
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire has been released to theaters. Beware, spoilers will be present on the wiki and discussions. Read at your own risk!


Spoiler SPOILER WARNING: This section may contain major plot and/or ending details. Proceed at your own discretion.

Once again her body cuts into him like a hundred teeth. Here, below, she is at her strongest.
― Narrator (Godzilla Dominion)

Tiamat, also dubbed Titanus Tiamat, was a giant serpentine Titan created by Legendary Pictures that appears in Legendary's 2019 film, Godzilla: King of the Monsters, as a name briefly seen on a monitor. She made her first full appearance in the graphic novel Godzilla Dominion. She later makes her on-screen debut in the 2024 film, Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, where she is killed by Godzilla.


"Tiamat" was a primordial water goddess with a dragon-like appearance in Mesopotamian mythologies, the symbol of the chaos of primordial creation. The name "Tiamat" is also applied to many modern monsters; for example, an evil, five-headed dragon goddess in Dungeons & Dragons.



In Godzilla Dominion, Tiamat is portrayed as a titanic serpentine creature, and is light blue in coloration while also having vibrant purple scales. These scales are serrated and knife-like. Her skull is draconic with yellow eyes and four barbels extending from it. Extending from near her head are two wing-like fins.

In Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, Tiamat possesses a drastically different appearance in comparison to her design throughout the graphic novels. In the film, Tiamat is dark green in coloration with numerous purple serrated fins that run through the length of her entire body. Additionally, she possesses four clawed limbs. She retains her draconic skull, which is surrounded by yellow frills that open and fold depending on her mood. A bright bioluminescent magenta color now lights the tips of her fins.


The roars of Tiamat are written as "xhhhhhsssss". In Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, Tiamat issues a warbling cry.


Tiamat is very territorial and will fight other Titans for dominance. However, she recognizes when the odds are against her, and when beaten by Godzilla after an intense battle, Tiamat is visibly frightened and submits to the Alpha Titan to save herself from being killed. Her aggressive and destructive nature has led to Monarch classifying Tiamat as a "Destroyer".

Several years later, Tiamat is still shown to be very aggressive and unyielding to authority even after being beaten by Godzilla, with their second battle resulting in him killing her after she refused to back down.


A bioluminescent serpent of the ocean that emerges on land to feed on electricity, Titanus Tiamat is the embodiment of primordial chaos. A dangerous threat in water, chemoreceptors embedded in its venom hood release a phosphorous ink that can blind and disorient opposing Titans in combat. The electrogenic cells in its body store and discharge electrical currents capable of boiling the ocean at extreme temperatures, creating a powerful electrical superstorm so massive that it can be seen from space. Monarch behavioral analysis suggests Tiamat uses the vocal folds in its tendrils to mimic the sounds of other species. Having spent many years in containment at Monarch Outpost 53, it also seems to have learned to mimic the sound of human voices. While not possessing the vocal capabilities of speech, it is not unusual to hear the haunting echoes of Tiamat's Titansong followed by the slow and hungry clicking of its monolithic mandibles.
― Monarch Creature Profile


Ancient Times[]

Eons ago, Tiamat fought and killed a Titanus Kong member when she ventured into his lair.[2]

Godzilla: King of the Monsters[]

Tiamat was found in Stone Mountain, Georgia, USA, by Monarch, who built Outpost 53 around her. When Ghidorah calls all the Titans, Tiamat breaks free and begins to hunt with her new pack. When the ORCA calls all Titans to Boston, Tiamat does not arrive in time for the battle and does not see Godzilla become the alpha of all Titans again (except Kong).

Godzilla Dominion[]

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Tiamat is forced to submit by Godzilla.

Battered and exhausted from his battle with Ghidorah as well as several other rebellious Titans, Godzilla returns to one of his old lairs to rest but immediately senses that something is different. The Alpha Titan is suddenly ambushed by Tiamat, who sucks him into a whirlpool. Tiamat then belches toxic vapor into Godzilla's face, which disorients him. With Godzilla blinded and stunned, Tiamat drags him deeper underwater, constricting and slicing into him with her scales. Eventually, the two bring the battle into the lair itself, where Godzilla is able to overpower Tiamat and force her to submit. Defeated, Tiamat retreats back into the ocean, forfeiting the lair back into Godzilla's control.

Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire[]

Looking to gain power, Godzilla travels to Tiamat's new lair in the Arctic Ocean which sits upon the planet's largest deposit of natural radiation. Upon Godzilla's arrival and the firing of his atomic breath, Tiamat awakens to defend her new lair, and wraps herself around Godzilla, constricting him. After Godzilla retaliates by biting off a chunk of her flesh, the titanic sea serpent bites onto Godzilla's face and also begins to smother him with her frills. Charging up, Godzilla blasts through Tiamat with his atomic breath, cutting her to pieces. As Tiamat's mangled body parts begin to rise to the surface, Godzilla briefly rises up to toss away one of Tiamat's limbs before diving back down to claim the radiation in her now-former lair.

MonsterVerse Declassified[]

To be added.

Non-canon appearances[]

Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong[]

Tiamat first appears in the fourth issue, attacking Atlantis after being summoned to the DC Universe. She effortlessly overpowers the Atlantean forces that are led by Aquaman and Mera when Wonder Woman, Flash, and Green Lantern arrive to their aid. Tiamat's rage prevents her from submitting to Aquaman's authority and attacks the Justice League by unleashing phosphorous ink from her mouth and lightning from her eyes. She is about to kill Green Lantern when Godzilla arrives and blasts her with his atomic breath. Tiamat and Godzilla start to battle each other when Aquaman decides to unleash the Kraken as Atlantis's last line of defense. In the fifth issue, Tiamat attempts to battle the Kraken before Godzilla knocks her away, which allows Green Lantern to construct a gigantic net to capture her. However, she is freed when the battle between Godzilla and the Kraken pushes her out from the net, which also results in the protective dome around Atlantis to break. Flash then forces Tiamat into pursuing him so that she will not escape from the Justice League's sight. In the sixth issue, Tiamat converge with Scylla and Behemoth in Metropolis, with Lex Luthor using Mechagodzilla to summon and command the three Titans. When the Justice League arrive, Tiamat battles Aquaman and Hawkgirl before confronting Robin and Red Hood. However, the battle is interrupted when the League of Assassins arrive with a pack of Skullcrawlers. In the seventh issue, Tiamat battles the Skullcrawlers before she is sent back to the MonsterVerse.


Amphibious nature[]

Tiamat can survive on land and in water indefinitely, though she gains a more significant mobility advantage in water.

Bio-ultraviolet nature[]

Monarch classifies Tiamat as being "bio-ultraviolet" in nature, as she often travels onto land to feed on electricity. Harnessing this power in electrogenic cells, Tiamat can discharge electrical currents at such extreme temperatures that it boils the ocean, often causing massive steam trails that can be seen from space. She is also able to concentrate this electricity as a form of beam attack that she can fire from her eyes.


Tiamat is capable of surviving after Godzilla used his jaws to rip out a chunk of flesh from her body. Her body is strong enough to withstand powerful impacts from Godzilla's stomp and normal atomic breath. However, she is not capable of surviving Godzilla's supercharged atomic breath.

Expandable frills[]

Tiamat can expand the frills surrounding her head as an intimidation display and as a means to smother her foes.


Tiamat can manipulate water, specifically maelstroms and waterspouts, which allow her to drag terrestrial and airborne foes underwater.[3]

Phosphorous ink[]

Tiamat is able spew a cloud of phosphorous ink from chemoreceptors in her venom hood that is capable of blinding and disorienting Titans like Godzilla momentarily.

Razor-sharp scales[]

Tiamat's body is covered in razor-sharp scales that can cut deep gashes into the skin of other Titans, including Godzilla.

Speed and agility[]

Tiamat is able to move incredibly fast underwater, which allows her to outmaneuver and swiftly coil around Godzilla.

Strength and combat[]

Tiamat can use her jaws and tail as dangerous weapons in combat. She also uses her serpentine body to strangle her foes like constrictor snakes. Her physical strength allows her to effortlessly burst through thick glacial ice, and is almost on par with Godzilla's before the latter uses his atomic breath to blast her into pieces.

Vocalization mimicry[]

Tiamat can mimic the vocalizations of humans and other species using vocal folds located in her tendrils. Though not able to outright replicate human speech, Tiamat can eerily match the sound of human voices in a "Titansong".


Dry land[]

Although Tiamat can survive out of water, she is still an aquatic creature with a severe disadvantage on land. When yanked out of the water by Godzilla, Tiamat was swiftly overpowered and forced to submit.

Supercharged atomic breath[]

Although Tiamat is able to survive several blasts of Godzilla's atomic breath in their previous battle, she is obliterated and torn into several pieces when he is supercharged by the vast amounts of radiation he had been feeding on as he prepared to battle the Skar King.


List of appearances[]




