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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Brooke's steamboat is a location that appears in Season 1 of AMC's Tales of the Walking Dead. It is a settlement led by Brooke.


Nothing is known about this steamboat prior to or as the outbreak began, except that it was considered "vintage", and was likely constructed decades before the initial outbreak.


At some point during the outbreak, this steamboat was settled by a group of survivors led by Brooke. During the second year of the apocalypse, Dee and Lydia, a mother-daughter duo who escaped Baltimore were recruited to join the community, where they resided for over a year. Overtime, Dee proved herself to be an antisocial and reserved outsider, often paranoid of newcomers, while her daughter was able to form a close maternal bond with the boat's leader. Three weeks prior to the steamboat's fall, scouts recruited a survivor named Billy, who was secretly an infiltrator from a nearby group of bandits. They had intentions of staging an internal coup d'etat and eliminating nonessential passengers in order to create vacancy for themselves and to work towards building a stronger community under their rule.

Season 1[]



Government and Society[]

The steamboat operates as a high-spirited and exclusive settlement. Population and entry is limited due to boat capacity and lack of resources, which are occasionally used for special events and festivities intended to recreate pre-apocalyptic life. Daily fitness classes, personal dorms, a bar and restaurant, and high class attire for those eligible to participate in these events are among the many amenities provided for the boat's passengers. The community is led by Brooke, and to a lesser degree, her inner circle, who are often tasked with handling decision making and enforcing protocols to ensure the safety of those onboard. The general population works in shifts on a revolving work schedule, which can range from custodial work, bartending, fishing, patrol duty, boat maintenance, and supply runs every other week. Additionally, the steamboat is actively mobile and travels to other areas every few weeks in an effort to avoid potential threats such as local bandits or harsh weather.





Tales of the Walking Dead[]

Season 1[]


  • Although the exact location of the steamboat is unknown, it is known to be settled on an East Coast bayou during the events of "Dee".
  • This steamboat is the same boat featured in Ozark as the Missouri Belle riverboat casino.