
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire has been released to theaters. Beware, spoilers will be present on the wiki and discussions. Read at your own risk!


The body may have been destroyed by Godzilla, but the head that was tossed aside kept fighting. Then, using this base as a center, it continued to grow via the nanometal over 20,000 years, and built this City.
Mulu-elu Galu-gu upon rebuilding Mechagodzilla's command center (Godzilla: City on the Edge of Battle)

The Mechagodzilla (メカゴジラ,   Mekagojira?) of the AniGoji continuity was the fourth Mechagodzilla in the Godzilla film series, and the first and so far only Mechagodzilla in the Reiwa era of films.

This Mechagodzilla made its first appearance in the novel, Godzilla: Monster Apocalypse, a prequel novelization to the 2017 film, Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters, which detailed its origins and original fate. Mechagodzilla then appeared in the 2018 prequel novel, Godzilla: Project Mechagodzilla, where more of its history and abilities were run down.

It made a cameo appearance in Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters and its manga adaptation, where its failed use was briefly detailed. Mechagodzilla went on to have its first major film role in the 2018 film, Godzilla: City on the Edge of Battle as the main antagonist, where it was used once more against Godzilla, and was eventually destroyed. While Mechagodzilla would not physically appear in Godzilla: The Planet Eater, it and its city-scaled constructs would notably be referenced in the film's opening.


Mechagodzilla's name came from the word "mecha," which is derived from "mechanical," and from Godzilla (ゴジラ,   'Gojira'?).



This Mechagodzilla featured a much different appearance from its three predecessors, having a much different head sculpt in comparison, being less like Godzilla in origin. In promotional material, its eyes were red by default, and its dorsal plates were almost crystal-like in appearance, featuring a mix of broad and spiked spine pieces.

The nanometal development proposal released for promotional purposes for City on the Edge of Battle revealed Mechagodzilla's silhouette. In said proposal, Mechagodzilla's digitigrade stance was revealed, a first for any Mechagodzilla incarnations within the Godzilla franchise. Mechagodzilla's tail was also shown to be nearly three times the size of its own body, while its feet were wide, with three distinct toes acting almost like a tripod.


This Mechagodzilla never roared during its screentime.


While Mechagodzilla didn't have a distinct personality, during the events of City on the Edge of Battle, Mechagodzilla developed a city-wide intelligence, of which Mulu-elu Galu-gu assimilated himself into. In line with its original programming, Mechagodzilla was extremely hostile to anything resembling Godzilla, as seen with its skewering of Servum.


Mechagodzilla originated from a four year span of construction by Bilusaludo engineers, prior to the events of Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters. It was constructed with the intention of destroying Godzilla. The construction of the titan was a joint effort undertaken by both humanity and the Bilusaludo species.


Godzilla: Monster Apocalypse[]

Mechagodzilla's name itself was kept confidential. Humanity secretly built Mechagodzilla with aid from the extraterrestrial Bilusaludos, with development incorporating nanometal technology in its design. However, despite spending 4 years in development, it didn't activate properly due to unknown causes and was abandoned in March of 2046. Humanity "lost" it in the final battle against Godzilla in Hamamatsu, Japan, during the aptly dubbed "Battle at the Foot of Mt. Fuji", resulting in a devastating loss with casualties rising to nearly 100 million. The loss of Mechagodzilla was said to be a final blow to the Global Union, and was the event that pushed humanity and aliens alike to abandon the Earth.

Godzilla: Project Mechagodzilla[]

Mechagodzilla and its extensive arsenal were detailed during the events of Project Mechagodzilla.

Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters[]

Mechagodzilla was first shown as its Bilusaludo caretakers were debating on attempting to power up the titan. Shortly after, a blast of Godzilla's atomic breath forces them to flee, and the creation's abandoned. In the film's Japanese theatrical release, a second post credits sequence containing a teaser poster for the film's sequel with Mechagodzilla on it was revealed. This would be the poster that would be used in the second chapter's advertisements. This post credits sequence would not be seen in the film's North American Netflix release.[1]

Godzilla: City on the Edge of Battle[]

Godzilla City on the Edge of Battle - Trailer 1 - 00017

Finding Mechagodzilla.

Following a meeting with the Houtua, Haruo and the remaining members of his team trek to the city where Mechagodzilla was constructed, with Miana and Maina acting as guides to it. The duo refuse to enter the city, deeming it sinister, while the team progresses forth. Once they arrive, they realize the nanometal used to construct Mechagodzilla has "evolved", resulting in its takeover of the entire city, essentially forming a "Mechagodzilla City", dubbed for obvious reasons. As it was programmed with the intent to kill Godzilla, it kills anything nearby, including Servum, before absorbing their corpses into its mass. Once they truly enter the city, the team finds Mechagodzilla's original head, with its destroyed body. The Bilusaludo activate it, make a command center in the shadow of the collapsed titan, and begin the construction of Vultures from the remaining Exosuits. Following this, the Bilusaludo decide that the best way to fight Godzilla would be to allow themselves to be assimilated into Mechagodzilla's collective, and do so, a decision that proves divisive to the group, horrified at what occurred, but the tensity is broken when Yuko Tani speaks for the Bilusaludo. Following a massive conflict with Godzilla Earth, which results in the monster's entrapment and near death, the nanometal making up the Vultures begins to consume their pilots, Haruo, Yuko and Rilu-elu Belu-be. Haruo is seemingly immune to its effects, but Yuko begins to succumb to the nanometal, while Belu-be welcomes it. Metphies speaks, saying the nanometal, and Mechagodzilla by proxy will never stop consuming things, continue to spread, and thus, must be destroyed, and Galu-gu retorts by speaking on their close victory and Godzilla's seeming impending demise. After a moment of hesitation between looking to the nearly dead Godzilla and the command post resulting in the nanometal's consumption of his friend, Haruo fired on the city. This ended up destroying the command post, killing Galu-gu, and Belu-be, due to the latter's nanometal integration, and the remains of Mechagodzilla were caught in the crossfire, obliterating it once and for all. With the nanometal's spread ceasing, Godzilla Earth was subsequently freed. Earth would then go on to sink and destroy the rest of city with his atomic breath.

Godzilla: The Planet Eater[]

As the crew of the Aratrum ruminated on the fall of Mechagodzilla City, and the dubiously rebellious actions of Galu-gu, Mechagodzilla and the city surrounding it would be spoken on by Takeshi J. Hamamoto, Unberto Mori, and Dolo-do, resulting in a heated debate over the ethics and morals of the nanomachine and the nanometal making it up.

Printed media[]

Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters (Manga adaptation)[]

Mechagodzilla (MA) - Manga adaptation - 00001

Mechagodzilla, as seen in the manga adaptation for the film.

Mechagodzilla was briefly seen as the Bilusaludo watching over the titan fled from an attack by Godzilla, which resulted in the seeming destruction of their creation.


Liquid Metal Manipulation[]

Mechagodzilla is composed entirely out of autonomous, amorphous liquid metal known as Nanometal, which grants robotic kaiju ability to change the shape of its body and regenerate at will. Similar to mercury, Nanometal is toxic, which is why Houtua utilize it as a poison for their arrows and Mechagodzilla itself later tries to poison Godzilla in the film by injecting Nanometal to his circulatory system. Because its limiter has been deactivated, Mechagodzilla is able to evolve over time, expanding its size to fourteen kilometers in diameter after its initial destruction.

Artificial Intelligence[]

Mechagodzilla was armed with an A.I. by its Bilusaludo creators.[2] By the time of City on the Edge of Battle, half of the A.I.'s block remained active, allowing for control over the titan and its Nanometal.

Energy Redirection[]

Mechagodzilla would utilize Nanometal Particle Diffusing-Type Thermal Energy Buffer Layer to diffuse energy attacks launched towards it from Godzilla. A byproduct also involved this later being able to protect Mechagodzilla from projectile attacks and weapons. This buffer layer involved the spreading of Nanometal particles over a large area of 300 meters, and would be coupled with the armored plating also present for added defense.[2] This would be utilized with the city form of Mechagodzilla, and would see a use as a defense against Godzilla's heat ray. While it didn't outright block Godzilla's attack, the Nanometal buffer layer caused Godzilla's atomic breath to scatter into multiple smaller beams, which penetrated a nearby mountain range, effectively neutralizing its effects.

Biological Assimilation[]

Mechagodzilla is capable of assimilating biological matter to itself through a process known as Nanometalization, which aliens Bilusaludo consider as a next step in evolution and the key to restore civilization. Mechagodzilla initially only absorbed killed Servum and human corpses, but later displays ability to merge with willing Bilusaludo to make them a part of City's neural processors, enhancing its artificial intelligence. However, Mechagodzilla will be unable to merge with organisms if they were exposed to the effects of Mothra's scales.

Technology Augmentation[]

Mechagodzilla is capable to infuse technology with its Nanometal to augment its technical capabilities. Vultures are the result of Powered Suits modified by Nanometal to sprout wings and cannons that granted incredible flying capabilities combined with extreme firepower.

Convergent Neutron Cannon[]

Mechagodzilla was armed with a weapon known as a Convergent Neutron Cannon, mounted on its head. It was a particle-beam weapon, with a range of five kilometers.[2] Due to the penetrating power of neutrons, the beam can penetrate a target's outer shells and melt internal tissues.

Blade Launcher[]

A weapon known as the Blade Launcher was present in Mechagodzilla's construction, and was derived from a prototype installed in the late Gigan during "Operation: Long March". The weapon had a range of three kilometers, and the blades, launched from Mechagodzilla's back, would be guided through the air to their target.[2]


Due to the installation of a Plasma Booster, Mechagodzilla had the ability to fly.[2]

Hyper Lance[]

The hyper lance was a bladed weapon also possessed by Mechagodzilla. The weapon relied on its penetrative properties to impale a target, before utilizing nanometal in a dart-like process, injecting it into its victim, with the resulting process causing the nanometal to eat away at its target.[2] Its maximum extension is about 500 meters. At maximum, the Mohs hardness and Vickers hardness will reach ten times that of diamonds.

Laminated Heat-Resistant Armored Plate[]

Mechagodzilla possessed the Laminated Heat-Resistant Armored Plate as a means of defense. Mechagodzilla would deform and shift the outer shell of its body, specifically the chest once within fighting range of Godzilla. This could then be coupled with the Thermal Energy Buffer Layer to protect Mechagodzilla from atomic breath attacks.[2]

Tail Blow[]

The antithesis to Godzilla's plasma cutter, Mechagodzilla's tail could be utilized in a similar fashion, with Mechagodzilla using a mix of bodily momentum, including tail movement in a whip-like manner and twisting its upper body. This, coupled with a movement boost from the Plasma Booster, and the transformation of its tail into a blade as a weapon enabled Mechagodzilla's tail to sever targets, alongside an action known as shockwave grinding.[2]

Fog Generation[]

Mechagodzilla City is capable of generating dense clouds of fog, which prevented Godzilla from detecting its existence.


Control center[]

The control center of Mechagodzilla was a defined weak spot in City on the Edge of Battle, and once it was targeted and destroyed, it resulted in the cessation of the nanometal's spread.

Bodily destruction[]

Following Planet of the Monsters' intro, Mechagodzilla was torn apart by Godzilla in a vicious manner, reducing it to nothing but a slightly functioning head.


  • According to the director, the design of this Mechagodzilla was based on sea urchin.[3]
  • In an audio commentary for the film, the directors revealed that Mechagodzilla was originally planned to overwhelm Godzilla Earth with several different conceptual ideas from actual characters, such as transforming its arms into cannons, growing additional heads that shoot beams, or having Mechagodzilla City itself combine and transform into a gigantic Mechagodzilla, with multiple parts that fly and combine further, which would reach about 1 kilometer in height. [4]
    • Additionally, the turrets of Mechagodzilla City were to be modeled after Mechagodzilla's head, but this idea was turned down.[5] It should be noted that the turret's general design retains many aspects of the mecha's head sculpt.
  • In a stark contrast to prior incarnations of the mecha, this Mechagodzilla was left without a functional body, with the head solely continuing its efforts to combat Godzilla's growing threat.
    • The Showa era's Mechagodzilla was decapitated twice, once as a means of defeat, whereas the second decapitation resulted in the mecha's continued bodily function through specific countermeasures.
    • The Heisei era's Mechagodzilla ended up having its head blown off by Godzilla's atomic ray, following the latter's revival.
      • Although, in a similar fashion to the Heisei era's Mechagodzilla, this Mechagodzilla, albeit in city form, was beginning to be, and was partially melted under the intense heat generated by its rival, which was spurned on by an earlier crippling attack.
    • The Millennium series' Mechagodzilla, while never fully decapitated, received numerous injuries to its face and head during its battles with Godzilla, resulting in its incapacitation, and prompting repairs.
  • The CG model for Mechagodzilla's body used within the film seems to vanish during points in the film. When Mechagodzilla's head is first shown, the back of the room the head is in can be seen, showing a lack of any large mass behind it. However, Belu-be climbs onto a large portion of the mecha's destroyed body to activate it, something that despite being behind the head, while also being over 30 feet in height at the very least, can't be seen, even once the distinct red light of the mecha begins to fill the room.
    • As Yuko looks into the room with Mechagodzilla's head, during the argument about the nanometal's use on the Bilusaludo, the glow for Mechagodzilla also becomes much more muted. The direction of which Mechagodzilla's light comes from is also inconsistent, with a piece of metal debris on Mechagodzilla's head being improperly frontlit, whereas the room behind it can be seen being properly backlit.
  • The Hyper Lance of this Mechagodzilla is a possible reference to Kiryu's arm mounted drill.
  • This is the only incarnation of Mechagodzilla to not to be equipped with missiles.
  • This is the second incarnation of Mechagodzilla to be created by aliens.

List of appearances[]



