Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Anything but canon
(covers information that is anything but canon)

According to an anything but canon account, Mucara was a female alien scientist and assistant to Bragu, the inventor of warp drive on her homeworld. She was likewise assisted by another associate.

On stardate 2252, the USS Enterprise arrive to establish first contact with an away team led by Commander William T. Riker, joined by Beverly Crusher and another officer.

After greeting the away team, Mucara presents them with microwaved leftover fish, telling them that it is their national dish. Riker was grossed out by what he saw and smelled, and so he distracted them, telling them there were Gorn invaders behind them, and while they were looking away, Riker shoots the warp engine with his hand phaser, telling them that their warp engine must have not been ready after all. They quickly beamed back to the Enterprise. (VST: "Worst Contact")
