


"I want to tell you that I am honored by the sacrifices you have made for the Alliance, and how proud I am of the leader you have become. Thank you for your friendship."
―Mon Mothma, in her last message to Hendri Underholt[1]

Hendri Underholt was a female human who served as an archivist and as an aide to Mon Mothma in the Alliance to Restore the Republic. In 4 ABY, Mothma considered traveling to the Alliance-friendly world of Durkteel to lure the Galactic Empire away from an impending attack in the Endor system. Underholt, however, objected that Mothma should not risk it, stating that the ruse would work just as well if she, her closest aide, went to Durkteel with bodyguards and a detachment of soldiers. However, the mission did not go as planned, and Underholt died when the Empire bombed Durkteel's Tak-Beam complex.[1]

Personality and traits[]

Hendri Underholt was a dark-skinned female human with black hair. She was extremely loyal to Mon Mothma and considered her a friend.[1]

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