Phantom Seer Wiki

Yojiro Satake ( () (たけ) () () (ろう) Satake Yojirō?) is a Shaman who specializes in gathering information on phantoms and is Iori Katanagi's kohai.


Yojiro is a young man of average height with messy black hair and eyes that are mostly kept shut. He often wears a light-colored hoodie with a few black stripes on his sleeves and backside, black shorts with white lining, and light-colored sneakers.

Yojiro also occasionally covers his face with a Kitsune mask attached to his hoodie. His mask appears to have dark coloring on the ears, whiskers, eyes, and mouth.


Yojiro is depicted as a casual broker who informs his fellow shamans of the tasks they need to handle when dealing with the enemy Phantoms. He usually keeps the group updated about jobs, brokering information between them, and cleans up their messes whenever an exorcism is fully performed. Other than that, Yojiro is fine with the job he has to take on for the sake of his shaman comrades.


  • Yojiro likes kitsune udon, easy things, and pretty girls—he's swayed just by watching them.[1]
  • Yojiro dislikes loud noises, Yayoi Katanagi, and dangerous phantoms.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Phantom Seer Manga: Vol. 2.

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Phantom Seer
Mains Iori Katanagi  •  Riku Aibetsu  •  Yayoi Katanagi
Shamans Chihiro Kurose  •  Kenma Oigawa  •  Yojiro Satake
Humans Tomoka Fujisaki
Phantoms Okubi  •  Ongyoki  •  Sakabashira  •  Sangankyo  •  Tengu  •  Yadoshogyo
Conceiving Hands Seido Kanzaki
Hybrids Tsumuji Komachi