Phantom Seer Wiki

Okubi ( (おお) (くび) ?) is a type of Phantom.




Intro Arc[]

After encountering her on a train, an Okubi starts haunting Riku Aibetsu.[1] When Riku and Iori Katanagi goes to investigate the train, the Okubi transports them into another realm and grabs Riku with its hairs. After realizing that she is the one attracting the Phantoms, Riku is unable to move out of guilt and is about to be swallowed by the Okubi. Iori saves her at the last moment and summons Ongyoki who quickly defeats the Okubi by impaling it with its sword and dragging it back to its realm.[2]

While investigating an abandoned house, Iori, Riku and Yojiro Satake are attacked by a Sakabashira. Iori uses his Shadow Projection technique to summon a doppelganger of the exorcised Okubi. The Okubi is able to defeat the Sakabashira by using its teeth to bite through the latter's wooden body.[3]



  • In Japanese folklore, an Ōkubi is depicted as a giant disembodied head of either a man or a woman that appears in the sky as a sign of impending disaster.


  1. Phantom Seer Manga: Chapter 1, Pages 11-17
  2. Phantom Seer Manga: Chapter 1, Pages 25-49
  3. Phantom Seer Manga: Chapter 3, Pages 16-21

Site Navigation[]

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Phantom Seer
Mains Iori Katanagi  •  Riku Aibetsu  •  Yayoi Katanagi
Shamans Chihiro Kurose  •  Kenma Oigawa  •  Yojiro Satake
Humans Tomoka Fujisaki
Phantoms Okubi  •  Ongyoki  •  Sakabashira  •  Sangankyo  •  Tengu  •  Yadoshogyo
Conceiving Hands Seido Kanzaki
Hybrids Tsumuji Komachi