Phantom Seer Wiki

Phantoms (霊怪 Reikai?, can be translated as "mysterious spirit") are inhuman beings that are responsible for abnormal phenomena. Phantoms cannot be seen under normal circumstances, and require either visiting places with certain history or doing something out of the ordinary.[1]

Additionally, there are individuals who are able to use powers of phantoms called Shamans (霊媒師 Reibaishi?, lit. "medium").

Being able to see a phantom, especially in full form, is regarded as perilous and will therefore cause trouble if not dealt with immediately.[2]

Unique individuals known as Beckoning Hands (招き手 Manekite?) greatly attract phantoms[3] and are able to sense danger.

Known Phantoms[]



  1. Chapter 1, page 13
  2. Chapter 1, page 15
  3. Chapter 1, page 54

Site Navigation[]

[v · e · ?]
Phantom Seer
Mains Iori Katanagi  •  Riku Aibetsu  •  Yayoi Katanagi
Shamans Chihiro Kurose  •  Kenma Oigawa  •  Yojiro Satake
Humans Tomoka Fujisaki
Phantoms Okubi  •  Ongyoki  •  Sakabashira  •  Sangankyo  •  Tengu  •  Yadoshogyo
Conceiving Hands Seido Kanzaki
Hybrids Tsumuji Komachi