Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Anything but canon
(covers information that is anything but canon)

According to an anything but canon account, Bragu's species was a newly warp-capable civilization from a green planet. (VST: "Worst Contact")


On stardate 2252, the USS Enterprise-D made first contact with this race on their homeworld. Commander William T. Riker led an away team that visited the testing site of their newly developed warp engine.

Upon learning about their culture and customs, they were quite grossed out, and Riker distracted them, telling them that there were Gorn invaders behind them, and while they weren't looking, he used his type 2 phaser to shoot the warp engine, destroying it. They blamed it on faulty equipment, and told them that they weren't quite ready for first contact after all, and the landing party quickly beamed away. (VST: "Worst Contact")

Physical appearance

This species had white skin, and large bulbous heads, making their appearances similar to that of Talosians, except unlike the Talosians, their skulls appear to be more akin to an over-enlarged, organic chef's hat. (VST: "Worst Contact")


Their religious beliefs centered around boogers, which they believed represented the essence of their very being. They didn't understand the concept of washing their hands after picking their nose, in fact this was something that they would do before shaking a person's hand, as this was considered an act of respect.

They even wiped their boogers on the walls and console stations. It was also customary to use their mucus as sauce for their national dish, which was leftover fish cooked in a microwave. They were even fond of the smell of leftover fish. It was also customary for them to watch hours of reality TV around the clock. Another custom of theirs involved licking another's eyeball when saying good-bye. (VST: "Worst Contact")

