

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

Generis was an Outer Rim astronomical object part of the Atrivis sector. It served as a regional headquarters and operations sector for Senator Mon Mothma's organized rebellion against the Galactic Empire. The rebel pilot Paril Ritta was from Generis and operated in the Atrivis sector before he and three other Y-wing pilots were transferred to the MC75 Star Cruiser Profundity's starfighter forces by 1 BBY.


Generis was an astronomical object[1] located in the Atrivis sector[3] within an intersecting portion of the Outer Rim Territories[1] and the New Territories.[2] It was situated in grid square L-5 of the Standard Galactic Grid.[1]



Generis was a regional headquarters and operations sector for Mon Mothma's rebellion.

By 5 BBY,[4] there was an armed rebellion against the Galactic Empire in the Atrivis sector, with one rebel cell, known as the Atrivis Resistance Group, being based at Generis Station. That cell allied itself with a larger organized rebellion secretly headed by Senator Mon Mothma after the Empire crushed another local cell on the nearby celestial body Mantooine.[5]

Generis itself became an operations headquarters for the rebellion[5] by 2 BBY.[6] That fact was noted on a map of rebel safe worlds, starfighter hubs at level five or higher, operations headquarters, shadow planets, and deep space caches sent to Mothma. Archivist Hendri Underholt eventually archived the map in the compilation of non-electronic documents known as The Rebel Files.[5] Mothma declared the official Alliance to Restore the Republic later[5] in 2 BBY.[7]


The human Paril Ritta hailed from Generis and served the Alliance as a rebel pilot in the Atrivis sector, flying a BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bomber. He and four other Y-wing pilots operating in the sector were transferred to the rebel MC75 Star Cruiser Profundity's starfighter forces by the time of the Battle of Scarif[3] of 1 BBY.[7]

Behind the scenes[]

In the current Star Wars canon, Generis was first mentioned on a map included in Fantasy Flight Games' 2016 roleplaying boxed set Star Wars: The Force Awakens Beginner Game.[1] In the Star Wars Legends continuity, the planet Generis[8] was originally mentioned in The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook, written by Paul Murphy and published by West End Games in 1990 for use with the Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.[9] Generis was first illustrated by Terry Pavlet in the 1994 supplement The Last Command Sourcebook, also published by West End Games,[10] before first appearing in the 1998 LucasArts video game Star Wars: Rebellion, where it was depicted by a number of generic images used for some of the other locations in the game.[11]



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