Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Anything but canon
(covers information that is anything but canon)

According to an anything but canon account, Bragu was an alien scientist who was the first of his kind to invent warp drive on his homeworld.

On stardate 2252, Bragu and his associates Mucara and a second associate were visited in their laboratory by an away team from the USS Enterprise, consisting of Commander William T. Riker, Doctor Beverly Crusher and another officer. After explaining the purpose of their visit, Federation first contact, Bragu shared a number of his species customs, much to the away team's disgust. Wishing to avoid further disgust, Riker blasts the warp engine with his type 2 phaser, ruining it, before returning to the Enterprise. As they departed, Bragu begged them to stay long enough for the customary good-bye, which involved licking one another's eyeballs. (VST: "Worst Contact")
