

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

"I gotta get one of those..."
―Din Djarin[2]

Jetpacks, also known as jump packs, rocket-packs, and thruster packs, were personal aerial transportation devices that allowed the operator to fly into and through the air with great mobility. Mandalorian armor was equipped with jetpacks, and was used by some clone troopers in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars.

Multiple military forces employed soldiers equipped with jetpacks, with trooper variants including the clone jetpack trooper, the Galactic Empire's jumptrooper, the First Order jet trooper, and the Sith Eternal's Sith Jetpack Trooper.

Jetpack models included the JT-12 jetpack, the Z-6 jetpack, and rocket packs.


"When you have healed, you will begin your drills. Until you know it, it will not listen to your commands."
―"The Armorer" tells Din Djarin of using a jetpack[3]

A jetpack enabled its wearer to fly.

Jetpacks were usually worn on the back and controlled by a wrist-mounted device. Due to that, a jetpack could technically be operated by the user when not wearing it.[4] Training was required to master the use of a jetpack, with inexperienced flyers being unable to control the device properly.[3] Jetpacks could be used in "rocket mode," propelling them at great speeds, thereby making them a harder target for anti-aircraft systems.[5]

The Z-6 jetpack featured a missile that could launch from the top of the jetpack.[6] A variant was used by the various clone trooper units of the Galactic Republic's Grand Army during the Clone Wars.[7]



A Mandalorian jetpack of the Heavy Infantry Mandalorian-class

Bounty hunters such as Jango Fett[8], and later his son, Boba, used jetpacks in their various jobs.[9] Mandalorian tradition identified the jetpack as the art of the Rising Phoenix.[3] Mandalorian factions such as Death Watch used jetpacks against their enemies.[6] The Republic's Grand Army's clone troopers would use jetpacks to assist them in their missions.[7] During the Siege of Mandalore, clone troopers and Mandalorian warriors fought side-by-side, with former Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano returning to the Republic Military as an advisor for the campaign. While Clone Commander Rex forgot to pack her a jetpack, Tano improvised by jumping from their Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry gunship, fighting and jumping from ship to ship until reaching the Mandalorian capital of Sundari.[10]


An Imperial Jumptrooper

The Galactic Empire's jumptroopers used jetpacks to enforce Imperial rule, which led to their deployment into conflicts like the Galactic Civil War[11] and the Mandalorian Civil War, in which jetpack-equipped stormtroopers fought jetpack-using Mandalorian rebels.[12] The First Order later deployed similar jet troopers in its own campaign for galactic conquest. Both the Empire's and First Order's rivals, the Alliance to Restore the Republic and Resistance, respectively, also employed jetpack troopers. Beyond both sides making use of a class of soldier known as a rocket-jumper,[11] the Alliance Army made use of a class of Jetpack Troopers.[13] The Sith Eternal army maintained a force of Sith Jetpack Troopers.[14]


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Jump pack DICE

A jump pack used by members of the Rebel Alliance.

Non-canon appearances[]



Boba Fett flies with his Z-6 jetpack

Notes and references[]

External links[]
