, possibly making the choice of leaving him to turn at the end of Season One non-canon.
    • Lee also appears to still have his left arm, possibly making the choice of cutting it off non-canon as well.
  • This marks the second time where Clementine has a dream of talking to Lee on the train. The first being in "Broken Toys".

Chapter Highlights[]

  • Clementine reveals the true reason for her unhappiness at Ericson's. The reason being, after losing her leg, she thought the others saw her as a liability and due to everyone there being around her age, she felt she couldn't talk to any of them about it and wanted someone older, like Lee, to talk about it to.
  • Ricca is shot by Right and the group is buried in another avalanche.
