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This article is about the TV Series character. You may be looking for his Comic Series counterpart. For other pages with the same name, see: Aaron

You know I used to be married once. (…) Well, not legally, but yeah. I guess I don't really talk about it much anymore. Yeah, Eric and I, we met in D.C., and there was just this instant connection, you know, and he asked me out that night. And I said no, and I kept saying no for the next six months. (…) I guess I thought I was too busy or that I wasn't ready. Maybe I was just afraid. But eventually I said yes, and our time together, those years in Alexandria... it was the happiest moments of my life. You know, after he died, I thought I'd give anything to take back just one of those no's so that we could have one more day together. Lydia, loss is inevitable. It always has been. The only thing we can control is when we say yes.
―Aaron to Lydia about Eric.[src]

Aaron is a main character and a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's The Walking Dead. A former politician in Washington, D.C.; Aaron and his husband, Eric Raleigh, were evacuated to Alexandria, a safe zone for politicians. Led by Ohio Congresswoman Deanna Monroe, Aaron and Eric were appointed to recruit survivors to help build the community with people who knew how to survive the outside world. Aaron was responsible for bringing Rick Grimes and his people to Alexandria. Aaron then developed a close bond with the group, making him one of Rick's most trusted allies. Aaron's recruitment of Rick's group was beneficial to Alexandria surviving an attack from the Wolves and the following invasion of walkers.

After Alexandria allied with Hilltop Colony and the Kingdom, they waged a war against the Saviors, a group of extortionists that terrorized the communities. During the conflict, Aaron adopted an orphaned Gracie after Eric was killed in battle. Aaron recruited the community of Oceanside to assist the Militia in the war - leading them to victory. Following the war, Aaron lost his arm while trying to rebuild a bridge joining the communities. Six years after Rick's disappearance, Aaron entered a relationship with Paul "Jesus" Rovia, but was killed by the Whisperers, a cult of survivors that wore the faces of the dead and aimed to destroy the communities. Aaron fought the Whisperers in order to avenge Jesus and protect his daughter. The Whisperers were defeated, in part due to the information Aaron gained from Mary, a defected Whisperer.

Alexandria was repaired and provided for following the arrival of the Commonwealth, a major community network from Ohio. Aaron reassumed his role as recruiter for the Commonwealth to make contact with the community of Riverbend, which unknown to him was a surgical operation to retrieve supplies taken and to eliminate them. Aaron and the Coalition fought against the Commonwealth Army, led by Lance Hornsby, as Alexandria and the other communities were seized by the Commonwealth. After liberating the communities, Aaron arrived at the capital to assist in destroying the massive herd brought by Governor Pamela Milton to quell the protestors. Thirteen years after the outbreak, Aaron continues to raise Gracie in Alexandria and leads the community with Gabriel Stokes.


Aaron is described as "an affable, good-natured, adventurous guy. Despite feeling like a bit of an outsider for most of his life, he's passionate about people and the good they can do. He doesn't think twice about putting himself in danger if he believes something positive can come from it."

Aaron had been mistreated and ostracized most of his life, mostly due to him being openly gay and the reaction of people's homophobia, including abuse from his own mother. Despite this, Aaron consistently saw the good in people even though they were acting offensive. He has a good judge of character. Aaron is very altruistic and always wanted to help others, leading him to join a NGO and give supplies to those residing in the Niger River Delta.

Alongside his charitable personality, Aaron also has a sense of humor and optimism. He aims to keep people at ease with him. Sometimes his humor goes over people's heads, but he still aims for them to see the brighter side of things as he does. Aaron was supportive of Daryl's status as an outsider as well as comforting Maggie when Glenn disappeared. One of the things he enjoys doing is photography and collecting memorabilia from the places he had visited. After the apocalypse, he began collecting license plates from each state to create a mural on a wall in his house.

Aaron extremely loves and cares for Eric, his husband. Both had been outsiders, treated with bigotry, and were the only people in the world who understood each other. Both worked together in recruiting outsiders for Alexandria as well as collecting license plates for their collection. Aaron is willing to tolerate many things, but one thing he can't tolerate is Eric being threatened or harmed in any way. He would even result to violence, something he is usually against, if it meant defending Eric, including putting himself in danger.

After Aaron brought Rick Grimes' group into Alexandria, he and Eric grew a close bond to one of the group members, Daryl Dixon. Aaron saw that, like himself and Eric, Daryl was an outsider to both his own group and Alexandria and that people fear him even though they do not know him. Because of Eric's near-death experience, Aaron had him retire and gave the position to Daryl so that Eric could stay safe and that Daryl could get out more and be himself. Aaron's affection gave Daryl purpose and was willing to sacrifice himself for Aaron's safety so that he could be safe if nothing else.

During the seventh season, despite Eric being against Rick's plan to rebel against the Saviors, considering it to be too risky and there could be a lot of victims from this conflict, Aaron believes in Rick and his will for freedom and argues that in order to ensure their freedom they must fight, even if there will be victims, as the war will be the only way to build their future.

After Eric dies during the war with Negan and the Saviors, Aaron becomes deeply depressed, as he was the only person Aaron had ever cared so much about. He becomes even more willing to do anything in order to put an end to the war forever. He and Enid then ask the community of Oceanside to aid them in finishing the war with the Saviors once and for all. The negotiations are hard, but Aaron finally convinces the Oceanside citizens to join the fight, which results in the victory for the Survivors against the war with the Saviors.

After the war, Aaron starts training with Jesus to become a stronger fighter and takes a more proactive role in the community, including becoming a council member for Alexandria. When conflict with the Whisperers increases, Aaron becomes more cautious and less willing to take risks or let more people into the community. Despite any adversity, Aaron still clings to his humanity and tries to be the "nice guy", something he grows tired of as the Whisperer war continues.



Aaron was born and raised in Vermont. Aaron had a younger brother and spent their childhood together riding on bicycles around the neighborhood. His brother had a fascination with cars and, like Aaron, enjoyed being with other people. Growing up openly gay, Aaron's mother forced him to eat foods he didn't like; such as applesauce, salmon patties, and onions; to "make [him] more manly". Aaron viewed his mother as a "very confused woman who tried her damnedest".

Aaron attended college and fell in love with a man during his education. The summer after he graduated, he and his boyfriend traveled to Eureka, California and hiked in the woods nearby. They found themselves in the middle of Native American ruins where Aaron reflected on what life was like for the Natives and their hopes for the future. Sometime later, Aaron and his boyfriend separated.

Washington, D.C.[]

Despite the abuse and bigotry he endured, Aaron still believed in doing the right thing. With his passion for people and the good they can do, Aaron began a career in politics to provide for and encourage others to make the world a better place. Aaron moved to Washington, D.C. and became a politician. After working in the political circuit, Aaron felt that he was not affecting change. He realized he could do his best work abroad in a hands-on approach that would utilize his skill set.

Hoping to interact with people and provide for them, Aaron joined a humanitarian group and later became employed under a non-government organization tasked with giving supplies and food to people in the Niger River Delta. While working in the NGO, Aaron often encountered Nigerian warlords and violent militias while in his field and had to negotiate with them.

Through working in the NGO, Aaron met Eric Raleigh in D.C. Upon their first meeting, Eric asked Aaron out that night and Aaron declined, but the two became friends and worked together. Eric knew how to handle the terrain due to being raised in the Appalachia's. Eric continued to ask Aaron out for the next six months until eventually Aaron said yes. On their fifth date, Aaron told Eric he loved him, to which Eric responded: "I had a hunch." After years together, Aaron and Eric considered themselves married despite gay marriage not being legal.


Alexandria, Virginia[]

Aaron and Eric were living in Washington, D.C. when the Wildfire Virus went global in August 2010. During the fall, Aaron's younger brother died, affecting him greatly. Due to working in the political circuit, Aaron and Eric were among the first people evacuated from D.C. and brought to a suburban community in Alexandria, Virginia that was converted into a military safe zone for politicians in the area. Two weeks later, however, the military abandoned the safe zone due to Operation Cobalt. Among others evacuated to Alexandria were Ohio Congresswoman Deanna Monroe and her family. Aaron and Eric remained with the Monroe family as they saw promise with the safe zone.

Eventually, walls were built around the area and a community was formed. The community had Deanna as its established leader. She believed that who people were before the fall mattered in rebuilding and sustaining the community. Because of Aaron and Eric's work in the NGO, their charitable nature, and ability to travel in dangerous terrain, it made them assets in the recruiting program designed to bring in more survivors. Aaron and Eric were tasked with finding survivors and monitoring them for several days to see if they were eligible for the community. Aaron would then approach the survivors with an offer, Eric being his guard, and bringing the survivors back to the safe zone to "audition" for citizenship.

In their spare time, Aaron and Eric began a hobby of collecting license plates from abandoned cars from each state, making a mural of all fifty states in their home, in honor of his younger brother's love for cars. They also collected other vintage items to decorate in their home. In order to convince survivors to join the safe zone, Aaron took up photography and took pictures of the community as evidence. Back at the safe zone, despite rescuing a majority of the members there, the community still treated Aaron and Eric as outsiders because of their intolerance towards homosexuality, causing Aaron and Eric to avoid any gatherings and events of the community for fear of public ostracism in front of Deanna.

At one point, Aaron and Eric recruited a man named Davidson, who was the leader of a small group, but they could not reside peacefully in the community. Deanna exiled them and had Aaron, a supply runner named Nicholas, and her son Aiden drive them out. The recruiting for larger groups was suspended, focusing on lone survivors. This occurred for several months until Deanna realized that in order for the community and its members to survive, they would need more people who have been out there longer to teach them how to handle the new world. Aaron started to look for larger groups with Eric. At one point, Aaron encountered two people who sought to kill him, forcing him to kill them.

Aaron observed Rick Grimes and his group as they traveled to Washington, D.C. in hopes of finding other survivors. Aaron left bottles of water for them on their path as a test, but the group declined to drink from it, fearing it may be poisoned. When a storm emerges, group member Daryl Dixon informed the group of a barn he'd seen earlier and lead the group there to safety. This quick-thinking act to keep his people alive convinced Aaron that they needed to be brought back to Alexandria. The following morning, upon seeing that the group had survived the storm and the walker attack, Aaron had Eric remain nearby and watch in case anything happened to him as he approached the group.

TV Series[]

Season 5[]


Aaron saw Sasha Williams and Maggie Greene exit the barn together and go to an open field alone to watch the sunrise. Using this opportunity, Aaron appears from the woods and carefully approaches the women. He comes off as friendly and cautious greeting the pair, though they aim their guns at him, which he understands as "stranger danger", and asks to speak with their leader, knowing his name to be Rick, before informing them that he has good news.

"The Distance"

Aaron revealed to Maggie and Sasha that he has a community not far from their location, and that it's been looking into recruiting surviving outsiders to help maintain their community. Maggie and Sasha bring Aaron to the barn where the rest of their group is. They have taken all his possessions away beforehand. Aaron wants them to come back to his community with him. Rick Grimes, the leader whom Aaron has been monitoring, chooses not to believe him, and tells the group that Aaron has another agenda. Aaron shows them a small set of photographs of his community which he had taken as evidence of its existence. As Aaron is explaining what his community is about and emphasizing on its security, Rick punches him in the face, knocking him out. After he wakes up having his hands tied behind his back, Aaron remains positive towards the group, complimenting Rick's strength.

Rick asks Aaron about the number of people waiting for him and his group. Aaron responds saying how it does not matter whether he informed him of how many, as it would not affect whether or not he would trust him any more than he does then informs him that there is only one. Aaron also reveals that he and his accomplice have vehicles that they had tried to bring closer to the barn, but had been blocked by the trees. Rick allows Abraham Ford, Rosita Espinosa, Glenn Rhee, Maggie Greene, and Michonne Hawthorne go check out the vehicles, whilst everyone but Rick, who elects himself to stand guard over Aaron and watches his own daughter, scours the area in groups of two to search for anyone else who might be watching. The groups leave, Rick warns Aaron that if his people do not return in one hour, he would kill him. When Judith starts crying, Aaron offers Rick some of the applesauce in his bag. Rick force feeds it to Aaron before Judith to ensure it is not poisoned, then cautiously tries it himself before allowing Judith to have some. When everyone returns with the food from Aaron's vehicles, Aaron again tries to persuade them to leave for his community, which Michonne persuades the others to do. He gives them instructions of a clear route, but Rick decides to take an uncleared route at night to stay hidden from any of Aaron's friends.

Hands tied behind his back, Aaron rides in a car with Michonne, Glenn and Rick to his community. When showing Michonne the pictures from his community, she wonders where the pictures of his people are and grows concerned. She asks him Rick's three questions, in which Aaron reveals he has previously killed a lot of walkers and two people who had tried to kill him first. After the group runs into numerous walkers, the car eventually crashes and stalls due to walker parts in the engine. When a lit flare is seen from afar, Aaron starts to panic, concerned of his partner's safety. He frantically requests for his freedom, but after the group denies him, he starts to become violent, kicking the door open and knocking Michonne over, running off into the forest. The others follow him, with Glenn saving his life when a walker attacks him. Glenn tells him that he can leave if he wants to, but Aaron says that he would prefer if Rick and his group would come with him to safety.

They then save Rick and Michonne from a group of walkers attacking them after Glenn untied Aaron and gave him a weapon to defend himself with. When they arrive at where the flare was fired, they reunite with the rest of the group. Aaron, worried Eric might be injured or even dead, runs inside the garage to find Eric alive but with a broken ankle. The two share an emotional reunion, with Eric surprising Aaron with another license plate, only to have Aaron reveal that he lost them all. Aaron then thanks the rest of the group for saving Eric and tells them they'll leave in the morning. Rick tries to keep him from sleeping next to Eric so that they could not conspire together, but Aaron announces that the only way they would keep him from sleeping alongside Eric was if they were to shoot him.

In the morning, Aaron is in the RV watching over Eric. He tells Noah that at his community, there is a surgeon named Pete who could try to fix his leg. He is then seen exiting the RV when they reach the safe zone, leading the way in and helping his husband to the infirmary.


Aaron leads the group into Alexandria while carrying Eric inside. After letting Eric go off to the infirmary, he stays at the gate with Nicholas as the group enters. Aaron asks that group comply with Nicholas' orders to turn over their weapons, and that they will need to speak to the leader, Deanna. After she spoke with Rick, Aaron guided Rick and Carl to the two vacant houses in the safe zone, and that he and Eric will be four houses down if Rick or anyone else needs anything.


From the time Aaron and Eric have been home since recruiting the Survivors, he wished for Eric to be retired considering his injury and near-death experience. As for his replacement, Aaron saw fit that Daryl would make an exceptional recruiter, and had Deanna hold off on giving Daryl a role in the community as he needed to observe him more. As he watched him, Aaron knew that Daryl was an outsider to both the safe zone as well as his own group, much like Aaron.

Aaron goes out of the safe zone to follow Daryl on one of his hunts and follows him, under the guise of hunting rabbits. When Daryl spots Aaron, he questions Daryl if he can really tell the difference between a good guy and a bad guy. Aaron then joins Daryl on the hunt, during which they come across a wild horse that children of the community have dubbed "Buttons" and Aaron and Eric have been trying to wrangle for months. When Daryl attempts to get Buttons, they are attacked by walkers and flee the area.

Aaron then reveals that he knows how Daryl feels, like an outsider. He goes on to explain how before and even now back at the safe zone, he and Eric are seen as outsiders because of people's homophobia. Aaron mentions that people fear what they don't understand and that Daryl should join the safe zone's welcoming party. Soon after, Aaron is attacked by walkers and Daryl rescues him. They come to find Buttons being devoured by walkers, so both Aaron and Daryl kill the walkers, with Aaron shooting Buttons out of its misery.

Aaron goes back to the safe zone with Daryl but doesn't attend the party so that he can help mend Eric's broken ankle. When Daryl arrives to the Monroe house but declines to go inside, Aaron invites Daryl over for spaghetti dinner. Aaron and Eric then surprise Daryl with a motorcycle and reveal that Eric is retiring and Daryl is to take his place, as Aaron saw that Daryl could handle himself out there, is in need of a friend who understands him, and that like Aaron and Eric he knows the difference between a good and a bad person. Daryl is grateful and forms a friendship with Aaron and Eric.


Aaron can be seen in his car, behind Daryl. The two of them are going on a mission to find new recruits.


Aaron and Daryl are out in the night during their reconnaissance mission when they see something a light off in the distance. They go to investigate it. The next day, while still out in the woods, they find a body ripped apart on the ground and then a walker bound to the trunk of a tree with a 'W' on her forehead. Daryl kills her when she reanimates before they keep moving.


Aaron and Daryl still continue their recruiting mission. The two are following a man with a poncho, smearing mud all over his face. Aaron asks Daryl what the man is doing and Daryl tells him the man knows how to keep the bugs off his body by using the mud. The two continue following the man until they soon lose track of him and come across a seemingly abandoned building with large trucks on the parking lot. The building is gated. Aaron explains to Daryl that they need more food for the people at Alexandria. The two then begin to kill the walkers that are near the place by drawing them to the gates. Finished, they opened the gate, and Aaron is thrilled to have finally find another plate number he has been searching for many times before. One of the trucks of food is locked, so Daryl opens it up, only to be shocked by a stream of walkers swarming from each of the truck, which each were unlocked by Daryl's opening. The walkers close their attention to the two of them, filling the once-empty parking field as they try to reach both him and Daryl. The two are forced to get into a car. As they are searching for a thing to cover up the windows so that the walkers might lose interest by not being able to see food, Daryl finds a note from someone who was trapped in the car before; the note reads: "Don't Stay, Bad People Coming".

Upon finding the note, Daryl and Aaron engage in conversation. Aaron tells Daryl that he knows that Rick and his group were good people, after he saw Daryl telling his group about the barn the night of the storm he had found when he had been alienating himself from the group. Daryl tells Aaron to stay put while he tries to run to the gate and then make a run for it when it was clear, suggesting he sacrifice himself for Aaron, and Aaron refuses to leave him and insists that he will go with Daryl. Daryl gives him a smile and Aaron smiles back. Just a second before the two open the doors, they are rescued by a mysterious survivor, who beats down the walkers effortlessly with his staff. It is revealed to be Morgan Jones. Outside the gates, Aaron introduces himself and Daryl to Morgan, whom neither of the two knows, and asks him to join Alexandria. Morgan declines the offer, stating that he is heading somewhere, and asks for directions instead. As he gives his map to Daryl, Daryl is surprised that the map that Morgan has been using has Rick's name written on it.

The trio returns to the safe zone late at night, after the death of Deanna's husband, Reg, and just as Rick executes Pete Anderson, the town's surgeon. Rick and Morgan lock eyes in surprise, and Aaron stands in shock behind Morgan as he watches the scene.

Season 6[]

"First Time Again"

Aaron soon reunited with Eric after witnessing Pete's execution by Rick. After the events that occurred, he and Daryl are officially retired from the recruitment program by Rick, per what happened to them earlier that day by the Wolves. Aaron and Eric later attend the meeting in Deanna's house led by Rick to discuss the nearby quarry containing a herd that threatens the Safe Zone. Rick makes a plan to use diversion teams to lead the herd down the road and use a makeshift wall to curve the herd in the other direction. Aaron and Eric go out with the community to dig and build the wall, and later they return to the Safe Zone.


Shortly after returning to the Alexandria, the Safe Zone is invaded by the Wolves. One of the residents, Holly, is attacked and stabbed by a member of the Wolves but is rescued by Aaron, Eric, and Rosita. The three bring her into the infirmary to Dr. Denise Cloyd, who has come out of seclusion after the death of Pete. They group begins to formulate a plan, as Aaron tells Eric that he has to go out there but wants him to stay inside with Holly. When Eugene Porter volunteers to stay inside, Aaron disagrees, but Eugene is permitted to stay.

Aaron and Rosita then go out and flank the houses to take out a few members of the Wolves. He manages to successfully kill one of the members of the Wolves. After the attack, Aaron sweeps the area. Upon approaching Deanna's house, he finds a member of the Wolves with his personal bag that he dropped back at the Del Arno Factory. The bag contained photos and information on Alexandria, and Aaron begins to sob as he realizes that it was his fault that the Wolves were led to Alexandria and that he is indirectly responsible for the deaths in the community.


In the aftermath of the Wolves attack, Rick returns to the safe zone with a herd following him which soon surround the walls. Rick gives a speech to reassure the safety of the citizens, with Aaron by Eric's side, looking concerned at each other. When the people of Alexandria criticized Rick, Aaron stepped up and defended Rick, claiming that Rick knew what he was doing and that his plan is working and that the others will return shortly. Aaron then admitted that he was at fault for leading the Wolves to Alexandria by leaving behind his pack.

Soon after, the citizens began to write the names of those who died in the attack on the wall as a memoriam, and Aaron becomes overwhelmed at the loss of life because of his fault. He then sees Maggie prepare to leave, and insists that he help her escape and find Glenn and the others. He shows her a way into the sewers that goes underneath the wall and outside the safe zone, and rejects Maggie's pleas to stay behind. When they enter the sewer, they find the exit overrun, and Maggie breaks down. She believes Glenn is dead and that reveals that she's pregnant. Aaron then comforts her.

Later that night, Aaron and Maggie were on post during nightshift. Maggie went down to the memoriam to erase Glenn's name, believing he is still alive. Aaron goes over and with Maggie he erases Nicholas' name. He then jokingly suggests Aaron as a name for the baby, and Erin for a girl's name.

"No Way Out"

When the herd invaded the safe zone, Aaron got separated from Eric and retreated into the infirmary with Heath and Spencer along with the other wounded while Eric retreated back in their house with Olivia. Aaron helped Denise in when she escaped from the Wolf leader. He assured her that all of her patients were fine.

Meanwhile, Carl was shot and Rick and Michonne were fighting the walkers as they were running to the infirmary. Aaron and Denise spotted them and wondered if he was bitten, and Denise concluded that he wasn't and ordered Aaron, Heath, and Spencer to prep for surgery. Rick and Michonne brought in a wounded Carl and Rick went back out to kill the walkers. Aaron concluded that he needed to go out to help Rick and Michonne, and Heath and Spencer joined them.

The defensive then inspired Eric and Olivia to help and soon the rest of the able-bodied community. Aaron and the others continued as Daryl lit the lake on fire and took out the rest of the walkers. Later that morning, Aaron was joined with Eric alongside the rest of the community outside the infirmary, covered in blood.

"Not Tomorrow Yet"

When newcomer Paul Rovia, known as Jesus, brought Rick and members of his group to Paul's settlement, the Hilltop Colony, Aaron helped guard Alexandria alongside Sasha. When Rick returned, he had Aaron and the others go inside the church for a meeting regarding the merger. Rick explained to them the situation of the merger with Hilltop, and their part in the deal being to neutralize the group known as the Saviors and their leader, Negan, who previously attacked Daryl, Abraham, and Sasha. While Morgan suggested a peaceful approach, Aaron stood up and reminded them of the mistakes he made regarding leading the Wolves to Alexandria, and that they couldn't take that chance again. Aaron sided with Rick in killing these Saviors.

The next day, Aaron went out with the battalion. Their plan involved using a walker head double to fool the Saviors into thinking it's Gregory's, the leader of the Hilltop. But Aaron and the others quickly killed the guard outside and began a sneak attack while the Saviors slept. However, an alarm was triggered that resulted in a firefight. Aaron quickly got cornered and was nearly killed by one of the men with a shattered bottle, but he managed to kill him, claiming it would've been him or them. He then regrouped with Rosita as they charged out with the others. Before they headed out, they neutralized a fleeing Savior but soon discovered there were more out there and had Carol and Maggie.

"Last Day on Earth"

Aaron insists on going with the group to the Hilltop, and when Rick says no, Aaron tells him the only way to stop him would be by punching him in the face again, so Rick reluctantly allows him to come.

As they set off for the Hilltop, they repeatedly run into blockades of the Saviors stopping them from getting to the Hilltop. Carl asks Aaron why he came, to which he replies that he owes Maggie.

The group encounter another blockade, this time a large pile of logs. The Saviors' captive from earlier is then thrown over the bridge with a chain around his neck. As the man struggled, Aaron suggested shooting the chain or to at least put him out of his misery, but Rick argued that it wouldn't work and they needed to save the bullets. They are then forced to watch him die.

Realizing the Saviors' were always going to be one step ahead, they decided to bring Maggie to Hilltop on foot while Eugene took the RV back home. As Aaron helped carry Maggie to Hilltop, the group began to hear whistles. They started running, the whistles growing louder until they were surrounded by nearly a hundred men, with Eugene and the RV captured. Aaron was forced to give up his weapons and was put onto his knees alongside the others, as well as the captured Daryl, Glenn, Michonne and Rosita.

Negan finally approached the group and delivered a speech how he doesn't wish to kill them, because he wants the Survivors to work for him, but he states that the group needs to be punished for killing dozens of Negan's men. Negan, using his barbed baseball-bat named "Lucille", decides a victim by "Eeny, Meeny, Miney, Mo." A victim was decided and Negan beat their head in while the others screamed in horror.

Season 7[]

"The Day Will Come When You Won't Be"

During the line-up, Aaron had flashbacks of his happiest moments leading up to this, including: finding the Survivors and recruiting them for Alexandria, befriending Daryl, and reuniting with Eric. Despite his fears of dying, Negan instead chooses Abraham to kill. Aaron is shocked and saddened to see Abraham killed. However, Daryl then attacks Negan for taunting Rosita about his death, which leads to Negan killing Glenn as well, which devastates Aaron and the rest of the group to tears.

After Rick threatens to kill Negan, Negan takes Rick away in the RV, leaving Aaron the rest of the group in the same spot with Abraham and Glenn's bodies still present. After returning, Negan orders his men to put guns up against the back of Aaron's head as well as everyone else in the group, and threatens to open fire unless Rick cuts Carl's hand off. Negan then offers mercy and Rick understands what Negan wants. After the Saviors depart, Aaron comforts Maggie as he helps with Glenn's body as they go to Hilltop.


As the Saviors ransack Alexandria, Aaron and Eric watch the commotion from their front porch as Saviors remove a mattress from their house. Later, Anna is among the townspeople present at the church, where she appears anxious when Rick informs them that he is no longer in charge and that all guns need to be turned over to the Saviors in order for Olivia to be released from her captivity. Eric whispers to Aaron and wants to ask Rick about what he will do regarding Negan, but Aaron unsuccessfully tries to stop Eric, telling him it wasn't the appropriate time to bring up that discussion.

"Go Getters"

Aaron is in Rick's house preparing for a run to scavenge supplies for their weekly offering to the Saviors. He heads downstairs to let Rick have a private moment with Michonne before leaving for the run.

"Sing Me a Song"

Aaron and Rick emerge from a box truck having stopped there to rest for the night. "We didn't see that last night," Aaron says, looking at something on the road.

Aaron and Rick approach a gate with a sign: "Keep going, only thing here 4 you is trouble." Feeling the pressure of only having one day left to find supplies, they hop the gate. They soon encounter another warning sign; this time, the writer threatens to shoot anyone who comes for his food, supplies or ammo. They move past the sign and reach a pond filled with walkers. They see a dilapidated houseboat floating in the center of the pond.

"Hearts Still Beating"

At the walker-filled pond, Aaron and Rick find a boat riddled with bullet holes. Rick tells Aaron he doesn't have to help him, and Aaron tells him he'll pretend he never said that. They climb in and row the boat towards the canoe in the middle of the pond. As they get closer, a walker pulls Aaron underwater. He escapes and swims to the houseboat.

As they rummage through supplies on the houseboat, Aaron finds a note with a drawing of a middle finger: "Congrats for winning, but you still lose."

Aaron and Rick get the houseboat to shore and load the cargo truck with supplies. Rick mentions how Michonne feels about their deal with the Saviors – that it isn't living. Aaron says he knows they're doing this to stay alive: "Either your heart is beating or it isn't." They finish loading the truck and prepare to leave, unaware that someone is watching them from across the pond.

Aaron and Rick arrive at the Alexandria gate and are surprised to be greeted by Saviors, who inspect the goods that they brought back. Laura finds the note that Aaron found previously, and David accuses him of disrespecting them as he tries to explain. He and Gary begin to beat up Aaron as Rick is held at gunpoint by Laura.

Once they are finished, Rick helps Aaron to his feet. "My heart's still beating, right?" he asks Rick. They hear a gunshot and rush to investigate, where Eric holds Aaron up. As Negan demands to know who made the bullet, Arat points her gun at Aaron until Eugene confesses it was him.

"Rock in the Road"

When the Saviors arrive at Alexandria looking for Daryl, Simon comments on the bare pantry shelves. Aaron explains that they're having a hard time scavenging.

After the Saviors leave, Rick asks Aaron about the pantry. Aaron and Tobin explain that Gabriel disappeared from his night shift, along with most of their food, weapons and a car. Rick finds a the word "BOAT" left by Gabriel in the inventory notebook and shows it to Aaron.

As Aaron packs a bag to accompany Rick back to the boat, Eric begs him not to go; he knows they're taking on the Saviors and Aaron is still recovering from when they beat him up. Aaron tells him he has to, for Gabriel and for them.

The group arrive at the boat and follow some footprints, which take them to a junkyard. They are then held at gunpoint and knifepoint by a large group of strangers.

"New Best Friends"

Aaron is seen along with the others as prisoners of Jadis. He remains silent and confused as his captors swarm him and align in a circular formation around the Alexandrians. He does not speak as Rick demands that Gabriel be brought to them before he negotiates. Aaron reacts quickly when a skirmish erupts between Rosita and one of their minders, first trying to break up the fight before receiving a smack to the head by one of the others. He remains still as Gabriel and Rick barter for their lives and their support against the Saviors. When Rick goes with Jadis to be tested for his worth, Aaron is wary of the other group, but allows himself to sit in a wicker chair and be tended to by Gabriel. Aaron, Michonne and Rosita all rush over to the landfill Rick was tossed into and watch as he fights a walker outfitted with metal and spikes.

When he is finally able to defeat the walker, Aaron's weapon is returned to him along with the other weapons taken from his friends. As Rick and Jadis argue over what the terms of their deal would be, a third of the Saviors' supplies and half of Rick's, along with an assortment of firearms and jars. Aaron jokes about not wanting Eric to see his face after the blow he had sustained. He and Michonne are grateful that Rick was able to earn their freedom when he returns to them. Aaron and Rick carry their supplies back to their vehicle, receiving one final warning from their former captors that their deal would expire soon if the terms were not met.

"Something They Need"

Aaron first appears in one of the two rowboats the Alexandrians use to travel across a river, paddling alongside Tobin and Eric for his boat. He and Eric have a brief discussion during their preparation to attack Oceanside. Eric quickly agrees with Aaron over the necessity of their attack, Eric justifying it to himself and Aaron that he wasn't going to allow Aaron to be randomly beaten on any given visit from the Saviors.

Once the raid had concluded and Tara had been saved from Natania, Aaron forms a line with the Alexandrians and the capable Oceanside fighters to take on the horde of walkers that swarms the camp because of the noise from the explosions and gunfire. Aaron and the others successfully defend their front without a single casualty, but Natania refuses to be convinced to join Rick's cause to take on Negan, and allows them to have their weapons. Aaron helps carry out the Oceanside camp's weapons to their vehicles and drives back to Alexandria with them.

"The First Day of the Rest of Your Life"

Following their arrival back to Alexandria from Oceanside, the group discovers Dwight's change of allegiance from the Saviors to Rick and the community to ruin Negan, warning them about an attack by Negan because of a mole alerting him of resistance from Rick and the community. With the Scavengers help, Aaron and the community prepare for the battle with Negan and the Saviors using Oceanside's guns.

Jadis and the Scavengers arrive at Alexandria in a caravan of garbage trucks and bicycles. Rick greets Jadis inside the gate. Daryl, Rosita, and Aaron wire explosives in an empty cargo truck outside the Alexandria gate.

On a truck, Aaron guards the wall of Alexandria with Eric. When Negan and the Saviors arrive, the explosives that Aaron, Daryl and Rosita prepared failed to go off. At that moment, the Scavengers betray Alexandria. One of the Scavengers aim there gun at Aaron and Eric. However, when a reanimated Sasha attacks Negan, Carl leads the attack against the Scavengers and the Saviors during the distraction. Aaron and Eric follow Carl's lead and help against the attack.

Aaron and Eric fight the Scavengers and Saviors, followed by the assistance with the Kingdom and Hilltop residents. After driving out the Scavengers and Saviors, the community prepares for war. Aaron is shown giving Jerry an apple. Aaron can be seen next to Eric, listening to the speech by Rick, Maggie, and Ezekiel.

Season 8[]


Aaron along with Eric, helped prepare for battle against the Saviors. At Hilltop, Eric helped arm the cars with sheets of metal. Shortly before the battle, Eric began to pray despite previous non-beliefs. Aaron catches him praying and Eric tells him that he was always meaning to and that it's never too late. He then attended the speech held by Rick about fighting for a better future. Aaron and Eric then traveled with the militia to the Sanctuary and opened fire against the Saviors and then left the Sanctuary with the others as the herd crew summoned the herd of walkers to the gates of Sanctuary.

"The Damned"

Aaron leads a force from the Militia against a Savior outpost. When Eric becomes distressed at the battle, Aaron reminds him that they only need to hold the Saviors off for a while as their plan is to let the dead Saviors reanimate and turn on their comrades as walkers. As the battle continues, Aaron notices Eric being ambushed by Saviors and runs several over with a car, saving his husband's life. To Aaron's horror, he discovers that Eric has been shot in the abdomen and is seriously wounded. Aaron abandons the battle in favor of getting Eric to medical attention, helping Eric to limp away.


Aaron and his team continue their assault against the Saviors with gunfire, but the Saviors begin to make their way inside the compound to assist Morales. Meanwhile, Aaron helps Eric away from the gunfire after he sustained a bullet wound the abdomen. Aaron insists they will get him to the Kingdom's doctor. Aaron breaks down and apologizes to Eric, feeling guilty for bringing Eric into the fight, but Eric tells Aaron he will be fine and that the other members of their team need Aaron's help more than he does. Aaron reluctantly agrees and they kiss goodbye, with Aaron telling Eric he loves him, with Eric responding with, "I always had a hunch," referring back to the first time they admitted their love for each other. Aaron then rejoins the fight.

Aaron is seen rushing to Rick and Daryl's aid in the outpost, killing the remaining Saviors. With the gunfight now over, Aaron goes to retrieve Eric, only to discover he has died and reanimated as a walker, wandering off towards a nearby herd. The sight of his loved one among the undead makes Aaron break down in tears as he tries to get to him, Scott appears and tells him it's not Eric and they have to go. Later, Aaron sits with blood on his hands. He hears a baby cry and sees Rick walk out with Gracie in his arms. Aaron offers to take the baby to Hilltop with him and Rick agrees.

"The King, the Widow, and Rick"

Aaron is first seen at the Hilltop, giving Maggie the letter about the updated on the war, and bringing Gracie to her. In the office, Aaron talks with Enid about the loss of Eric and the weight he is carrying as a result. Maggie is holding baby Gracie. She says the feeling doesn't go away but it helps to do something about it. Aaron exits the room. Outside, he packs a car. Enid rushes to him. He says he is going to make sure they win and she wants to go with him. "Grab your stuff and some food," Aaron said. "We might be gone for a while."

"How It's Gotta Be"

Aaron is first seen with Enid in a car, they are driving to Oceanside. She asks Aaron if they will talk to them, Aaron responds "I hope so", they drive down the road, when Aaron goes in the woods near Oceanside, Natania attacks him and tells Aaron that he never should've come. As Natania prepares to impale Aaron with a spear, she gets shot from behind by Enid. Moments later, Aaron and Enid are surrounded by the Oceanside residents.

"The Lost and the Plunderers"

Aaron and Enid are handcuffed in Natania's house by Cyndie, Rachel, Kathy, and Beatrice. The Oceansiders decide to leave the decision on what to do with the two Alexandrians to Cyndie, who, after some convincing from Enid, decides to let them live.

Taking them to the forest, Cyndie refuses to join the fight, feeling that what they've already contributed was enough. She gives a warning for them to never return to the community. Enid briefly confronts Cyndie about their community's killing of newcomers, but is only met with the same warning.

Aaron insists on staying at Oceanside, despite their warning and reluctance to fight, to try and convince the community to join their forces, he believes he has a chance to successfully enlist their help due to Kathy and Beatrice showing interest during an earlier visit. He won't leave until he gets the Oceanside to fight. He orders Enid to return to the Hilltop and inform Maggie of his plans, imploring her not to return for him. Enid, while adamant that Oceanside has made their minds up, allows Aaron to continue with his plan and leaves for the Hilltop.


As the women of Oceanside return from fishing, an emaciated and weak Aaron kills a walker that appears nearby before collapsing. Having been spotted in the area often by the women, Aaron is ignored except for Beatrice to tell him to find something to drink.

During a rainstorm, Aaron gathers water, only to be set upon by a small pack of walkers. Having not eaten in days, Aaron is too weak to put much of a fight, losing his knife in the mud. However, Aaron succeeds in killing the walkers with a tree branch before passing out.

Aaron eventually wakes up to find himself surrounded by the women of Oceanside. Aaron tells the women that they blame Enid for Natania's death, but the fault really lies with the Saviors who forced the women into hiding and to change who they are. Aaron urges them to fight the Saviors before passing out again.


As Tara, Alden and the other Savior defectors prepare to defend the Hilltop against attacking Savior forces to buy time for the other survivors to get away, Aaron suddenly arrives with the women of Oceanside. Aaron and the women firebomb the Savior attackers, killing them and preventing a battle.

After the war with the Saviors ends, Aaron officially adopts Gracie as his daughter.

Season 9[]

"A New Beginning"

On the road, Aaron and Jesus kill some walkers. Aaron asks Jesus if he can teach him some of his skills, to which he agrees to teach him in a class at the Hilltop.

Later that day, Aaron and the group go to the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C., to search for a covered wagon and farming equipment. However, he stays outside as a lookout along with Tara, Jesus, and Alden.

Shortly after, the group leaves D.C. and prepare to head back to their own communities.

On the road, Daryl and Rosita catch up with everyone to inform them that the main bridge is out due to a storm. Rick tells Aaron, Tara, Gabriel, and Anne to head back to Alexandria and the rest will go to an alternate route and spend the night at the Sanctuary.

"The Bridge"

While constructing on the bridge, Aaron shares with Daryl his experience as a father with Gracie and tells him someday he'll make a great dad. Meanwhile, Henry arrives to give water to the workers. Justin shoves him down for not giving him extra water and starts drinking from the jug. Henry gets angry and knocks him down with his stick.

A furious Justin gets up to retaliate, but Daryl stops him, saying that the kid's just doing his job. Justin swings at him and Daryl punches him in the face. They start fighting. Aaron tries to intervene, but is stopped by Jed.

Rick arrives and stops them. He tells everyone to go back to work.

A while later, a herd of walkers arrive at the labor site and a commotion ensues. Jed panics and lets go of one of the giant logs, making it fall onto Aaron's arm, crushing it. Daryl yells to the crew to lift the log while he double-knives the walkers around him. They lift the log but Aaron's arm is crushed. Daryl carries Aaron to the camp as Rick and his group arrives to hold off the walkers.

Daryl rushes Aaron to the infirmary and Enid quickly decides they need to amputate. Aaron reluctantly agrees as Daryl ties the tourniquet. Enid amputates his arm.

At night, Rick visits Aaron and apologizes to him for what happened. Aaron says that he couldn't know and claims that thanks to Rick: "It's not the end of the world anymore... It's the start of a whole new one," believing that he made a worthwhile sacrifice to help rebuild the world.

"Who Are You Now?"

Six years later, Aaron, now with a metal prosthetic, along with Eugene, Rosita, and Laura find Judith in the woods helping Magna's group. Wanting to take them in, Judith declares she won't go return to Alexandria until they accept them. Aaron and the others reluctantly agree.

In Alexandria, Magna's group arrives at the gates and Judith assures them they'll be safe. They get escorted inside, where Gracie runs over to Aaron. Rosita updates Siddiq on Yumiko's condition and he escorts her to the infirmary. Magna tries to tag along, but is stopped by D.J.

Michonne arrives on horseback and doesn't look pleased to see the new arrivals. She frisks Magna and asks Eugene why they're here. Aaron claims it was his call, but Michonne reminds him it's not his call to make. "I decided," Judith tells her. Michonne scolds her, but Aaron says they're here now and they should decide their fate together, while Gabriel suggests they vote tomorrow. Michonne agrees and instructs her people to put them in holding. She leaves as her sheriff figurine falls out of her pocket and Judith picks it up.

The next day, Magna's group stand before Aaron and the rest of the council for questioning. They ask who their leader is and Magna claims they're a team, while Luke explains their group used to be bigger. Gabriel asks about their former professions. Luke was a music teacher, Magna was a truck stop waitress, Connie was a journalist, and Kelly was a high school student. Luke says they should trust them, but Michonne isn't done with questions. She stands up and asks Magna to see her left hand, which has a prison tattoo. Michonne then calls her out for the hidden knife on her belt, which she puts on the table. Michonne storms out, saying she'll second any of their motions. Magna tries to question her but is shut off.


On the road, Aaron jumps Jesus on horseback and the two playfully fight in a field until they're worn out and go sit to catch up. Jesus asks if Michonne has reconsidered joining the upcoming fair but Aaron said she won't even put it to a revote. Suddenly, a flare is fired in the air close by and they rush over to investigate. They find Rosita wounded by a tree, who tells them she left Eugene in a barn. Before some walkers get close, they grab her and promise to look for Eugene tomorrow.

In the morning, Daryl, Carol, and Henry arrive at Hilltop and hug Tara. Carol tells Jesus that Henry wants to learn how to be a blacksmith. Aaron greets Daryl and tells him they could use his help locating Eugene. Henry tries to tag along but Carol instead says he needs to stay and she will help him find a home.

With Dog leading the way, Daryl, Aaron, and Jesus head out to find Eugene.


In the woods, Aaron, Daryl, and Jesus discover a herd middling around in the middle of a field. As they leave, an odd-looking walker watches them from the herd.

Later, Jesus tells Aaron that Daryl used to trade with Hilltop before he stopped coming to visit. Aaron encourages him to embrace his new leadership role when Daryl cuts them off and says he can hear the walkers nearby through the wind. As they leave, Jesus looks with suspicion at the incoming herd.

At night, Daryl, Jesus, and Aaron locate Eugene hiding in a barn cellar. A terrified Eugene warns them a herd of walkers is looking for him and they need to leave immediately. "This wasn't a normal herd... They were whispering to each other", he tells them. They look at him confused, when suddenly Dog barks, warning them of the nearby herd.

In the foggy woods, Eugene suggests to the group that the walkers are evolving. Daryl calls bullshit when Aaron notices they're drawing closer. Jesus demands they split up but Daryl says that instead, he will guide the herd away while he and Aaron take Eugene to the horses.

A while later, Aaron, Jesus, and Eugene end up at a foggy cemetery. They quickly get trapped by a locked gate, forcing Aaron and Jesus to go kill the walkers, while they hear whispers around. Suddenly, Daryl, Michonne, Magna, and Yumiko arrive to help them unlock the gate.

Jesus tells Aaron and Eugene to get out while he finishes the walkers and starts taking out several with his sword. He goes to kill the last one but as he attacks it, the walker dodges and stabs him from behind through his chest, shocking everyone. "You are where you do not belong", the walker whispers to a shocked Jesus before throwing him on the ground.

Daryl shoots it in the head as several more Whisperers arrive and the rest of the group run in to finish them off. As Aaron goes over to Jesus' body, Daryl notices something on the back of the walker and cuts into his neck, revealing a mask. Before they can process the situation, whispers around them get louder and the group circles up preparing for a fight.


In the cemetery, Aaron and the rest proceed to kill the Whisperers and walkers around them. When more arrive they're forced to carry Jesus' body away and lock the gates. As they leave, a whisperer opens the lock.

On the road, Aaron claims to Magna and Yumiko that Jesus was a good man and tells Eugene to not blame himself for his death. Suddenly, the group notices a small group of walkers nearby. Daryl corners them on a bridge and uses his crossbow to see who are whisperers. He hits one in the leg and the man falls down screaming in pain, attracting walkers to him. The rest try slowly escaping to the other side, where Michonne is waiting for them. They draw their knives and attack, but Michonne and the rest kill them with ease as the final whisperer gets on her knees to surrender. Daryl rips off her mask, to reveal a girl begging for her life. Michonne angrily questions her but when more walkers show up Daryl decides to take her with them.

Later, Aaron and the group arrive at Hilltop with Jesus' body and the captive girl, causing the whole community to react in disbelief. Aaron hugs Enid, comforting her.

Afterward, Aaron apologizes to Michonne for doubting her, affirming that Alexandria is self-sufficient enough without Hilltop. Michonne apologizes too.

A while later, a funeral is held for Jesus and everyone take turns hammering the nails in his coffin. Aaron looks in sadness and then proceeds to leave with the rest of the group to Alexandria.


In Alexandria, Aaron listens as Michonne scolds her council for keeping her in the dark about their radio mission. Gabriel argues they should be more open to new communities, but Aaron reminds him about the Whisperers and how they should trust Michonne's discretion. Siddiq argues that Michonne's not always right and her decision to cut ties with The Kingdom proves it. Michonne draws a hard line and asserts she's not willing to sacrifice her people to save the Kingdom.

Later, Michonne visits Aaron to announce she has decided to let the council send a delegation to the Kingdom's fair. Aaron pushes back, but Michonne says the people should be allowed to decide for themselves. "I hope we don’t regret this," Aaron says and agrees to her decision.


In Alexandria, Aaron goes to Michonne's house to inform her that Daryl's at the gates with Henry, Lydia, and Connie. From a guard post, Michonne tells Daryl she's skeptical of Lydia but he assures her she’s on their side. Aaron tells her they shouldn't trust Lydia, but Michonne tells him she trusts Daryl.

In the past, Aaron, Michonne, Rosita, Eugene, and Gabriel follow Winnie to a factory where they find several kids hiding out. At night, he watches as Jocelyn’s kid group enjoys a bonfire with a younger Judith and the community kids. He tells Michonne Rick would've been proud of her and from wherever he is he's watching them.

In the present, at night, Aaron says farewell to Daryl as he prepares to leave for the Kingdom. He reminds him about the time he told him he would be a great dad and he has proved it by taking care of Lydia and Henry. However, he remarks that was back when their main focus was building a bridge and then pats him goodbye.

In the past, Aaron watches as Michonne and Daryl return to Alexandria with the missing kids. He immediately goes over to help them both.

"The Storm"

Several months after the fair massacre, Aaron accompanies Michonne and a group of Alexandrians to help the Kingdom residents travel safely and move to the Hilltop. On the road, the group spots walkers in a field but keep moving undetected.

Later, as more snow starts falling, Michonne decides to take the group to the Sanctuary for shelter during the night. In the Sanctuary, Aaron listens as the leaders map their route through a frozen lake on Alpha’s land and Michonne warns they have to leave now or they won't make it. He accepts to take the route and claims that if Rick's bridge had been built, they would have arrived half a day earlier. The group gets ready and leave the Sanctuary.

In the woods, the group passes the pikes into Alpha's territory. Michonne kills frozen walkers, unsure if they're Whisperers or not, before reaching the frozen lake. Daryl notices Lydia’s missing again, so Carol leaves to find her and instructs him to get everyone across safely. Suddenly, walkers awaken from the snow banks and the group kills them one by one before escaping across the ice.

In the morning, Aaron and the group finally arrive at Hilltop, where Daryl knocks off the head of a frozen walker. The next day, he and the others return to Alexandria, along with Carol and several Kingdom refugees. He then plays with the group in a snowball fight.

Season 10[]

"Lines We Cross"

Some months after the blizzard, Aaron and the Coalition form a militia in order to train the several residents of the communities to face any future treats. He takes part in a training exercise on the Oceanside beach. As Ezekiel and Jerry methodically release walkers from a shipwrecked boat, Aaron and the other militia work together as a unit to take out the walker threat.

A while later, Aaron radios Gabriel at Alexandria to warn him about the recently discovered Whisperer mask at the beach, suggesting they go on lockdown. Michonne instead advises they stay vigilant while they split up and look for more signs of the Whisperers.

On the hunt, Aaron asks Michonne if they're the good guys, reminding her they're the villains in other people's stories. Suddenly, he spots walkers on a bridge and rushes in to kill them. Michonne saves him and angrily reminds him not to cross into Alpha's border. However, Aaron reminds her about the people they've lost and claims he is tired of being nice. Michonne reiterates he still needs to be careful.

Michonne then radios everyone to circle back but Yumiko tells her they have found something. In the woods, they catch up with her and find an abandoned campsite full of corpses and a walker skin. Aaron declares one of the Whisperers has been here. At Oceanside, Michonne explains to Aaron that people can't be afraid because of how fear will impact the community. She also tells him they have to choose to be the good guys, even when it's hard.

That night, Aaron and the others decide to cross Alpha's border to put out the fire and avoid it burning down Oceanside. They discover the remains of the satellite and start combating the fire. Some use water while others dig a means to prevent the fire from spreading until the morning arrives. The group runs out of water as a herd of walkers approaches the group. With their backs to the fire, the group prepares for a fight.

Aaron and the group take their formations and start fighting off the herd. As they keep killing the walkers, Daryl tosses an axe to cut a tree down and have it fall onto some walkers. Later, the fire is put out and everyone recovers. Aaron claims they have been lucky so far and Michonne asks him where Daryl and Carol went.


Aaron and the rest of the Alexandria residents face against waves of walkers pouring onto the community gates over the next 49 hours. After prevailing from the exhausting battle, the community discovers that a new herd of walkers is approaching from multiple directions. In the morning, Aaron helps to clean up the community from the corpses while Eugene warns that it will be an hour until the next wave hits.

Later that day at an emergency council meeting, Aaron listens as Michonne decides that instead of retaliating against the Whisperers, she and a small group will meet with Alpha at the border to work things out. Under Michonne's plan, Aaron is placed in charge of leading a team to take out the southern wave of walkers. While he screws a mace onto his arm, Gabriel informs Aaron Negan's going to fight alongside him due to a lack of soldiers at the moment.

In the woods, Aaron and Negan kill some walkers. When Negan finds a crowbar, Aaron demands him to put it down. Negan says he's not the guy he thinks he is but Aaron makes him continue to use the broomstick to kill the incoming walkers. At night, Negan takes out a walker with the crowbar which prompts Aaron to demand he heads back. When Negan tries to dismiss him, Aaron pushes him to the ground. "I did what I had to do back then," Negan claims about his past actions. Aaron asks why Eric had to die and Negan tells him if he doesn't protect what belongs to him then it belongs to someone else. Aaron shoots back that if he failed Eric then Negan failed his wife and she died hating him.

Aaron is suddenly attacked by walkers as Negan escapes. He kills them, but the blood causes his eyes to go blurry. As Aaron searches for Negan, he stumbles into a cabin where his blurry vision causes him to bang around the cabin as walkers storm in. Negan saves him with the crowbar and tells him the flowers growing out of the walkers are called hogweed and can lead to blindness. He hands him water and tells him they'll leave in the morning. At dawn, Aaron regains his vision and tells Negan he can finally see. They then head back to Alexandria.

"Silence the Whisperers"

Aaron trains the residents in Alexandria on close combat when he notices Gage, Margo, and Alfred harassing Lydia. As she leaves, Aaron tells them it's their turn to practice. Later that day, Aaron is at the dining hall enjoying a meal when Lydia makes a scene by gutting a dead squirrel, upsetting Gage, Margo, and Alfred. He watches as the three leave in disgust before returning to his meal.

Later that night, Aaron and the council reunite in the meeting house to discuss Lydia's attack. They question Gage and Alfred, who lie and say they were attacked. Gabriel asks why Lydia's the one in the infirmary. They claim to them how their friends got beheaded by the Whisperers and now Margo is dead. The council then lets them go.

While the council discusses their vote on Negan's fate, Aaron opposes to Negan being spared due to all the people he has killed and that something inside him is broken. Daryl arrives and says he believes Lydia, which ties the vote. Gabriel announces he'll take the night to make his decision by tomorrow.

The following morning, Aaron and Gabriel discuss Negan's escape when Lydia walks by and tells them she is responsible, much to their shock and confusion.

"What It Always Is"

Aaron is looking for Negan in the woods while also practicing with his sword. While passing over a bridge, Aaron hears footsteps and hides to investigate. He watches as Gamma cuts open a walker and spill its guts on the river in order to contaminate the water.

Later that day, Aaron encounters Gamma by the creed again and tosses her some bandages after watching her cut her hand. He introduces himself and tries to get her to do the same, but she picks up the bandage and runs off. Aaron sarcastically yells that she is welcome and then leaves.

"Open Your Eyes"

Aaron and Gamma meet on a bridge at one of the borders. She questions how his community is full of supplies like bread. He offers her some but she turns him down. Gamma then notices a drawing by Gracie in his bag and he reveals he has a daughter. She is surprised to hear that they have children in the community and explains that children hold you back. When Aaron asks about siblings, Gamma lies and tells him she's an only child.

Later that day, Aaron tells Gamma she can keep the drawing and tries to ask about her past. When she doesn't answer, he calls her out for digging for intel and thinks he should be doing the same. He then opens up about his younger brother and tries for her to the same. Before she can give in, Gamma leaves while repeating the Whisperer motto to herself.

That night, Aaron meets with Gamma again. She hands him back Gracie's drawing and when he reaches for it, she grabs him from behind and puts a knife to his neck to question him. Suddenly, Carol emerges from the woods with her arrow pointed as Lydia also arrives. Aaron then sees as Gamma panics and runs off into the woods. When Carol tries to stop Lydia from leaving as well, he watches as Lydia hits her with her stick and crosses the border too.

"The World Before"

Aaron meets Gamma at the border on the bridge again and she asks if the baby that was left to die outside Hilltop is still alive. When she reveals he is her nephew, Aaron says he was rescued by a family and is named Adam. She offers him information in exchange for seeing Adam. Before accepting any type of deal, Aaron makes her take off her mask and to tell the truth. Gamma says her name used to be Mary and reveals to him the location of Alpha's horde.

Upon arriving back at Alexandria, Aaron is informed about the recent events regarding Siddiq's death. He claims to be disgusted with how oblivious he was to Dante being spy living among them for the past four months, especially after he treated Gracie once. When Carol tells him not to blame himself, he reveals that he has been talking with a Whisperer and she has told him the location of Alpha's horde, explaining she just wants to see her nephew Adam. Despite his skepticism, Daryl orders Aaron to summon a group from Hilltop to help them with the mission.

Later that day, Aaron attends the funeral service for Siddiq and listens to Gabriel's religious remarks. He silently pays his respects and then leaves the ceremony with his daughter. At their home, they play a game where Gracie has to guess the capitals of each state from the license plate mural he made with Eric years prior. After winning, she asks for a story as her prize. Aaron tells her he once went hiking with a man he loved in Eureka, California. They stood in ancient ruins and listened to the sound of the ocean waves which were far away and wondered what life was like for the old civilization. She asks for the villagers' whereabouts but Aaron doesn't know what happened to them.

Aaron then goes alongside Daryl and Carol to the woods to meet up with the group from Hilltop. He hugs Magna and Kelly after not having seen them for a while. That night, the group crosses one of the borders in the woods to continue their mission. The next day, the group arrives at the location of the horde in a clearing only to find it's empty. Despite this, Aaron is confident Mary didn't lie but an angry Daryl says it was a waste of time and now they have to go search for the missing Lydia. When Carol chases after Alpha into a dark building, Aaron and the others follow her inside. The group then falls below a cave into a trap where they find themselves surrounded by most of the horde.


Having become trapped in the cave with the horde, Aaron and the group recover from the fall and realize Alpha is watching them from the top as they look around for a possible exit. He watches as Carol screams in anger and then helps Magna as she tries to climb a wall in vain. The group starts seeking other avenues of escape and eventually they decide to jump from rock to rock onto the other side of the cave in order to find another exit.

As the group moves through the cave, Aaron discusses with Jerry how much food they have left when Kelly tells them they don't have enough. He also tells Magna they don't have time to blame each other and they have to work together. When Magna is ambushed by a Whisperer, the group engages in a fight and kills several Whisperers, before deciding to follow the ones who escaped to find the exit. They follow the path and squeeze trough narrow tunnels until they find an underground mine station where Kelly discovers a box of dynamite. As the group starts digging for a way out, Aaron tells Magna to rest a little but she says she wants to escape to reunite with Yumiko.

When Carol accidentally drops a stick of dynamite in an effort to destroy the herd, the explosion causes the cave to begin collapsing. Aaron and Kelly make it to the surface and kill some Whisperers while Jerry holds a beam to prevent it from collapsing as they wait for the others. Daryl and Carol escape but Magna and Connie stay back and kill several Whisperers to protect Jerry, but he cannot hold the log anymore and leaves through the hole. The rest of the dynamite immediately explodes and the cave implodes, trapping Magna and Connie inside.

Aaron watches as Daryl tries to excavate trough the debris and tells him it could take weeks to reach them as he starts to sob. Kelly states that the explosion will attract walkers and Whisperers in the vicinity and they should leave because they won't be able to help Connie and Magna if they die. Daryl then tells the group to head home and inform everyone they found the horde, while he'll find the other entrance to the cave.


Aaron returns to Alexandria the next day and is in disbelief when he sees new graves and realizes several Alexandrians were killed during an attack last night. He then informs to Gabriel and Scott that not everyone from the scout group escaped from the cave. Afterwards, Aaron and Gracie leave with a group in wagons towards Hilltop so Rosita can be healed by the doctor and to discuss the incoming battle against the Whisperers.

"Morning Star"

Aaron arrives at Hilltop with the group, and Earl asks Aaron about who Mary is, the latter reveals her to be a former Whisperer that has defected, and that she wishes to see her nephew, Adam. Earl promptly shoots down this notion, not trusting Mary. Alden agrees with Earl, and assures him that they will only allow the Alexandrians to see Alex.

Aaron joins the discussion about what should be done with the Whisperers. Lydia thinks they should run, explaining that even if the explosion at the cave took out half the horde, Alpha would still have thousands of walkers left. Earl thinks the Whisperers might bypass them and go for Alexandria first, but Lydia negates this. Jerry wishes to stay and fight instead, while Dianne agrees with Lydia, believing that they can rebuild in another location. Earl is skeptical, however, and reckons that they will never find a place as good as Hilltop. While Yumiko points out they're heavily outnumbered, Earl insists that fighting is the best course of action, and even if they die, they will die for a place that means something. Aaron points out that there are children at Hilltop, too. Daryl agrees that they should get the kids out first, and instructs the others to pack up and regroup at Oceanside.

Later, Mary spots Adam and attempts to talk to him, but is intercepted by Alden, who prevents her from doing so. Despite Mary's pleas and Aaron's attempts to reason with him, Alden remains adamant about keeping Adam separate from Mary. Aaron is shown when everyone equips their weapons and armor.

As everyone is gathered on the front lines, Kelly puts her palms on the ground and confirms that the horde is close. Indeed, the horde soon emerges from the bushes and approaches the Hilltop. While they are momentarily halted by the electric fence, the walkers soon break through it and approach the second line of defense. Aaron orders the survivors to split ranks. The shield-wielding survivors reinforce the makeshift barbed wire fence, while the melee weapon-wielding survivors start taking out the walkers. The archers, meanwhile, stay in the back and rain arrows on the herd. Behind the herd, Beta commands the Whisperers to launch the sap they collected earlier using makeshift catapults into the front lines, drenching most of the defenders as well as the Hilltop's walls. This is followed by the Whisperers launching fire-arrows into the front lines, setting one unfortunate Hilltop resident ablaze. With no choice, the defenders begin to retreat towards the Hilltop, but are trapped when the Whisperers launch another volley of fire-arrows into the Hilltop's walls, setting the community ablaze.

"Walk With Us"

Aaron survives the fall of the Hilltop and escapes with an injured Luke, dragging his unconscious friend to safety on a makeshift sled. In the nearby woods, Aaron encounters Negan who tries to convince Aaron that he is not a threat to him. However, Aaron is too angry to hear Negan out. The confrontation is interrupted by the approach of a small herd, forcing Aaron to fight them off to protect the still-unconscious Luke while Negan escapes.

"What We Become"

Aaron appears in Michonne's hallucination during the line-up where Michonne chooses who she will kill with Lucille.

"The Tower"

Aaron watches over Beta in the upper floor of the windmill with Alden, who communicates information to Aaron via sign language. From a distance, Aaron and Alden spy on the herd and radio their observations to Gabriel, noting that they are heading towards Oceanside as expected. Aaron tells him they will continue to follow the herd and notify them if anything changes. Shadowing the horde, Aaron and Alden notice it changing direction, so try to call it in. Failing to get a signal, they decide to retreat, but before they can do so, they are surrounded by a group of Whisperers, one of which holds them at gunpoint.

"A Certain Doom"

Aaron and Alden manage to fight off the Whisperers, who are then further assisted Maggie Rhee, who had returned per the community's request to help end the Whisperer War, and her armed escort. Aaron, along with Alden, Maggie, and her escort; arrived at the Tower just in time to kill the invading Whisperers and save Gabriel's life.

With the survivors killing many of the Whisperers, Daryl killing Beta, and Carol and Lydia leading the herd off a cliff into a ravine - the Whisperer War is efficiently ended. After the battle, Aaron takes Gracie to reintroduce Maggie to her. Gracie and Maggie recognize and embrace each other.

"One More"

Aaron and Gabriel slay walkers in a field. Aaron and Gabriel arrive at a building to search for potential supplies, only to find that the building has burned to the ground. Gabriel consults a map of potential supply sources that Maggie created. Aaron and Gabriel throw a timer into a field. The timer rings, flushing walkers out of the tall grass. Aaron and Gabriel kill the walkers. Aaron and Gabriel find a caravan of abandoned cars riddled with bullets. Gabriel discovers a stash of canned goods in a car trunk, but bullet holes have caused the contents to leak out. Aaron grows discouraged.

Aaron bangs the boarded-up door of a market to draw out walkers. Gabriel hacks at walkers as they reach through the planks. Aaron kills a walker as it lunges for them. Gabriel climbs onto the roof and finds a walker tied to a post. Three dead bodies lie on a nearby mattress. Gabriel enters the store via a roof hatch. Gabriel kills the walkers inside the store but finds no supplies. He consults Maggie's map and says there is one more location to search. Aaron gives up hope and points out that they've been scavenging for two weeks without any success. Gabriel insists they still check the final location.

Aaron and Gabriel walk down a trail. A walker rises from the mud and grabs at Gabriel. Gabriel falls in the mud, ruining the map. Aaron kills the walker and refuses to proceed without a map. Gabriel insists they just need to look for a water tower that is near the final location, but eventually agrees to return home. Aaron and Gabriel discover an abandoned warehouse and search inside. Gabriel notices a pile of Bibles with torn pages. Aaron investigates a noise. Gabriel finds something in the drawer of a desk. Aaron approaches a room where the noise is coming from. He opens the door.

Gabriel hears Aaron screaming and races over to the room. Aaron stands over the body of a boar that he fought and killed. Gabriel proposes dinner with some whiskey that he found in the desk. Aaron and Gabriel cook the boar in the warehouse. Gabriel pours some whiskey and notes that it's a very expensive brand. Aaron asks for more. Gabriel fills their glasses.

Later in the evening, Aaron and Gabriel play a drunken game of poker. Aaron and Gabriel relax after dinner. Gabriel tells a story about a mentor who taught him that good ministers are able to relate to people on their own terms. Aaron wishes they could go back to saving and recruiting residents to Alexandria. Gabriel doubts that life will ever return to normal and declares that evil people are the rule, not the exception.

Gabriel and Aaron sleep in the warehouse. Aaron gets up to use the bathroom. Gabriel wakes up and finds Aaron gone. A man named Mays watches him from across the room and asks for some boar.

Gabriel sits across from Mays as he eats boar. Mays tells Gabriel that he lives at the warehouse and that Gabriel and Aaron stole his boar. He reveals that he has Aaron's mace arm, then shoots at a room where he's holding Aaron. Gabriel tries to appeal to the man's faith in God, but Mays says he was merely using the Bibles for toilet paper. Mays drags Aaron out of the room and forces them to play Russian roulette. Gabriel and Aaron take turns shooting at their own heads. The chamber is empty each time. Mays explains that he killed his brother and his brother's family after catching his brother stealing his food. Gabriel invites Mays to join their community. Mays agrees and cuts Aaron loose. Gabriel kills Mays with the mace and tells Aaron that they couldn't take a man who killed his brother's family.

Aaron and Gabriel wonder where Mays had been hiding. They find a room upstairs stocked with supplies. Mays' brother is handcuffed, surrounded by the skeletons of his family. Mays' brother explains that Mays forced his family to play Russian roulette. Gabriel frees Mays' brother. Mays' brother grabs Gabriel's gun and shoots himself. Gabriel and Aaron cross a field and spot the water tower. Aaron agrees to look for the final location. They head off towards the water tower.

Season 11[]

"Acheron: Part I"

Aaron is seen helping rebuild Alexandria after its destruction. He is then seen at the meeting when Gabriel reveals that they only have enough food left to last them a week. Maggie suggests they refill their supplies by taking back her old community, Meridian, which was previously overthrown by a group that killed most of her people.


On her way to the storage room, Carol walks by Aaron and a group of Alexandrians fixing the wall. Aaron asks if she is leaving already, noting that she was supposed to help with the wall repair. Carol claims to be preoccupied, as she plans on catching Alexandria's runaway horses. Speaking from personal experience, Aaron warns her that there is little hope for her actually catching the horses, and believes repairing the walls to be more important. Carol protests that, without the horses, they won't be able to scavenge far or move anything heavy, meaning they will starve.

"Out of the Ashes"

Aaron has a nightmare in which he and Gracie get lost in the woods. Suddenly, a Whisperer, Savior, and other enemies from Aaron's past surround him and stab him as he screams for disappearing Gracie. Aaron wakes up with a start, safe in bed with his daughter sleeping peacefully beside him. Aaron hears a commotion outside and tells Gracie to hide in the basement, making sure she has her whistle on her in case of danger, and kisses her head goodbye. Walkers stream into Alexandria through a breach in the wall, created by a fallen panel. A crew hoists the panel back up as others slaughter the walkers. Walkers swarm the walls of Alexandria. Aaron, Carol, Jerry and Lydia decide to go to Hilltop to scavenge for blacksmith tools they can use to reinforce the walls.

Aaron's group arrives at Hilltop and finds it overrun with walkers. They recognize the walkers as former Hilltoppers. Aaron and Jerry become emotional as they kill the walkers. Aaron's group scavenges for supplies at Hilltop. They notice walkers moving in a herding pattern and realize one of them is a Whisperer. Aaron spots the Whisperer and shoves him to the ground, then yanks off his mask. Lydia recognizes the Whisperer and tells Aaron not to kill him. Aaron interrogates the Whisperer, whose name is Keith. Keith insists that he's the only Whisperer left at Hilltop. Lydia defends Keith, but Aaron doesn't believe him.

Aaron and Jerry drag Keith to the root cellar and find other Whisperers hiding. Keith insists that they are the last ones. Jerry spots Nabila's scarf and realizes these Whisperers helped burned down Alexandria. Keith grabs a knife and slashes Aaron, allowing the other Whisperers to escape. Aaron and Jerry suspend Keith from the rafters of a stable and demand to know how many more Whisperers there are. Keith begs Lydia for help, but Lydia refuses to watch the torture and abruptly leaves.

When Keith refuses to give Aaron the information he wants, and says that Aaron's friends are better off dead, Aaron pushes a walker on Keith's hand. Aaron then offers to amputate it and prevent infection if Keith tells them where his people are. Carol kills the walker and warns Aaron against the dangers of becoming consumed with rage, the same path she followed during the Whisperer War when Henry was killed, and tells him that killing Alpha did not bring her peace and that she has to live with the consequences of her actions. Aaron reluctantly agrees and spares Keith. After Keith's amputation, Aaron listens to him reveal that he saw one of their people emerge alive from the cave where Alpha kept her horde. They realize he's talking about Connie. When Carol wants to leave and find her, Aaron suggests they search for her first thing in the morning. As they leave Hilltop, Aaron watches as the Whisperers surround Keith.

"On the Inside"

Aaron and Carol argue about a strategy for finding Connie. Magna notices that Kelly has gone missing.

"For Blood"

Aaron boards his home to protect it from the storm raging in Alexandria, when lighting strikes a nearby tree and causes a branch to crash through the living room window, Aaron races over to push it out.

Later, Aaron braves the storm to search for anymore damage. He reports back to the group that a panel had been blown off the wall, and that the windmill had been struck by lightning with the fire drawing in walkers. He asks for two groups of volunteers to help fix the wall and to fight the fire, and another to stay back to protect the children by defending the house. Aaron supports Connie's decision to help Carol fix the wall, and shows appreciation to Rosita for offering to stay back and Magna for going with him to save the windmill.

Aaron goes over to his daughter once everyone's roles had been decided, and discovers Gracie upset with him for risking his life. When she questions why he has to be the one to go, Aaron explains to her how it would be unfair of him to ask a person to do something dangerous if he wasn't willing to do it himself.

When Judith comes over and offers to stay with Gracie, Aaron thanks her and kisses his daughter's head goodbye.

"No Other Way"

Aaron and Jerry burst through the church doors to escape the storm. Jerry suggests that it might be time to give up on the windmill after Aaron tells him that the wind keeps stoking the flames, Aaron refuses to give up and tells him they just need to find another way. Aaron notices Carol, Connie, Magna, and Kelly running past and calls them over. The group decides on a plan to fight the fire and fix the wall breach simultaneously, and goes to split up before Aaron hears a whistle and is stopped in his tracks. He recognizes it as the sound of Gracie's emergency whistle and begins to race towards it, calling back to the group to save the windmill or they lose Alexandria.

Aaron discovers Gracie and Judith Grimes in the flooded basement of his house being attacked by walkers. He smashes what's left of the basement window with his mace, and jumps in to save them by killing multiple walkers. He instructs the children to swim towards the window, before being dragged underwater by a walker, and is able to squeeze a walker's head until it explodes. Aaron returns to the surface and swims over to the children, telling them to get on his shoulders so that they can pull themselves out of the window, and orders them to get to safety instead of getting him help. Aaron watches in horror as walkers begin to flood the basement.

Aaron is able to pull himself up on to pipe that hangs from his ceiling to evade the walkers, the pipe breaks under his weight and Aaron almost falls off before regaining his grip. Lydia discovers Aaron and is able to save him with a rope. Aaron very appreciative and thanks her for pulling him out, and is reflective for a moment when Lydia says he would've done the same for her before confirming that he would have. After learning Gracie and Judith are safe, and that Rosita has the house defense under control, Aaron and Lydia go to help fight the fire at the windmill.

The next day, Aaron goes over and greets the group returning from Meridian with a cart full of food. Aaron hugs Gabriel and thanks him for the putting his life on the line for the community. Aaron is saddened by Alden's passing, but is determined to make the meaning out of the sacrifices and loss by ensuring their survival. Suddenly, Aaron hears Jerry yell about an approaching group.

Aaron is seen listening to Lance Hornsby address the residents of Alexandria, and offer the Commonwealth's help in rebuilding Alexandria, and "another, potentially more interesting choice" for any who are interested in it.

"The Lucky Ones"

Aaron and a welcoming committee greet Pamela's convoy as it arrives in Alexandria. Aaron gives Pamela a brief history of Alexandria. Mercer asks how they keep Alexandria safe. Daryl says they fought many battles to protect it. On their way to Hilltop, Lance admonishes Aaron for failing to keep walkers out of Alexandria and for not knowing about Maggie's decision. Lance warns that if Maggie opts out, he will no longer help Alexandria. Aaron makes a case for the Commonwealth and asks if Maggie will join them. Lance proposes an impromptu hunt. Aaron joins him and asks what Pamela thinks about Alexandria. Lance says that Pamela is on board and that they will bring in even more people. He vows to remake the world.


Aaron visits Gabriel at the Commonwealth church, where he is delivering a sermon. Gabriel urges his parishioners to open up to each other. Aaron tells Gabriel that the Commonwealth has enlisted him to help with a new immigration initiative. He asks for Gabriel's assistance reaching out to a religious group of settlers holed up in a building complex. A young man named Jesse tells Aaron that their boss, Carlson, is ready. Aaron reassures Gabriel that the settlers have been deemed friendly.

Carlson scopes out the complex through binoculars. Aaron remarks that the building doesn't look as friendly as he'd been told but reassures Gabriel that they'll have Commonwealth troopers with them. Carlson informs them that the troopers are hanging back to avoid spooking the settlers. Gabriel and Aaron refuse to go in, but Carlson says it's not up for discussion. Aaron announces himself at the building entrance and says they have MREs to offer. A woman steps out and collects their weapons before allowing them inside.

The woman directs Aaron's group to a room down a dark hallway. Inside the room, the leader, Ian, orders them to sit. Aaron describes the Commonwealth and invites Ian's group to join them. Ian shows them a collection of skulls from raiders who came to kill his group. He shoots his gun and orders them to kneel, worried they've come to eat his people. Aaron insists they aren't cannibals and offers to leave if Ian lets them go. Ian agrees, but Carlson grabs his gun and shoots him and kills two of his people. Carlson interrogates Ian for the guns and cargo his people hijacked. Ian says he has no idea what Carlson is talking about. Carlson shoots Ian dead, leading to a shocked Aaron telling him that they were supposed to help people, which Carlson states that they are, by killing the threats and this is how to make the world safe.

Jesse attempts to flee on horseback. Carlson orders his trooper to kill him. A trooper shoots Jesse, but Aaron smashes him in the face before he can shoot again. Carlson pulls his gun on Aaron and fires, but before they can fight, soldiers open fire on Aaron. He runs for cover into the woods. Aaron spots Maggie's group on the road when they discovers that the Commonwealth solders were murdered. After Aaron recounts his story to Maggie's group, Maggie wonders why the Commonwealth had so many guns. She looks at Jesse's blood-soaked map to find a route to the Commonwealth. Aaron asks where she got the map. Maggie says it's the map that Aaron gave to Jesse, but Aaron says he never gave Jesse a map.

"The Rotten Core"

Aaron and Maggie's group hide as Carlson leads a team through the complex, gunning down residents. Maggie's group runs into Annie while searching an apartment. To their surprise, Negan appears. They're brought to a secret room where Gabriel and other residents are hiding. Annie proposes they split into teams and sweep each floor to rescue survivors. Gabriel stays behind with Aaron.

Negan reveals to Aaron's group that he's married to Annie. Gabriel insists they didn't know Carlson's ulterior motives when they came to the complex. Annie radios Negan and tells the group to mobilize. Negan sees something troubling outside the window. Maggie and Annie radio Gabriel and Aaron with a plan. Gabriel and Aaron manages to lure Carlson and his men onto the roof, where Elijah sneaks up and kills the troopers with his kama. With his troopers dead and surrounded by Aaron's group, Toby attempts to plead for his life, but Aaron shoots Toby, who falls off of the roof and lands near the bodies of the dead hostages. They reanimate and eat Toby alive as Aaron and Gabriel watch.

In the aftermath of the battle, Maggie tells Aaron and Gabriel they can't return to Commonwealth, but Aaron says Lance will want to know what happened. Gabriel points out that it's only a matter of time before Lance comes for them. Maggie decides to do something. They wonder who hijacked the Commonwealth convoy.


Aaron and Gabriel are interrogated by Lance about what happened to Carlson's team. He's dubious of their story that mysterious killers slaughtered everyone except for them and then escaped. Lance orders troopers to search the area for the killers, starting with Hilltop. Lance and his team encounter walkers in the woods. He orders Aaron and Gabriel to take care of the walkers by hand, in order to save ammo. They kill the walkers with Daryl's help. Aaron, Gabriel and Daryl quietly confer by a campfire as they realize the troopers won't stop searching until they find the killers. Daryl suspects a plan is afoot.

"Acts of God"

Aaron, along with Daryl and Gabriel, help the Commonwealth soldiers clear a house to search for the guns. Aaron wants to break off the search, and disagrees with Gabriel when he suggests that they be compliant with the orders because he believes that there isn't any way out of the situation unless they fight. Daryl agrees with Aaron, and tells the group that they will make a break for it as soon as possible. The trio is interrupted when a soldier wants to know what they are talking about, Aaron listens in as Daryl tries to distract Romano by bringing up a different location to search. Aaron then watches Romano being attacked by a walker and doesn't try to help him. As they move off to search more areas, Aaron agrees with Gabriel when he whispers that they need to watch their backs.

Aaron to Romano update Lance on their group's location, and exchanges worried glances with Daryl and Gabriel. The group are lead to a junkyard and are slowly surrounded by the soldiers, the trio notice that its an ambush and make a break for it after Aaron and Daryl nod to each other. Daryl fires at the soldier, and Aaron and Gabriel run for cover and are wounded by bullets. Daryl fights with a soldier and is able to unarm him and throws the soldier's gun to Aaron, who catches the gun and starts shooting back at the soldiers. Aaron notices that the noise of the gunfight attracted walkers and starts shooting them down.

Aaron, Daryl and Gabriel win the fight and find a badly injured Romano attempting to crawl away. Aaron allows Gabriel to bandage his wound and watches in annoyance as Romano swears at Daryl. Aaron listens in as Romano eventually reveals Lance's location, and the object of the mission. Aaron questions what "clear the field," means and worries for Maggie's safety when Gabriel tells him that it Lance only wants allies left.

Later that night, Aaron, Daryl and Gabriel find a camp, and Aaron looks on in confusion when Daryl knows the person who owns the camp, but agrees to split up to cover more ground.

Aaron and Gabriel are reunited with Daryl and a badly injured Maggie the next day.


Following Lance Hornsby's takeover of Alexandria, Hilltop, and Oceanside, Aaron is pursued by Lance and his soldiers. Aaron and Gabriel run into Negan and Annie before reuniting with Daryl and Maggie inside an abandoned building, where they discuss a plan to deal with the situation. Aaron points out that they will be unable to pass the checkpoints since Lance has most likely already radioed back to the Commonwealth. He assures Gabriel that Carol, Rosita, Jerry and Ezekiel will be able to protect their families while they are away. The group realizes that The Commonwealth have never seen Negan, and send him in to warn their families and try to have them evacuated before Lance has a chance to use them for an advantage.

After Negan leaves, the group decide to use the sewers to keep hidden from the soldiers. Inside the sewers, Aaron kills a walker with his mace, and listens to Gabriel shoot at the ceiling to draw the soldiers in while they wait in ambush. Aaron hides at knee-level, and waits for a trooper to pass him before slicing their knee from behind. The group all come out of their hiding-spots and raise their weapons at the troopers while Daryl holds a knife to Lance's throat, forcing a tense stand-off.

"A New Deal"

Aaron is seen aiming his weapon at the troopers, but the stand-off is soon interrupted by the arrival of Mercer, Pamela, Carol, and Negan. Aaron watches as Daryl hesitates to allow Lance Hornsby to live, but relents after learning that there was a deal made to keep everyone safe, and stabs Lance in the hand before walking off.

Outside the Commonwealth walls, Aaron listens as Carol fills the group on the deal that she made with Governor Milton. Aaron seems disgruntled by Lance being allowed to live but agrees to the terms that he will have his records wiped clean after murdering troopers and that Alexandria will be an independent community again with supplies and resources granted to them by the Commonwealth.

Aaron is present at the town hall meeting in Union Station where Pamela Milton announces Lance Hornsby's arrest and the praising of the group for his capture.

Later, Aaron and Maggie discuss checking up on Oceanside and informing the community of the plan. Maggie tells Aaron to head to Alexandria once he's finished instead of Hilltop, since it will be in much better shape, and tells him to be safe. Aaron and Gracie share a tearful goodbye, and he kisses her head, promising he'll see her soon before leaving with Jerry, Lydia and Elijah on a wagon.


Aaron is seen leading his group to Oceanside. While en-route, Aaron notices that Lydia and Elijah are flirting with each other and smiles at the two before suddenly stopping when he sees a herd blocking the road. Aaron disagrees with Jerry's suggestion to make camp and decides to off-road the wagon to make better time getting to Oceanside and back to Alexandria.

While off-roading, wagon becomes stuck in a ditch and in an attempt to pull it out, Jerry becomes injured. Aaron rushes to his side with concern and helps him stand. Aaron then looks around and spots an abandoned renaissance fair with walls around it, deciding to camp there for the night.

Inside the fairgrounds, Aaron is crafting a crutch for Jerry to use with his kukri knife, and notices Lydia and Elijah building a fire. Aaron looks on in confusion when Elijah goes in for a kiss, and Lydia pulls away from him. Aaron refocuses his attention on the crutch, becoming frustrated with it, and ignores Jerry talking to him about the fairgrounds being a good place for a Kingdom 2.0. In his frustration, the crutch breaks, and Aaron throws it on the ground. Aaron informs the group that its going to be dark soon, and he will take first watch. Lydia offers to stay up with him, and he is appreciative of her company.

While on watch with Lydia, Aaron asks her if she would prefer to do her shift with Elijah, and Lydia insists that she is fine doing it with Aaron. Aaron asks her if there is a reason for her avoiding spending time with Elijah, and Lydia admits that he reminds her of her late boyfriend and that she is too afraid of getting close to him. Aaron tells Lydia a story about how he first met his husband; the two met in D.C. and had an instant connection and was asked him out several times in a six month period, but Aaron always said no until he eventually said yes. Aaron admits to Lydia that the time he spent with Eric was the happiest time of his life, and he wishes he could take back the time that he rejected him. He tells Lydia that "loss is inevitable. It always has been. The only thing we can control is when we say yes," before leaving to sweep the fairgrounds.

That night, Aaron and Lydia sit by a campfire and hear a strange noise in the distance. Aaron reminds her they have checked the grounds several times and have secured the entrances and that its most likely just the wind. When they hear the noise again, Aaron agrees to go check it out, and they discover that a herd of walkers have gotten in. Aaron checks in with Lydia to make sure that she's comfortable fighting this many before attacking the walkers. The two get overwhelmed and wake up Jerry and Elijah, and the group retreat to a small building.

Inside the building, they are cornered on all sides and question how the walkers got in before noticing that something is trying to open the door. Jerry rushes to close the door, and Aaron believes that there are whisperers amongst the herd and is why they got in. Aaron orders Lydia and Elijah to crawl through the roof to escape and takes Jerry's place at the door so he can crawl through too. Aaron waits until everyone is up before crawling through too. Once everyone is safe, Aaron creates a plan for the group to separate the whisperers from the herd, and Lydia and Elijah jump down and start to clear out some of the walkers.

While Aaron watches Lydia and Elijah fight, one of the whisperers climbs a ladder and picks up a rock to attack Jerry with, and Aaron notices and fights it off. Aaron punches the whisperer, and knocks it to the ground, ripping its mask off. Aaron looks on in horror when he realizes that he ripped off the face of a walker instead of a whisperer mask. Aaron grabs the knife that Lydia stabbed in the walker's chest and kills it.

The next morning, it is revealed that the group was able to wipe out the rest of the herd. Aaron returns to roof and examines the face of the walker he killed. He reminds Jerry of all the different types of walkers that they have encountered throughout the years and says that he's heard stories of walkers that could climb walls and open doors, but he never knew if they were just stories.

Aaron then asks Jerry if he's sure he can travel, and Jerry tells him that the only reason he is able to is because Aaron saved him.

When they leave the renaissance fair, Aaron agrees with Jerry's earlier comment about the fairgrounds looking like a Kingdom 2.0, and jokes that it could be a place built for King Jerry.


In the woods, Lydia puts down a walker with her knife against the objections of Elijah who is worried that it could've been one of the climber variants. Although Jerry makes a joke about it, Aaron warns the others that they all need to stay alert as they don't know if their encounter with a climber was a one-time thing or not and there might be more of them out here. Aaron notices footsteps nearby, but Lydia recognizes them as being human, not walker. Aaron's group readies themselves to defend against possible threats, but Luke and Jules emerge from the trees instead. The friends are happily reunited with each other while Aaron introduces Luke and Jules to Elijah whom they have yet to meet. Jerry invites the two to join them in journeying to Oceanside, but Luke explains that "it's gone, man. It ain't ours anymore. These guys in white gear showed up and... said they were from the Commonwealth" with Jules adding that they had just taken over. Aaron is surprised as they had made a deal with the Commonwealth, but Luke tells him that something must've changed as the Commonwealth Army is tracking him and Jules right now and they're dead if they're found. Luke suggests getting far away from Oceanside as humanly possible which Aaron agrees with. Shocked by the news, everyone begins moving out.

Aaron's group puts down several walkers and Luke and Jules explain that they were out scavenging and thus they weren't present when Lance Hornsby's men arrived at Oceanside. They were hiding behind the houses trying to figure out what the hell to do with Luke wanting to stay and fight. However, Rachel wasn't having it and she insisted that they had to go, warn everybody and tell them what was coming which is why Luke and Jules had left in the end. Luke and Jules haven't seen Rachel or any of the others since and Luke feels guilty that they didn't stay and fight. Jerry and Aaron reassure them that they've got the group and everyone else now who are heading for Alexandria right now. Luke asks if that includes his old group which Aaron confirms. Hearing the sound of engines nearby, everyone quickly hides behind the wagon. Lydia and Elijah realize that the soldiers are closing in and that they can't outrun them. Spotting a herd moving nearby, Lydia looks at one of the dead walkers and gets an idea.

That night, Aaron's group, covered in walker guts, moves with the massive herd, Lydia whispering directions to the others to move east. Two Commonwealth jeeps drive up and begins leading the herd in another direction, forcing Aaron, Lydia, Elijah, Jerry, Luke and Jules to follow them in order to maintain their cover. Lydia is bumped into by a walker, causing her to drop her knife which is then picked up by a variant walker that's amongst the herd.


In the woods, a Commonwealth jeep leads a large herd, amongst them Aaron, Lydia, Elijah, Jerry, Luke and Jules, covered in walker guts. Spotting a break ahead to the right, Aaron whispers the message that it's now their chance with the others planning to make a break for the trees. However, as the group begins to make their break for it, a soldier pulls up on a motorcycle, leading a second herd in from the side that joins up with the massive herd that the jeep is leading, trapping Aaron's group amongst the walkers once more. From the other side, a third herd is brought in by another motorcycle, resulting in a massive herd of thousands of walkers having been corralled together by two Commonwealth jeeps and two motorcycles. Having completed their mission, the soldiers drive off, leaving the herd heading towards the Commonwealth itself which is just miles away.

As they continue, Aaron spots an abandoned RV up ahead and directs the others towards it. Putting down a walker in the RV, Aaron, Jerry and Lydia manage to get inside, but Jules gets swept away by the herd and Luke goes after his girlfriend. Trying to enter the RV, Elijah gets caught in the herd and as Lydia desperately tries to hang on to her boyfriend's hand, she is bitten in the left arm by a walker before Aaron and Jerry pull her into the RV as Elijah gets swept away as well. As the herd continues on towards the Commonwealth, a number of walkers begin banging on the RV's door, trying to get at the survivors within.

In the RV, Lydia frantically tries to go back out into the herd to search for Elijah, unwilling to risk losing him, while Aaron and Jerry try to stop her in order to deal with her bite. Aaron finally manages to get Lydia to see reason by pointing out that if they don't act quickly, Elijah will lose her instead. Jerry promises that they will find him as soon as they can, but they have to amputate her arm first. Lydia takes a seat and Jerry makes a torniquet for her out of his belt. Aaron reminds Lydia that he lost his arm too and he made it alright and reassures Lydia that she is so loved. Aaron promises Lydia that they will get her through this before Jerry chops her arm off with his sword.

Lydia regains consciousness in the RV as walkers bang on the outside from all sides. Despite being weak from blood loss, Lydia insists that they have to go after the others who need their help. Aaron states that Lydia needs a doctor first while Jerry tries to reassure her that Elijah, Luke and Jules are all pros. Lydia tearfully refuses to abandon their friends, stating that they don't leave each other and the others need them. Aaron and Jerry embrace the sobbing girl and Jerry decides to go back into the herd by himself to find the others, stating that Lydia has lost enough. Ordering Aaron and Lydia to get her arm looked at, Jerry promises that they will meet up later, "I find them... I find you. Piece of cobbler. See you on the other side." Zipping up his jacket and pulling up his hood, Jerry opens the door and carefully slips back into the herd which continues to ignore him due to the walker guts covering Jerry.

"Rest in Peace"

At the Commonwealth police station, Mercer, Ezekiel, Max, Princess and Dianne load supplies onto a truck while Maggie loads a sniper rifle. Negan asks if Maggie intends to use it on Pamela and states that his offer to her still stands, but Maggie refuses. The herd begins to approach the police station and Maggie tells the others that they have to go. Mercer raises his gun to shoot at the walkers, but Ezekiel stops him, recognizing Aaron and Lydia walking amongst the herd, covered in walker guts. Ezekiel runs to help the injured Lydia, asking about Jerry and Elijah, but Aaron tells him that they're still out there. As the herd overruns the police station, the group loads up onto the truck with Aaron promising to fill everyone else in on the way. The group drives off to meet up with the others at the hospital. Ezekiel later radios in that they've got Mercer and asks for any updates on the kids. Gabriel reports the good news and Ezekiel promises to see them at the hospital.

At night, outside of a loading dock, Mercer observes a crowd of desperate Commonwealth residents demanding to be let into the Estates. Mercer reassures Maggie that they will be able to move soon while Aaron tells Ezekiel that he saw people on the higher floors and rooftops begging for help, but he wanted to make sure that Lydia was safe first. Ezekiel reassures his friend that he did the right thing. Hearing screams in the distance, both men are determined to do more, but they need to take care of Judith first. Lieutenant Rose arrives in another truck and reports to Mercer that they're all set: everyone is in the back and there's no one to check. The doctors have set up a safe house, but they have to hurry. Mercer calls for everyone to go, stating that they need to get Judith to Tomi. Everyone boards the truck with Princess, Max and Dianne pushing Judith's stretcher.

At the safe house, Aaron wraps up Lydia's stump and offers her some advice based on his own experience with losing an arm. Having learned of Luke and Jules' deaths, Lydia is upset and believes that the still-missing Elijah and Jerry are dead too. "That's just what happens. You know, people die. Cities fall. And things just don't work out. People tell me they do, but they don't." However, Aaron refuses to give up hope that their friends are still alive somewhere and he promises that they will find them both. A concerned Maggie enters, looking for Negan, but nobody has seen him in awhile.

Suddenly, there's shouts outside and two gunshots. Looking outside, Mercer sees a man trying to climb the wall, only to be shot by Commonwealth soldiers on Pamela's orders. Mercer tells the others that the soldiers are shooting anyone that climbs the gates and grabs a gun, unwilling to just stand by as people are dying. Mercer informs the Coalition members that the truck is gassed up with enough reserves in the rear to get them home. Mercer and his men can sneak them out the back as Mercer believes that this isn't their fight or their people. "Yes, they are. And so are you," states Ezekiel. Addressing the others, Ezekiel tells them that "you may not think this place is worth saving, and I get that, given how they treated us. But it's worth it to me. The people are worth it, and I'm not gonna allow them to fall without a fight. Not today. I'm with you. Who else?" Aaron immediately agrees, stating that they can do more than just save themselves and they need to. Following Ezekiel's lead, everyone agrees to fight to save the Commonwealth.

At the gates of the Estates, the crowd desperately begs Pamela to be let in, amongst them Mr. Martens, Mrs. Martens and Mei. On a balcony, Maggie lines up her shot on Pamela, but Negan tells her to hold on as Mercer and his loyalist forces move in, ordering Colonel Vickers and her men to lower their weapons. Pamela orders Vickers to arrest them, but the Coalition forces join Mercer's troops from another angle, creating a standoff. Pamela accuses Mercer of being a traitor, but Mercer states that she's the true traitor and lists Pamela's crimes: disappearing hundreds of citizens, leading the dead to their doorstep, shooting a child and now leaving thousands to die.

The banging on the gates grows more frantic as the herd begins to approach the Estates, meaning that the people will die if they're not let inside. Gabriel moves towards the gates despite Vickers orders to stop. Gabriel announces that they're opening the gate and letting everyone inside, threatening to kill anyone who tries to stop him. Vickers threatens to shoot him, but Carol warns her that they will fire back if she does. Pamela orders her men to shoot Gabriel as he reaches the gates and one of them points a gun at his head. Suddenly, Daryl yells for them to stop. "What the hell you doing?" Daryl demands. "We all deserve better than this. You built this place to be like the old world. That was the fuckin' problem." Pamela states that if she opens the gates, the dead will get in too, not just the living. Daryl tells her that if she doesn't, Pamela will lose everything anyway. "We got one enemy. We ain't the walking dead."

Realizing that Daryl is right, Vickers orders everyone to lower their weapons and give Gabriel the key to the gates. Everyone stands down and Vickers defers to Mercer's command who places Pamela under arrest for high crimes against the people of the Commonwealth. As everyone rushes to help let the people in, Maggie informs Negan that Pamela is getting arrested and Negan tells her that prison is a fate worse than death for someone like Pamela, causing Maggie to relent in shooting her.

The crowd rushes in just in the nick of time, amongst them Jerry and Elijah, before the gates are closed, keeping out the herd. Elijah reunites with a relieved Lydia while Jerry desperately looks for his family before Ezekiel reassures his friend that they're safe back in Alexandria and that they will get back out there to help the people that still need their help. Approaching the gates, Pamela notices a zombified Lance Hornsby, Carol's arrow still in his neck, at the front of the herd, reaching through the gates. Pamela approaches Lance, baring her neck and intending to have Lance bite her as a form of suicide. Judith begs Pamela not to go through with it as it's never too late and they have to help everyone still out there. Before Lance can bite Pamela, Maggie shoots him in the head with her sniper rife, putting Lance down. Maggie states that it's time to take the Commonwealth back.

With the variants being too dangerous to just lead away, Mercer outlines a new plan as everyone rushes to carry out his orders. As they need to get a vehicle out of the Estates, a mixture of Coalition forces, Commonwealth soldiers and Commonwealth residents, led by Aaron, rush out of the Estates, armed with melee weapons and riot shields with the aim of drawing the herd away and clearing a path, although Mercer warns them not to engage the walkers more than absolutely necessary. Working together, the group holds the line against the herd while Mercer calls in that the vehicle is out of the back gate and on its way to the town square, asking them to let him know when they're clear. Magna reports that they've diverted the walkers and its clear as it's going to get, ordering them to move out. As the combined group continues to fight the walkers, the truck by through the cleared path to the fuel depot where Vickers, Ezekiel, Jerry, Dianne and several Commonwealth soldiers collect the fuel. Max reports in that they've got fuses running to the private sewers under the Estates and they'll finish wiring the rest once they get the fuel back while Princess goes to start the PA system to draw all of the walkers to the Estates.

Using Pamela's record player, the song "Cult of Personality" is blasted throughout the Commonwealth from the Estates, drawing all of the walkers overrunning the Commonwealth towards it. Elijah helps set up speakers throughout the Estates as Jerry, Ezekiel and Lydia pour fuel down into the sewers and the walkers fighting the forces outside of the Estates begin moving towards it as well. Mercer brings out some dynamite which Eugene and Yumiko help to wire up to drums of fuel placed throughout the Estates and Connie helps to wire up more speakers, unharmed by the loud music due to her deafness. As Max helps to coordinate the efforts, Mercer calls in that they're prepared to open the gates and to let him know when they're ready. Max calls in that they're good to go before she joins the others in retreating to the rendezvous point, the two women acknowledging that they're dead if this plan fails. The gates are opened and the herd floods into the Estates. Once the song ends, the fuses connected to explosives inside of Pamela's house are ignited, detonating the fuel in a chain reaction that obliterates the Estates and the entire herd, saving the Commonwealth.

In Alexandria, everyone enjoys a celebration and feast, joined by Mercer, Max and Tomi. Judith gives Dog some of her food and Yumiko raises a toast to Luke. Looking out the window, Daryl sees Negan walking away and the two men exchange a smile and a nod, parting on good terms. Yumiko turns to Magna, telling her "same" and Magna kisses her, the two women resuming their romantic relationship. Sitting down, Rosita smiles as she watches the celebration before becoming somber. Noticing Rosita's somber mood, Gabriel joins her, and Rosita tells him that she just wants to remember this perfect moment. In a whisper, Rosita reveals her bite and impending death to Gabriel. Noticing Rosita's behavior and crying, Judith realizes that something's wrong with her and becomes upset, apparently deducing the truth.

A year later, Daryl and Carol, who is now wearing her hair short again as she did before Rick's disappearance, look at the old memorial wall of the people that the community had lost. Alexandria has been fully rebuilt and is thriving again with the residents enjoying everyday life together. Aaron, Gabriel, Coco, and Gracie greet Lydia, Elijah, Judith and RJ and Lydia gives Gabriel a package from Father Grant and his old congregation. Daryl and Carol join them while Jerry and Nabila, walking through town as their daughters play outside, smile at them. Aaron admits that he never thought that they'd get back to any of this, although he had hope. Aaron calls them all very lucky, but Gabriel corrects Aaron that it's effort rather than luck. They have a lot to be proud of in their family, community, and future.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Aaron has killed:


For a more in-depth look at Aaron's Relationships, read here: Aaron (TV Series)/Relationships




Episodes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5 👁
Season 6
Season 7
Season 8 👁
Season 9
Season 10 👁
Season 11
Appears Voice is heard
👁 Appears with no lines Appears in a flashback
Appears as a walker 🖼 Appears in a photograph/video
Appears as a corpse Appears in a hallucination/dream


For more images of Aaron, please visit Aaron (TV Series)/Gallery.


  • The casting call for this character used the name Logan.
    • Aaron was described as "Early to Late 30s. An affable, good-natured, adventurous guy. Despite feeling like a bit of an outsider for most of his life (or perhaps because of it), he's passionate about people and the good they can do. He doesn't think twice about putting himself in danger if he believes something positive can come from it."
  • Robert Kirkman hinted on a Talking Dead special in November 2014 that the second half of Season 5 "will contain a very prominent gay character from the comics", likely referring to Aaron. Ross Marquand was later confirmed in January 2015 by TVLine to be playing the character.
  • Ross Marquand had auditioned originally for the role of Gareth. Due to Ross Marquand's comedic acting and impressions, the casting director thought Ross would be better suited for Aaron because of the character's humor and had him return shortly after auditioning for Gareth to audition for Aaron.
  • Gregory Peck's role as Atticus Finch in 1962's To Kill a Mockingbird was the basis of Ross Marquand's portrayal of Aaron. Ross elaborated that it was the character of Atticus Finch that got him interested in acting and had previously performed as him in a theater production. He also believed Aaron and Atticus had similar beliefs and traits of acceptance, altruism, and justice.
  • Aaron is the first character involved in politics that was encountered in the TV Series, with the second being Deanna Monroe and the third being Pamela Milton.
    • He was a politico in D.C., but he left before he had an official title. This was because he believed he could better use his altruistic personality in a hands-on approach in the peace corps rather than becoming a politician.
    • Dante Esquivel from Fear the Walking Dead is also a politician, being the Municipal President of Tijuana. Qaletaqa Walker can also count as someone who is in politics as being the Chief of the Hopi Tribe.
  • Ross Marquand revealed that Aaron is a fan of The Smiths, his favorite song specifically being "Hand in Glove", which in the lyrics alludes to lead singer Morrisey's sexuality and the homophobia that gay couples encounter when being public.
  • Aaron was originally planned to appear in the episode "Start to Finish", but his scenes were cut.
  • Given his surprise to when he catches Eric praying before battling the Saviors, it's possible Aaron is agnostic or atheist.
  • In the script for "The Day Will Come When You Won't Be", there were three alternative death scenes, where two of them involved Aaron dying. One of them involved Maggie and Aaron dying, and another one where Aaron died first and Eugene dying afterwards.[3]
  • Aaron is one of three characters known to use a substitute appendage on an amputate limb. The others being Merle Dixon and Hershel Greene.
    • He is also the first character on The Walking Dead who use an iron arm prototype to substitute his own lost arm.
  • Actor Tom Payne confirmed that Aaron and Jesus had a sexual encounter at least once during the six-year time-jump. Ross Marquand added that had Jesus survived, he and Aaron would eventually become romantically together.
  • Aaron and Gabriel Stokes are the only characters introduced in Season 5 that are confirmed to be alive.
    • Aaron is the first Alexandrian to appear in the series and the longest lasting survivor from Alexandria. Aaron is also the only remaining main character introduced in Alexandria.
    • Aaron, Gabriel, and Barbara are the only named characters introduced in Season 5 to not die in the TV Series.
  • Ross Marquand confirmed that at some point, Aaron did reveal to Gracie that she was adopted from the Saviors during the war, but he did not disclose to her that her father was directly killed by Rick in battle.
  • Aaron is one of two known characters in The Walking Dead universe who hates salmon patties. The other being Charlie.
  • A nightmare sequence involving Aaron in "First Time Again" was cut. Ross described it as Aaron and Eric in their living room, having a discussion about whether or not they should fight the Wolves. Suddenly, a Wolf comes up behind Eric and slits his throat. His blood shoots onto Aaron's face.[4]
  • Regarding the anthology spin-off Tales of the Walking Dead, Ross Marquand mentioned he would like to see a backstory episode of Aaron in Nigeria while working for the NGO shortly before the outbreak.
    • Tom Payne mentioned he would like to have an episode that featured the love story between Jesus and Aaron that took place during Season 8 and Season 9 time-jumps.
  • Ross Marquand confirmed that the sword that Aaron currently wields had once belonged to Paul Rovia.[5] He stated: "(...) it's sort of a ceremonial sword for him. Angela [Kang] and I both discussed it, and I said I don't think that he would just retire that sword. I think he would use that sword especially in very, very important battles, not only as a way of honoring Jesus, and everything that he taught Aaron, but also because it's a way of connecting the past the future. I think he held a great deal of reverence and friendship for Jesus, and that sword is a wonderful way of him continuing that tradition."
    • Aaron did a similar symbolic gesture when Eric died, and carried his gun from "Monsters" until the Saviors were defeated in "Wrath".
    • Aaron stopped using the sword after attaching a mace to the end of his prosthetic arm, but he resumed using the weapon after trading the mace back in for a wooden hand attachment. This is best seen in "Rest in Peace" where Aaron uses the sword while fighting walkers in the Commonwealth.
  • Aaron's appearance from Season 9 onwards bears a striking resemblance to Rick Grimes' appearance from Issue 127 onwards. Both characters have a short buzzcut, long beards and a prosthetic arm.
  • Aaron tells Lydia that she will occasionally suffer from phantom limb syndrome in "Rest in Peace", implying that he still does.
  • Aaron's original ending in "Rest in Peace" involved Lydia giving Aaron a letter from a male admirer in the Commonwealth. Aaron declines, explaining that he is too busy - similar to how Aaron initially rejected Eric's advances for the same reasons. Gracie takes her father to the side and encourages him to pursue the relationship, arguing that he is always selfless and for once should do something for himself.
  • Aaron is one of twelve characters to survive the TV Series who also survive in the Comic Series, the others being Maggie Rhee, Michonne Grimes, Eugene Porter, Hershel Rhee, Negan Smith, Magna, Yumiko Okumura, Lydia, Juanita Sanchez, Michael Mercer, and Pamela Milton.
  • Aaron is the fifth main character to receive an amputation, with the first being Hershel Greene, the second being Merle Dixon, the third being Bob Stookey, the fourth being Tyreese Williams, and the sixth being Lydia.

International Dubbers[]

Language Dubber Other Characters Voiced
Czech Marek Libert Bruce (8)
French Thibaut Lacour (5B-11A)
Marc Arnaud (11B-Present)
Marc Arnaud
Andrew Adams
German Marius Clarén N/A
Hungarian Szatory Dávid (5-9A)
Kisfalusi Lehel (9B-11)
Italian Edoardo Stoppacciaro N/A
Japanese Shohei Fuji Zach
Caleb Subramanian
Mitch Dolgen
Portuguese Michel Di Fiori N/A
Spanish (Latin America) Santiago Maurig N/A
Spanish (Spain) David Robles
Unknown ("Lines We Cross")
David Robles:

