Phantom Seer Wiki

Sakabashira (逆柱 Sakabashira?) is a type of Phantom.



Sakabashira are phantoms that possess wooden pillars that were enacted top-side down, effectively possessing the building to which the pillar is attached. They tend to cause supernatural phenomena, such as creating Poltergeists and illusions, and use their illusions to lure victims into their building.[1]


Intro Arc[]

A Sakabashira possesses a pillar of an abandoned house and creates an illusion of a girl looking out of the house's window every night. Yojiro Satake hears of this nightly incidents and enlists the help of Iori Katanagi and Riku Aibetsu. As the three investigate the house, the Sakabashira appears before them and attacks, causing the trio to fall through the wooden flooring. Recovering quickly, Iori uses his Shadow Projection technique to summon an Okubi and quickly defeats the Sakabashira.[2]

Mirror Phantom Arc[]

A Sakabashira named Mr. Uchigami is the caretaker of Tsukuyomi Mansion and an ally to the Katanagi siblings. After the Mirror Phantom incident, Iori takes an injured Riku back to the mansion and introduces her to Mr. Uchigami who inspects her wound and tells her to take a healing soak.[3]



  • Sakabashira can be written as さかばしら which means "reverse pillar".
  • In Japanese folklore, Sakabashira refers to the belief that trees used as pillars in the reverse vertical direction of their original growth direction cause misfortune and unfortunate events.


  1. Phantom Seer Manga: Chapter 3, Pages 13-14
  2. Phantom Seer Manga: Chapter 3, Pages 3-21
  3. Phantom Seer Manga: Chapter 6, Pages 16-19

Site Navigation[]

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Phantom Seer
Mains Iori Katanagi  •  Riku Aibetsu  •  Yayoi Katanagi
Shamans Chihiro Kurose  •  Kenma Oigawa  •  Yojiro Satake
Humans Tomoka Fujisaki
Phantoms Okubi  •  Ongyoki  •  Sakabashira  •  Sangankyo  •  Tengu  •  Yadoshogyo
Conceiving Hands Seido Kanzaki
Hybrids Tsumuji Komachi