Phantom Seer Wiki

Riku Aibetsu ( (あい) (べつ) () () Aibetsu Riku?) is the one of the main protagonists of Phantom Seer. She is a Beckoning Hand for Phantoms.


Riku is a girl of a petite build with a pale skin and innocent, dark orange-colored eyes. She has shoulder-length dark brown hair which appears a lighter orange color on the inside with a straight fringe falling over the right side of her face, clipped back on the left with an orange, star-shaped hair clip.

She usually appears in her school uniform, which consists of a short-sleeved white dress shirt and a brown pinafore dress, a thin orange ribbon tied in a bow at her neck. Riku also sports a pair of black thigh-high socks and dark brown dress shoes.


Riku is a very cheerful, empathetic person with a strong drive to help those in need. Because of the "power" she believes she possesses to sense danger, she's always managing to save her friends before random dangerous incidents, causing her to become a well-liked person around the people at her school. When it turns out that this power was simply a result of her being a Beckoning Hand for phantoms and she's actually been endangering those around her, Riku shows first a great sadness and regret that, despite her helpful intentions, she's only been hurting people more, and then a new drive to carry on being helpful even though her talents and hopes don't line up.

Riku has also been shown to be very self-sacrificial, willing to take the fall for Iori Katanagi when she realizes that a phantom wants to attack them, and offering to be the bait when she and Iori are attempting to save Tomoka Fujisaki.


Riku is a Beckoning Hand for phantoms, meaning she unintentionally attracts them to her wherever she goes. This has caused her to gain an instinctual ability to sense the danger these phantoms will cause just a little before it happens, which allows her to save herself and others from them. She is currently training to become a Shaman.

  • Disintegration Barrier: After her training with Kenma, she has learned the ability to create barriers that can eradicate Phantoms and matter on contact. She can even create multiple barriers to protect several people at once. Additionally, she can use her barrier offensively by condensing it into an orb and firing it like a bullet from her hand. Recently, she has also used her barriers to heal "spirit wounds".
  • Beckoning Hand: As a Beckoning Hand, she has the natural aptitude to attract and sense Phantoms. Originally, it allowed her to instinctually detect danger in the form of a Phantom's attack, but she has honed it so that she can consciously sense and track Phantoms. She has also demonstrated that she can manipulate Phantoms to a degree, as she did with the liquid Phantom within the chamber inside of the Tsukuyomi mansion.


  • Riku's likes are: people who are kind to others, her friends, her parents, and any hot dishes, such as hotpots.[1]
  • Riku's dislikes are: spicy foods, swimming, and trains (after her first encounter with Phantoms).[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Phantom Seer Manga: Vol. 1.

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Phantom Seer
Mains Iori Katanagi  •  Riku Aibetsu  •  Yayoi Katanagi
Shamans Chihiro Kurose  •  Kenma Oigawa  •  Yojiro Satake
Humans Tomoka Fujisaki
Phantoms Okubi  •  Ongyoki  •  Sakabashira  •  Sangankyo  •  Tengu  •  Yadoshogyo
Conceiving Hands Seido Kanzaki
Hybrids Tsumuji Komachi