


"Kildo will do anything to get out of tasks. Like the time he put a jar of giant spotted spiders in Master Eicho's bag right after he came back from the rathtar incident. Master Eicho had to leave again to get over it."
"He shouldn't have been rude to Tep Tep. And for the record, you can't prove anything."
―Gavi and Kildo, to Ram Jomaram, about Eicho[1]

Spotted spiders were a type of giant spider. During the High Republic Era, the Jedi youngling Kildo put a jar of the spiders inside the Jedi Master Eicho's bag when he returned to the Outer Rim planet Valo's Jedi temple. Eicho left the temple shortly afterward until he could recover from the incident.[1] In 229 BBY,[2] after the Jedi youngling Gavi told Padawan Ram Jomaram about the spotted spider incident, Kildo defended himself by saying the Master had deserved it for speaking rudely to his friend—the Jedi youngling Tep Tep—after she had brought a rathtar named Bubbles into the temple not long before that occasion.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Spotted spiders were mentioned in Escape from Valo, a 2024 junior novel written by Daniel José Older and Alyssa Wong as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's[1] Phase III.[3]


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Notes and references[]
