Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a production point of view)

First contacts, like first dates, can be awkward.


The USS Enterprise has entered orbit around a planet inhabited by a species that has just finished developing their new warp engine, meaning that interstellar flight is now possible for them, and since they are no longer a pre-warp society, the Federation is now permitted to make first contact.

In a building on the surface of the planet, Bragu holds his hands together and rejoices by telling the two other scientists with him "Our warp drive works! Soon we'll be able to travel the stars!" Just then, the landing party from the Enterprise materalizes in the room nearby. It is Commander William T. Riker, Doctor Beverly Crusher and one other Starfleet officer. Riker tells them who he is, and lets them know they need not be alarmed. Dr. Crusher then tells them that since they have developed warp drive technology, they can finally join the United Federation of Planets. Bragu is shocked to learn that there actually is alien life out in the universe, Riker tells them that there's thousands of species ready to meet them. Mucara, a female, speaks up, saying "Praise be! We're not alone in the universe!" Bragu tells them they had been working for years to find a way to travel the stars to find friends, and to their surprise, the friends came to them. He then begins picking his nose and gets a booger on his index finger, and holds out that very hand so as to shake hands in friendship.

The away team is a bit shocked that he would want to shake their hands, and they are clearly grossed out by the idea of that. Beverly asks if he had really just picked his nose with that hand. Bragu and Mucara explain to them that picking one's nose is a sign of respect among their people, because they believe boogers represent their essence and bind them to all things. Mucara then wipes her boogers on the wall, and at this point, the away team begin to notice that something about this world is a little off. They take a look around the room and see that the walls and consoles are layered with boogers. Beverly quietly tells Riker of the importance of respecting their customs. He tells her that she could shake their hands then, but she argues that he's the commanding officer, not her.

Just then, the dinging sound of a microwave oven can be heard. Riker then immediately asks, "What's that smell?" Mucara brings what she calls their national dish: leftover fish cooked in microwaves. They tell them they look forward to going to their ship and cooking fish in their break rooms. They go on to tell them that their hallways will be thick with the odor of their national dish while they watch reality TV around the clock. Dr. Crusher isn't too impressed with the idea of reality TV playing aboard the ship all day. Riker asks if they washed their hands before cooking the food. They have no clue what "washing hands" means, but they tell them they have much to learn from each other. Bragu then notices that Mucara forgot to put sauce on the fish, so he shoots snot onto the fish, using his own mucus as a condiment.

The away team cannot believe their eyes. They are disgusted by what they have witnessed. Riker attempts to distract them by pointing behind them, telling them of Gorn invaders. The aliens look behind them, only to see that nothing is there, but this gives Riker a chance to pull out his Type 2 phaser and then he shoots the warp engine, destroying it. Bragu and the two others turn back around and see the engine ruined. Riker tells them "Oh well, I guess it wasn't quite ready. Anyway, ping us when you have another one." Crusher follows with "Better yet -- we'll call you." Riker taps his combadge and they beam back to their ship, but while they were de-materializing, Bragu asks if they could at least give them their customary good-bye by licking their eyeballs. Mucara then asks "Where'd they go?"; just as the microwave dings again.

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alien; beaming; booger; Bragu's homeworld; Bragu's species; break room; commander; commanding officer's log; Enterprise-D, USS; Federation of Planets; fish; first contact; Galaxy-class; Gorn; Gorn invaders; hands; handshake; invaders; leftovers; life; microwave oven; nose; oven glove; people; ping; reality TV; species; Starfleet uniform; stars; type 2 phaser; universe; warp drive; washing

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"Holiday Party"
Star Trek: very Short Treks
Season 1
Next episode:
"Holograms All the Way Down"