


"What are you doing out past curfew?"
"What curfew?"
"We got a curfew in the city since the Dark Fair. No one out past midafternoon except merchants. You should know that."
―Poc and Zyle Keem[1]

Poc was a Mon Calamari Nihil marauder stationed on the Outer Rim planet Valo during its occupation by the Nihil. In 229 BBY, he patrolled the streets of Lonisa City to enforce the Nihil's curfew and stopped to question the aspiring pirate Zyle Keem. When Keem claimed innocence and attempted to depart the scene, the Mon Calamari pulled his blaster on the former. However, Keem disarmed Poc and pulled one of their own blasters on the Nihil before fleeing down an alley. Afterward, the Nihil recruit Driggit Parse held the aspiring pirate at vibroblade-point in the alleyway to question them about their conversation with Poc and why they were on Valo, but eventually, the latter escaped.


"I'm off to enjoy my birds, trees, and statues. Let's never meet again. One more thing. You wouldn't happen to know anything about a medical cruiser in a lake, would you?"
"Th—the lake past the fairgrounds? We sank a cruiser there a long time ago, but the lake is so deep that no one has been able to recover it. That's what I heard! I—I wasn't even there for that!"
―Zyle Keem and Poc[1]

Poc was a Mon Calamari Nihil marauder who lived during the High Republic Era. Following the Nihil's occupation of the Outer Rim planet Valo[1] in 230 BBY,[2] he was stationed on the world under the command of Commander Vark Tarpalin. At some point, the local Valon girl and recent Nihil recruit Driggit Parse became familiar with Poc. Following the attack on Tarpalin's Dark Fair event[1] in 229 BBY,[2] the Nihil instituted a curfew on Lonisa City residents, disallowing all but merchants from being outside past mid-afternoon. On one occasion, Poc and many other Nihil patrolled the city's streets to enforce the curfew, scaring the Valon residents nearby. The aspiring pirate Zyle Keem—who had been unaware of the curfew due to having recently arrived on Valo—was surprised when Poc confronted them about why they were walking in the street.[1]


Poc confronted Zyle Keem for being out past Lonisa City's curfew.

Keem claimed to be an innocent tourist, furtively taking the opportunity to surmise the Mon Calamari's right-handed grip on his blaster and consider potential escape routes. Poc was suspicious and drew nearer, not believing Keem's initial claim. However, the aspiring pirate began dramatically waving their arms as they expounded on how Valo having tourism would benefit the Nihil. The Mon Calamari attempted to stop Keem from departing the scene, aiming his blaster at the latter. However, Keem feinted to the right and slipped out of Poc's range, whirling around to kick the Nihil's blaster out of his hands. When Poc dove to the ground to retrieve the weapon, he was met with the muzzle of one of the aspiring pirate's own blasters.[1]

Keem cheerfully indicated that they had no wish to shoot Poc, patted the Nihil's head, and then instructed him not to pursue them. After Poc provided Keem with the information they sought about the location of the Innovator—a research vessel the Nihil had previously sunk in Lake Lonisa—the latter departed down an alley. However, Parse confronted Keem with her vibroblade in the alleyway, having spied on the latter and Poc's confrontation from afar. Parse stripped Keem of their weapons and interrogated them about their prior conversation with Poc to ascertain why they had come to Valo, though the latter eventually managed to flee from her. Following the Nihil's defeat during the raid of the Innovator, in which many of Tarpalin's subordinates died, the marauders' occupation of Valo ended and all remaining stragglers were taken into custody by the Valo militia.[1]

Personality and traits[]

"We don't allow tourists… I think."
"Then how do you expect to support the local economy? I bet you're bleeding all of Valo's resources dry to support the occupation! If you don't bring people here to spend their credits, soon there will be nothing left for you to take."
"I…guess that makes sense."
―Poc and Zyle Keem[1]

Poc had a smooth, slightly rubbery head. The Mon Calamari opted to adopt a consistently angry and belligerent demeanor, glaring at Keem when he found them out past curfew. When presented with the idea of Valo being open to tourists, Poc was momentarily confused and dubious about whether strengthening the world's economy would make it easier to keep the Nihil occupation in place. As soon as Keem was holding him at blaster-point, Poc became scared of them, and his voice became shaky. The Mon Calamari was willing to tell the aspiring pirate anything they wanted to know so as not to be shot, and he did not immediately pick up his weapon after Keem left.[1]

Skills and abilities[]

"I saw how fast you drew that pistol on Poc."
―Driggit Parse, to Zyle Keem, after the former watched the latter's encounter with Poc[1]

Poc used a right-handed grip to wield his blaster. However, he was easily confused by Keem's feinting tactics and was unable to draw his weapon faster than the aspiring pirate.[1]


"You're not going to stop me or try to pick up that blaster again. Okay?"
―Zyle Keem, to Poc[1]

On Valo, Poc donned Nihil gear, which included a gas mask. He wielded an oversized blaster.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Poc appeared in Escape from Valo, a 2024 junior novel written by Daniel José Older and Alyssa Wong as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's[1] Phase III.[3]


Notes and references[]
