


"This armor has been in my family for three generations."
Lady Bo-Katan Kryze[5]

Bo-Katan Kryze's Mandalorian armor[10] was a suit of Mandalorian armor worn by the Mandalorian Bo-Katan Kryze. According to Kryze, the armor had been in her family for three generations.[5] Her Nite Owl helmet was painted blue, grey, and white, which matched her armor.[7] Before the Siege of Mandalore, Kryze's helmet had been repainted with new markings.[11]

During a mission to rescue Ragnar from a shriek-hawk, Kryze lost her right pauldron. When she later returned to their covert, the Armorer had noticed that Kryze needed a repair, and requested Kryze to follow her to the Forge. While the Armorer constructed a new pauldron for Kryze, she asked her if she wanted the signet of the nite owl to be inlaid. Kryze questioned if it was acceptable to wear one pauldron of the nite owl and another with the mythosaur, to which the Armorer replied that the mythosaur belongs to all Mandalorians. The Armorer then constructed a silver pauldron with the signet of the mythosaur.[4]

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