Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

Kirk holding a rock

Asteroid rock, 2153

An asteroid rock

Sojourner approaches Yogi

Yogi rock on Mars

Hover forklift with boulder

A forklift carrying a boulder

For additional meanings of "Rock", please see Rock.

A rock or stone is a naturally occurring solid material composed of minerals. Large rocks are known as boulders. Ores are rocks that contain valuable metals.

When Captain Jonathan Archer told the Novans Nadet and Jamin about the asteroid hit on Terra Nova in 2083, Jamin accused Archer to lie and the fact that "giant rocks" fall from the sky as shale. (ENT: "Terra Nova")

According to Sub-commander T'Pol, Vulcan and Human scientists have researched hundreds of comets and found them to be little more than rock and ice. (ENT: "Breaking the Ice")

In 2153, Travis Mayweather beamed a rock aboard Enterprise NX-01, originating in an asteroid field. According to Trip Tucker it had a good isotope density. (ENT: "Impulse")

According to the text commentary by Mike and Denise Okuda, the reason for the different appearance of the rock on the transporter platform compared to the ones in space might be the good isotope density.

In 2263 of the alternate reality, while following a weapon-toting Jaylah as she went to confront intruders, Montgomery Scott armed himself with a rock. (Star Trek Beyond)

The holodeck simulation of an Earth park aboard the USS Enterprise included a loose rock, which caused Wesley Crusher to fall into the water in 2364. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint")

Commander William T. Riker asked for rocks to be thrown at the Haakona following the USS Enterprise's disabling by the Iconian probe which prompted a smile out of Ensign Williams. (TNG: "Contagion")

The pre-industrial society of Barkon IV believed that rock was one of the four basic elements of the universe, along with fire, sky and water. Rock was believed to be found in everything in existence, and could be felt in an object's weight and hardness. (TNG: "Thine Own Self")

Jadzia Dax once told Major Kira that she was a champion window breaker and that she was deadly on a dark night with a few rocks. (DS9: "Duet")

In 2383, when Dal watched a safety video at the Tars Lamora mining colony; there was an image of a worker getting smashed by a falling boulder. (PRO: "Lost and Found")


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