Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a production point of view)

Spock faces difficult command decisions when his shuttle crashes on a hostile world populated by barbarous giants.



"Captain's Log, stardate 2821.5. En route to Makus III with a cargo of medical supplies, our course leads us past Murasaki 312, a quasar-like formation. Vague… undefined. A priceless opportunity for scientific investigation. On board is Galactic High Commissioner Ferris, overseeing the delivery of the medicines to Makus III."
Galileo 7 fully crewed

The seven members of the Galileo crew

On the bridge of the USS Enterprise, Captain Kirk receives a signal from Spock that the shuttlecraft Galileo is ready for launch. A crew composed of Spock, Lieutenant Commander Scott, Dr. McCoy, Lieutenants Latimer, Gaetano, and Boma, and Yeoman Mears, has been assembled aboard the shuttlecraft for this scientific mission.

Ferris enters the bridge

Ferris enters the Enterprise bridge

High Commissioner Ferris enters the bridge from the turbolift and reminds the captain of his objection to this diversion from the greater priority of delivering medical supplies. The plague on the New Paris colonies is spiraling out of control, he contends, and the Enterprise must make the rendezvous on Makus in order for the supplies to be transferred from there to the colony.

Galileo launches, remastered

Galileo launches

Kirk understands this, but he also states that he is under orders from Starfleet to investigate "all quasars and quasar-like phenomena" and observes that the rendezvous is in five days, while the trip to Makus will only last three. Hence, he reasons, he has 48 hours with which to study the phenomenon.

The Galileo proceeds to launch. While inside the phenomenon, the shuttlecraft encounters some rough turbulence, knocking it off-course. The electrical interference generated by the phenomenon makes sensors unreliable and communication impossible for the shuttlecraft, as well as for the Enterprise. However, Uhura does manage to make out the words "blown off-course" in an extremely garbled transmission. Kirk must attempt a rescue without working sensors inside a quasar-like formation which contains four solar systems in the immediate vicinity.

Act One[]

"Captain's Log, stardate 2821.7. The electromagnetic phenomenon known as Murasaki 312 whirls like some angry blight in space. A depressive reminder that seven of our shipmates still have not been heard from. Equally bad, the effect has rendered our normal searching systems useless. Without them we are blind, and almost helpless."
Galileo on Taurus II

Galileo damaged on surface Taurus II

The Galileo is forced to make an emergency landing on Taurus II, a lone planet at the heart of Murasaki 312.

While Scott attempts repairs on the damaged craft, Latimer and Gaetano are sent out to scout the area and instructed to maintain visual contact with the ship. Meanwhile, on the Enterprise, the sensors remain inoperative and the transporters are not operating in a safe manner. Kirk orders that a second shuttlecraft, Columbus, prepare for launch in order to search the planet's surface for the other craft.

Uhura informs Kirk and Ferris of habitable planet

Uhura discovers a type M planet

Tensions mount between Kirk and Ferris as Kirk makes it clear that he plans to use every spare minute to search for his stranded shipmates. Uhura temporarily acts as science officer and helps to narrow the search for Galileo by discovering that one planet in the area, Taurus II, is type M. Kirk has Sulu set course for the planet.

As Scott assesses the damage, he finds that the Galileo has lost a great deal of fuel – so much that they would be unable to reach escape velocity, and to even reach orbit they would need to leave at least five hundred pounds lighter than when they arrived.

Scott and Spock try repairs

Scott and Spock diagnose Galileo's problems

Noting that very little of the equipment on board is dispensable, and that five hundred pounds roughly equals the weight of three grown adults, Spock prepares himself for the difficult decision of which three crewmen to leave behind in order that the rest may survive.

It is at this point that Spock's cold logic begins to unnerve some of the crew, most noticeably Lieutenant Boma. Boma proposes that they draw lots to determine who stays behind, but Spock replies that he is better qualified to make the decision than would be a "random drawing of lots."

While on their scouting expedition, Latimer and Gaetano hear strange grinding sounds, seemingly coming from all around them in a dense fog. Attempting to escape back to the Galileo, they encounter a giant, spear-wielding, "cave man"-like humanoid. The creature is hostile, and attacks the two crewmen. Taken by surprise, Latimer is hit by a spear in the back, mortally wounding him. He falls from a rock ledge to the ground and Gaetano then attempts to fend off the Taurean with his phaser, firing blind.

Act Two[]

Gaetano, successful in driving the Taurean away, is found by Spock and Boma, slumped over, staring dumbfounded at the body of his fallen crewmate. After running a bit ahead to make sure that the giant is gone, Spock returns and examines the spear. He observes a similarity to the Folsom point, commenting that it is "crude" and "not very efficient." Again, Spock's words unnerve his crewmates, particularly Boma, who find it highly inappropriate for him to be musing about archaeology when one of their comrades has just been slain. Spock, logical as ever, responds, "My concern for the dead will not bring him back to life, Mr. Boma."

Boma and Gaetano decide to carry the body back to the ship. Spock has no objection, since doing so will not interfere with the repair efforts. When he offers to help them, they refuse.

"Captain's Log, stardate 2822.3. We continue to search. But I find it more difficult each moment to ward off a sense of utter futility, and… great loss."

There is no change in the status of sensors, transporters, and communications. The search party has found no sign of the Galileo or its passengers. Kirk orders the Columbus to "widen its course two degrees on every lap from now on." Sulu objects that this leaves significant gaps in the search area, but Kirk notes that they simply do not have enough time to cover the entire planet, and this way they cover the most area, even if they leave gaps in doing so. Kirk advises Sulu to keep his attention on the helm.

Back inside the shuttlecraft, McCoy and Yeoman Mears report to Spock that they were able to gather about one hundred and fifty pounds of non-essential machinery for removal from Galileo. Spock commends them, but observes that even after dumping that weight, they are still 150 pounds too heavy. McCoy and Spock argue a bit about the ethics of leaving behind one man to save six, but they are interrupted by Boma, who upon entering the craft announces that they are ready for Latimer's funeral ceremony. Spock has no interest in performing such a ceremony as his expertise is needed in assisting Scott with the repairs. He attempts to push off the funerary duties to Dr. McCoy, but McCoy insists that it is Spock's responsibility as their commanding officer. Spock accepts this duty, but insists that the repairs take the utmost priority. He argues that by taking care of "first things first" he intends to maximize the chances of survival for the remaining crew. Boma leaves and closes Galileo's doors.

Later, while Scott and Spock continue to attempt repairs, a ruptured tube leaks all the remaining fuel. The shuttlecraft is now without any means of propulsion. Disappointed by the event, Spock advises a pessimistic Scott to "consider the alternatives," stating, "there are always alternatives."


Mears, Gaetano, and Boma consider the use of force against the Taurean

Outside, loud grinding noises are heard again. Spock identifies the sounds as wood, rubbing on leather. Boma suggests that if the Taureans are a tribal culture, and thereby have a sense of unity, the crew can use that to their advantage. By hurting them, they can be dissuaded from bothering the crew again. McCoy and Gaetano agree that this is a "logical" course of action. Spock is hesitant, but concedes that there is logic to the plan, though he abhors unnecessary violence toward other forms of life. He proposes a third plan – to scare them by blasting phasers near the giants – firing not to injure or kill, but to simply frighten. He sends McCoy and Mears back to the shuttlecraft to assist Scott, while he leads Boma and Gaetano towards the Taureans.

The plan appears to be executed successfully, and Spock returns with Boma to the shuttlecraft, leaving Gaetano to stand guard and stay in communication with the ship. When he returns, Scott tells Spock of an idea he has to reconfigure the main reactor to function on the energy from the hand-held phasers. Unfortunately, their only means of escape happens to be their only means of defense. Using the phasers for fuel disallows their use for defensive measures against the giants. Spock and the others conclude that it is their only option. Scott begins the modifications.

The Enterprise transporters are now operational, and Kirk decides to beam three landing parties down directly to the planet in hopes of increasing the chances of finding the lost crew.

Crewman Gaetano is attacked and loses his phaser when a large rock is thrown against his hand. He tries to scramble up a cliff, but cannot, and is ultimately killed horribly by a Taurean.

Act Three[]

Order 480-G anthropoid

A Taurean threatens Galileo

Spock, McCoy, and Boma arrive at Gaetano's last known position. He is nowhere to be found but Spock discovers his phaser lying on the ground. Spock orders the other two to return to the craft and hands over Gaetano's phaser to Scott for conversion. Boma objects, but Spock's response is to hand them his (Spock's) phaser as well. Spock then pursues a "scientific curiosity" regarding what happened to Gaetano.

Sneaking up to the Taureans, Spock finds Gaetano's lifeless body and carries it off towards the shuttlecraft. The Taureans soon notice him and begin throwing numerous spears, one of which just narrowly misses Spock's head, but is blocked by the tip a protruding rock. Soon after Spock makes it back, one of the creatures (which followed Spock) begins assaulting the craft itself by slamming large rocks against it, with the terrified crew inside. Spock notes, as much to himself as anyone, that logic has completely failed him in this instance, he had not anticipated that the creatures would attack after seeing their superior weapons, just as he didn't anticipate the resentment shown by his crew during the mission. As the shuttle shakes, Scott reports it'll be another hour at least before the phasers are drained, an hour the crew clearly doesn't have right now.

"Captain's Log, 2823.1. Our landing parties are on the surface of Taurus II, and we continue to hope. Instruments are only slowly returning to an operable condition as the ion storm slowly disperses. On the ship, we can only wait helplessly."
Scott electrifies hull

Scott electrifies Galileo's hull

Spock comes up with an idea to use the ship's batteries to electrify the outer hull. Apparently the Taureans were actually touching the ship at the time it was electrified, as the creatures leave shortly after.

Boma then argues that it is time to perform the funeral rites for their two fallen crewmates. Eventually, Spock relents and allows the burial, "provided the creatures will permit it."


Kelowitz talks to Kirk on science station monitor

On the Enterprise, landing party two has just beamed back with a few casualties and no shuttlecraft survivors. Lieutenant Kelowitz, who led the party, reports back to the captain, describing the same giant creatures encountered by the Galileo crew. By his account, Ensign O'Neill "got a spear through the body before we even knew they were around." Lieutenant Immamura survived with severe lacerations and a dislocated shoulder but should be fine.

Commissioner Ferris arrives on the bridge and informs the captain that his time has run out. Ferris now assumes command of the ship under the powers granted him by Title 15, Galactic Emergency Procedures. Kirk orders the remaining landing parties to return and calls the Columbus back in, holding out hope that the Galileo might still report in the time it takes for the others to return. With great reluctance, Kirk commands Sulu to set course for Makus III.

Act Four[]

"Captain's Log, supplemental. The search parties have returned to the ship. The Columbus is on its way back. I have been compelled to abandon the search."

According to Uhura, the Columbus will be back and docked within 23 minutes. Thus, only 23 minutes remain for the search.

Scott drains phaser for shuttlecraft

Spock, Boma, and McCoy discuss situation as Scott drains phasers

On the surface, Scott has just finished draining the last phaser into the ship's power supply and estimates that they have just enough power to maintain orbit for a few hours, and even enough to perform a controlled-burn re-entry. Scotty says that the ship will be ready to take off in eight minutes. Spock then tells McCoy and Boma that they have ten minutes to bury Gaetano, and that he will assist them.

The Columbus returns to the Enterprise and docks. The landing parties have all been beamed aboard. Kirk is left without any further excuses for delay. Therefore, the Enterprise begins the trip to Makus III at "space-normal speed", and Kirk, not ready to give up hope for the Galileo crew, orders full reverse sensor scans, beams directed aft.

On Taurus II, the funeral ceremony is interrupted by flying spears. McCoy, Boma, and Spock are attacked by the Taureans again, and race back to the ship. After throwing one of the spears back at the assailants in order to buy more time for the others, Spock turns and makes for the ship as well. But after just a few steps, a large rock is hurled at him and traps him against a rock face. He tells the others to take off without him, but they disregard the command and roll the heavy boulder off of him so that he can return.

Class F shuttle, fuel jettison switch

Spock hits the fuel jettison button

The three make it back to the shuttlecraft, but the extra time taken to free Spock allowed the Taureans to gather around the ship and physically hold it down to prevent it from taking off. After firing the boosters they are able to break free and take off. Unfortunately, once they attain orbit, they come to the realization that without the boosters, they will not be able to make a soft landing, and if they are not rescued, will face a burn-up in the atmosphere upon re-entry. Spock grimly reminds his party that thanks to Boma and McCoy trying to save him, they will have ruined their slim chance for survival. At this point, Scott reminds Spock of his earlier comment that "there are always alternatives." Spock, in an act that surprises the others, acknowledges that he "may have been mistaken."

Spock jettisons the Galileo's fuel

"Are you out of your mind?"
"Perhaps, Mr. Boma."

When they achieve orbital altitude, while chasing the Enterprise, Scott estimates they have enough fuel to maintain it for 45 minutes. At this point, Spock commits an act of desperation. He jettisons the fuel and ignites it in the hope that the Enterprise might see the flare and come to their rescue. This leaves them just 6 minutes of orbit. The Galileo crew is shocked, but soon Scott realizes that Spock's action was "like sending up a flare", and offering that it was "a good gamble."

Fortunately, the gamble pays off. The flare catches Sulu's watchful eye, whereupon he informs the captain, and they change course 180 degrees to once again attempt a rescue, this time without Ferris noticing.


Uhura and Mears add to the crew's laughter

As the Galileo's orbit begins to decay, the five surviving passengers prepare for the inevitable burn-up. Just as the ship is about to incinerate, the Enterprise beams the crew out, alive and well. Upon hearing the good news, an emotional Kirk orders Sulu to resume the course to Makus III at warp factor 1.

With Spock and McCoy safe and sound on the bridge, Kirk confronts Spock at his science station about his actions, trying to get Spock to admit that the flare was a purely emotional act. Spock tries to evade the question by framing the action as a logical decision to act in desperation. Kirk puts it to him directly, asking if he is going to admit that it was a purely Human emotional act. "No, sir." replies Spock. Kirk then comments that Spock is a very stubborn man. "Yes, sir." is Spock's response. With the exception of Spock, the bridge crew all has a good long laugh.

Log entries[]

Memorable quotes[]

"Finding a needle in a haystack would be child's play."

- Kirk, on the missing Galileo

"Picturesque descriptions will not mend broken circuits, Mr. Scott."

- Spock, after Scott describes the Galileo's damage as a mess

"Mr. Spock, life and death are seldom logical."
"But attaining a desired goal always is, Doctor."

- McCoy and Spock, on leaving three people behind on the planet

"If any minor damage was overlooked, it was when they put his head together."

- Boma, on Spock

"It is more rational to sacrifice one life than six, Doctor."

"I'm not talking about rationality."
"You might be wise to start."

- Spock and McCoy, on leaving one person behind after Latimer's death

"Mr. Scott, there are always alternatives."

- Spock, on finding a new fuel source for the Galileo

"I'm frequently appalled by the low regard you Earthmen have for life."

- Spock to Gaetano and Boma, on attacking the anthropoids

"I am not interested in the opinion of the majority, Mr. Gaetano! Components must be weighed! Our danger to ourselves as well as our duties to other life forms, friendly or not!"

- Spock to Gaetano, angrily opposing the latter's opinion on how to deal with the anthropoids

"Mr. Spock, respect is a rational process. Did it ever occur to you they might react emotionally? With anger?"

- McCoy, as the anthropoids continue their attack

"Strange. Step by step, I've made the correct and logical decisions – and yet two men have died."

- Spock

"I intend to continue the search. Foot by foot, inch by inch, by candlelight if necessary, until the last possible moment!"

- Kirk, to Ferris

"I'm sick and tired of this machine!"

- Boma, on Spock

"Mr. Spock, remind me to tell you that I'm sick and tired of your logic."
"That is a most illogical attitude."

- McCoy and Spock, after the Galileo lifts off

"Well, at least I lived long enough to hear that."

- McCoy, after Spock admits to making a mistake

Spock, a stubborn man

Kirk accuses Spock of being stubborn

"It may be the last action you'll ever take, Mr. Spock, but it was all Human."
"Totally illogical. There was no chance."
"That's exactly what I mean."

- McCoy and Spock, on jettisoning the fuel

"There's really something I don't understand about all of this. Maybe you can explain it to me. Logically, of course. When you jettisoned the fuel and ignited it, you knew there was virtually no chance of it being seen, yet you did it anyhow. That would seem to me to be an act of desperation."
"Quite correct, Captain."
"Now we all know, and I'm sure the doctor will agree with me, that desperation is a highly emotional state of mind. How does your well-known logic explain that?"

"Quite simply, Captain. I examined the problem from all angles, and it was plainly hopeless. Logic informed me that under the circumstances, the only possible action would have to be one of desperation. Logical decision, logically arrived at."

"I see. You mean you reasoned that it was time for an emotional outburst."

"Well, I wouldn't put it in exactly those terms, Captain, but those are essentially the facts."

- Kirk and Spock, on Spock's actions

"You're not going to admit that for the first time in your life, you committed a purely Human emotional act?"

"No, sir."

"Mr. Spock, you're a stubborn man."

"Yes, sir."

- Kirk and Spock, after Spock denies making any desperate acts

Background information[]

Production timeline[]

Script and story[]

  • The story of this episode originated from writer Oliver Crawford, who thought about a science fiction retelling of the 1939 film Five Came Back, which co-starred a young Lucille Ball. [1]
  • The writing of this episode was influenced by the Spock character having proved popular. Leonard Nimoy noted that, as a result of the character's success, "somebody said, 'Let's do a show where Spock takes command of a vessel'" (Smithsonian magazine, May 2016 issue, p. 59). However, considering that only two episodes had aired when this episode began filming, this is likely more of a legend than an accurate memory.
  • Several lines of dialogue in the preview did not make it into the final cut. The commissioner says, "Do you know what you have done? You've concerned yourself with only seven people. You said something about a needle in a haystack. It's useless." Kirk replies, "If they're not there, Commissioner, then they're dead by now."
The Galileo Seven credits spelling error

The word "SCRIPT" is misspelled

  • In the closing credits of the show, the title for Script Supervisor is misspelled "SCPIPT SUPERVISOR".


  • The observation deck model was designed to match up with the set seen in "The Conscience of the King". (The Star Trek Compendium, p. 44)
  • After this episode was filmed, no new shots of the shuttlecraft miniature were taken. All shuttlecraft model shots used in the series were stock footage from this episode, sometimes matted into different backgrounds.
  • A still of the shuttlecraft model, facing forward inside the miniature hangar deck, appears in the end credits of this episode, with the center window of the shuttlecraft open.
  • To make the creatures look larger than they really were, small spear and shield props were made for Buck Maffei to fling at the crew. The one that is dropped near the three men is fairly small in size, but in the next shot, it is much larger. (The Star Trek Compendium, p. 45)
  • Wah Chang created the ape-creature makeup. It was considered too grotesque to show in close-ups, but the faces of the creatures can still be seen in a few scenes. A close-up of the creature was filmed, but ended up as a deleted shot. [2] Also, NBC Broadcast Standards ordered that the view of Latimer with the large spear in his back shall not be clearly seen. When Gaetano fires his phaser into the mist, there is an additional mist optical effect, which had to be added in post production, that blocks a view of the impaled officer. (These Are the Voyages: TOS Season One, 1st ed. p. 306)
  • Although the Galileo was destroyed in this episode, it appeared again in two later episodes, "Metamorphosis", and "The Way to Eden". However, it wasn't until its final appearance in "The Way to Eden" that the full-scale ship was repainted to read Galileo II. A shuttlecraft of similar design appeared in three episodes: "Journey to Babel", "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield", and "The Menagerie, Part I" – being an unnamed Enterprise shuttlecraft in Babel and unnamed starbase shuttlecraft in the other two episodes.

Cast and characters[]

  • Leonard Nimoy struggled with his role of Spock in this episode because, in many of his scenes, he had to account for the absence of William Shatner. Nimoy later recalled, "I experienced it as a failure […] Put into the position of being the driving force, the central character, was very tough for me." (Smithsonian magazine, May 2016 issue, p. 59)
  • Phyllis Douglas returned as one of the "space hippies" in "The Way to Eden". The part of Yeoman Mears was originally written for Yeoman Rand, but Grace Lee Whitney had just been written out of the series. (The Star Trek Compendium, p. 45)
  • John Crawford, in an interview in Starlog magazine, stated that he had a very unpleasant time in his scenes with Shatner on the bridge.(citation needededit)
  • Don Marshall previously appeared in the controversial episode "To Set it Right" of Gene Roddenberry's previous series, The Lieutenant, in which Nichelle Nichols played his character's girlfriend.
  • The producers liked Marshall's performance as Boma, and intended to bring the character back. However, by that time, Marshall was already signed with Irwin Allen to co-star in Land of the Giants (which began filming in 1967, but only premiered a year later). (These Are the Voyages: TOS Season One, 1st ed. p. 313)

Props and sets[]

  • The tool that will later be the laser beacon in "The Squire of Gothos" is sitting above the nacelle of the shuttlecraft in an early scene.


  • The episode marks the first appearance in Star Trek of the rank of "ensign", as Ensign O'Neill is mentioned in this episode.
  • This episode establishes that there is more than one transporter room on the Enterprise. Kirk clearly uses the plural, "transporters". In all other episodes, only the singular is used.
  • Ferris is called "Galactic High Commissioner" because the name United Federation of Planets had not yet been created. Two years later, in "Elaan of Troyius", the term "Federation High Commissioner" was used instead.
  • Beginning with this episode, a somewhat re-orchestrated version of the opening theme is played over the opening credits.
  • The tan belts to which phasers and communicators are attached make a re-appearance after being gone for several episodes.
  • In this episode, Spock states he doesn't believe in angels, implying that he didn't believe anyone would save him or the others aboard the Galileo, in case the Enterprise didn't come for the rescue. Ironically, in the second season of Star Trek: Discovery, it is revealed that Spock's foster sister and her mother had saved quite a number of people from impending doom wearing a suit that resembled, as Spock himself put it, a "Red Angel".



  • The preview contains a Captain's Log recorded solely for the preview: "Captain's log, stardate 2821.7. Seven of our shipmates still have not been heard from. Our normal searching system is useless."

Remastered information[]

The remastered version of "The Galileo Seven" aired in many North American markets during the weekend of 16 September 2007. The episode received fairly heavy treatment, due to the number of special effects in the original. Like all other remastered episodes, the physical model of Enterprise has been wholly replaced by a CGI model throughout the episode. Similarly, Enterprise is universally shot at different – and typically closer – angles than in the original. As might be expected, this episode also required a new CGI model of Galileo itself.

The most widely employed new effect is that of the "Murasaki effect" and the planet Taurus II. Whereas in the original the graphic is largely confined to a long-range viewscreen shot of the Murasaki 312 quasar itself, the remastered version depicts the phenomenon as more of an omnipresent "effect", serving as the background for most shots. Also, in the original, the planet Taurus II is seen as primarily green in color, while the remastered planet is largely grey and rocky, like the surface.

The shuttlebay and launch sequences of shuttles received a thorough reworking. The resting Columbus can now be seen briefly during the Galileo launch, and the Galileo's takeoff occurs with a more naturalistic "wobble" as the ship stabilizes before achieving forward momentum. Once launched, Galileo now casts a shadow on the shuttlebay to further lend verisimilitude to the sequence. As the "Galileo" departs the shuttlebay the interior shot of the shuttlebay is missing the "Columbus".

The new TOS-R chronometer is also briefly seen in the episode.

The final flight of Galileo has been given perhaps the most significant narrative attention. The "flare" caused by Spock's fuel dump is now more evident, both in close-ups of the shuttle and in long range Enterprise viewscreen images of the planet. As Galileo descends into the atmosphere, the ship glows a brilliant red-orange to indicate the heat – something that did not noticeably occur in the original version.

As of October 2017, the HD-DVD version of this episode is the only place to find the Starfleet Access bonus feature. The feature, for whatever reason, has not been ported over to any Blu-Ray release.

Video and DVD releases[]

Links and references[]


Also starring[]





Uncredited co-stars[]



1925; ability; acceleration; address; "all right"; alternative; analysis; ångström; angel; anger; answer; anthropoid; ape; area; argon; astral anthropology; atmosphere; attitude; auxiliary power; auxiliary tank; battery; bloody nose; body; booster; burial; cargo; chance; choice; chronometer; circuit; "child's play"; Columbus; commanding officer; compartment; competition; conduit; contact; coordinates; course; culture; damage; danger; day; death; decaying orbit; degree; demonstration; desperation; diligence; distress signal; dozen; "drawing lots"; ear; efficiency; electromagnetic spectrum; emotion (emotional state); emotional outburst; equipment malfunction; error; escape velocity; estimate; evaluation; "excuse me"; fact; fear; feeling; fireman's carry; "first things first"; flare; flight deck; flight hatch; Folsom point; foot; friend; fuel; Galactic Emergency Procedures; Galileo; geometry (geometrically); goal; hand; hangar deck; Hansen's Planet; Hansen's Planet anthropoid; harmonic; haystack; head; heart; height; High Commissioner; hour; hull; hull plating; Human; idea; image; Immamura; inch; inert material; "in error"; "in the event"; "in the first place"; investigation; ion; ionic interference; ionization; ion storm; krypton; laceration; landing party; lap; leather; life; logic; M-class; machine; magnetic potential; main reactor; Makus III; meteorite; meter; mile; millimeters of mercury (mercury); mind; minute; mission; mist; Murasaki 312 (aka Murasaki effect); Murasaki 312 sector; neck; needle; neon; New Mexico; New Paris; New Paris colonies; "needle in a haystack"; nitrogen; North America; nose; "of course"; Old World calendar; O'Neill; opinion; opportunity; Order 480-G; ordnance condition 1-A; orbit; order; ounce; "out of your mind"; overload power; oxygen; passenger; person; phase 1 separation; phenomenon; place; plague; pound; power; power (math): present condition; pressure; primary intake valve; problem; procrastination; projectile; PSI; quadrant; Quadrant 779X by 534M; quantity; quasar; radiation; radio communication; rationality; reentry; rendezvous; resentment; respect; result; "risk his neck"; scanner; scientific investigation; search; search party; second; sector; sensor; sensor section; services; shield; shipmate; shoulder; shuttlecraft; signal; "stand by"; solar system; space; space normal speed; space regulations; spear; speed; standing order; state of mind; static interference; stone; stubborn; summer resort; surface; Taurus II; Taurus II anthropoid; Taurus II system; thing; transmission; transporter; transporter room; tribal culture; tribal rite; tribe; victim; visual contact; wavelength; weight; window; wood; word

Unreferenced materials[]

Amen; Athos IV; axe; baseball bat; cat; chess; Lake People; nucleonic attraction; Rand, Janice; titanite

External links[]

Previous episode produced:
"The Conscience of the King"
Star Trek: The Original Series
Season 1
Next episode produced:
"Court Martial"
Previous episode aired:
"Shore Leave"
Next episode aired:
"The Squire of Gothos"
Previous remastered episode aired:
"This Side of Paradise"
TOS Remastered Next remastered episode aired:
"The Conscience of the King"