Phantom Seer Wiki

Iori Katanagi ( (かた) () () () (おり) Katanagi Iori?) is a powerful shaman and the protagonist of Phantom Seer.


Iori is a young man of average height and build with a pale complexion and downwards-sloping, bright red eyes. His hair is pale gray-white and reasonably short, worn naturally messy with long bangs that fall down above his eyes.

Iori normally wears a dark green dress shirt, a loose white necktie patterned with two horizontal lines and a downwards-pointing triangle near its base tied around his neck, as well as white dress pants and light-colored shoes. He keeps a large metal band around his right wrist from which his silver shaman key hangs.


Iori is initially presented as being very selfish in character, stating immediately to Riku Aibetsu that the rumours about him going out of his way to help others were false when she first questions him about them and telling her that he only ever does things for himself.[1] He is often rude when talking to others, sarcastically complimenting people without a care for what they will think of him as a result, and becoming angry when he is made to do things he does not want to do.

However, when he later comes to understand Riku better, he shows that his traits of impoliteness and selfishness are not quite as all-consuming as he first makes it seem they are, as he is willing to put himself in the line of fire for her sake because he knows he will be able to recover from wounds made by Phantoms much faster than she will, and even ends up fighting for her and defeating the demon that haunted her. He helps her to understand that she can still go on even though her dreams and talents does not necessarily align, showing a glimmer of kindness that he originally kept under wraps.[2]

It is later revealed by Yayoi Katanagi that the rumours about Iori being a shaman who loved to help others used to be true, but he stopped acting this way because someone important to him sacrificed themself to help him which left a deep scar, causing him to close up and start acting the way he now does.[3] His flashes of kindness which are often quickly covered up by another selfish or rude remark are likely the vestiges of the person he was before this incident.


Iori's shaman powers are based on shadows and are channelled through the Shadow Demon, Ongyoki.

Shadow Projection (?): Iori has the ability to create a doppelganger of any Phantom he's absorbed.

  • Okubi (?): A Phantom that primarily uses its long hair and mouth for its attacks.[4]
  • Dark Sword of Dread (?): A sectioned sword made out of shadows.[5]

Black Thunder (?): Black Thunder is a tandem attack by the Katanagi siblings. This is performed by having Yayoi summon an eye under their feet through which Iori sends as many shadows as he can. Since all of her summoned eyes are connected, Yayoi is then able to transport the gathered shadows and use them to attack by summoning multiple eyes in the sky and unleashing the shadows to the surrounding area. According to Kenma, this move is extremely powerful that the Katanagi siblings were able to exorcise a group of Phantoms known as the Hyakkiyakou or the Parade of a Hundred Demons by using this move. However, this move cannot be used in succession since it greatly depletes Iori's energy.[6]



  1. Phantom Seer Manga: Chapter 1 (p. 11).
  2. Phantom Seer Manga: Chapter 1 (p. 52-53).
  3. Phantom Seer Manga: Chapter 2 (p. 24).
  4. Phantom Seer Manga: Chapter 3 (p. 16-17).
  5. Phantom Seer Manga: Chapter 4 (p. 18).
  6. Phantom Seer Manga: Chapter 8 (p. 2-6).
  7. 7.0 7.1 Phantom Seer Manga: Vol. 1.

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Phantom Seer
Mains Iori Katanagi  •  Riku Aibetsu  •  Yayoi Katanagi
Shamans Chihiro Kurose  •  Kenma Oigawa  •  Yojiro Satake
Humans Tomoka Fujisaki
Phantoms Okubi  •  Ongyoki  •  Sakabashira  •  Sangankyo  •  Tengu  •  Yadoshogyo
Conceiving Hands Seido Kanzaki
Hybrids Tsumuji Komachi