


The Innovator was an Elite-class research vessel designed by the engineer Vam Targes and constructed by the insectoid Cyclorrians at the shipyards over the planet Cyclor during the High Republic Era. Over 300 meters long, the Innovator featured the latest scientific and medical equipment of the time, including cybernetic workshops, bioengineering labs, a medical library, analysis stations, and research facilities. The research vessel was referred to as the pride of the Republic Science Corps. It was run by a network of forty-two intellex-grade droid processors and supported by a multi-motion framework. The Innovator was a showpiece at the Republic Fair on Valo, but was later sunk in Lake Lonisa during an attack by the Nihil.[1]

After the conclusion of the battle, the Jedi dispatched a dive crew to the sunken Innovator to check for survivors and recover data. The water was pumped out of the vessel and the major hull breaches were sealed. However, the Innovator was never recovered; half a year later, the Nihil invaded and occupied the planet. Two and a half years after the attack on the Republic Fair, the Innovator was recovered by the Jedi Padawan Ram Jomaram, the younglings Gavi, Kildo, and Tep Tep, and the aspiring pirate Zyle Keem. The group, who called themselves the Scarlet Skulls, flew the vessel out of the lake as the remaining Nihil fled. Jomaram and his Bonbraks repaired the vessel, allowing the group to leave the planet.[3]

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Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 The High Republic: The Rising Storm
  2. The Star Wars Book dates the launch of the Starlight Beacon to 232 years before the events of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, which corresponds to 232 BBY in the dating system used by Star Wars: Galactic Atlas. As The High Republic: The Rising Storm takes place almost a year after The High Republic: Light of the Jedi, which depicts the launch, its events, including the destruction of the Innovator on Valo, must occur around 231 BBY.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 The High Republic: Escape from Valo
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