
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire has been released to theaters. Beware, spoilers will be present on the wiki and discussions. Read at your own risk!


Spoiler SPOILER WARNING: This section may contain major plot and/or ending details. Proceed at your own discretion.

Hellhawks (ヘルホーク,   Heruhōku?)[1] are a large bird-like superspecies created by Legendary Pictures that first appeared in the 2021 film, Godzilla vs. Kong. They later make a brief appearance in the 2024 film, Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire.


Hellhawks get their name from the nether-like nature of their natural habitat in the Hollow Earth and their resemblances with hawks.

Their scientific name, Accipiter infernum, is "hellhawk" in Latin.



Hellhawks are large creatures that exhibit a combination of bat-like and avian characteristics. They possess vulture-like heads with sharp curved beaks and bird-like feet equipped with long curved talons. Their wings are reminiscent of bats, featuring leathery membranes supported by four phalanges and a partially detached thumb. Unlike birds, Hellhawks lack extensive plumage, instead having rugged leathery skin with a light covering of thin hair-like feathers on their heads and certain areas of their backs. Notably, their backs are adorned with jagged spines that form a hump. While on the ground, Hellhawks adopt a bird-like posture, folding their wings and tucking them in close to their sides. They also have the ability to fold their wings and use them as forelimbs for crawling, akin to the locomotion of bats.

A flock of Hellhawks in Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, while identical to the previous movie in terms of physique, exhibit more vibrant coloration, with colors like purple, yellow, blue, and magenta adorning their bodies.


The Hellhawks could be heard making shrill, piercing screeches while attacking Kong and the Apex expedition team. When interacting with each other, Hellhawks could also be heard making guttural, parrot-like calls.


Hellhawks are aggressive predatory creatures that inhabit the caverns of the Hollow Earth in flocks. They are easy to agitate and will relentlessly swarm any aggressor/prey they encounter. They are fiercely defensive of their kills, as food is likely rare deep within the caverns of the Hollow Earth. This is seen when two Hellhawks have a brief fight over the corpse of an Apex soldier.

Despite their fearsome nature, Hellhawks can display gentler behaviors. Males and females mate for life and will allow their offspring to accompany them so they can mimic their parents' movements.


Hellhawks evolved deep within the Hollow Earth. Like bats, they prefer to inhabit caves and dark caverns, and spend their time hanging upside down from the ceiling. A large flock of the monsters inhabited the abandoned ruins of the Kong Temple by the year 2024.


Godzilla vs. Kong[]

A large flock of Hellhawks are first seen roosting in Kong's temple within the Hollow Earth. While hanging from the ceiling, the creatures observe Kong and the Apex expedition team as they enter the temple, but do not attack. After Maia Simmons had Jia held at gunpoint, an enraged Kong lets out a fearsome roar at the woman and her Apex soldiers. Disturbed, the Hellhawks descend from their roosts and attack Kong and his human companions. The monsters quickly pick away at the Apex soldiers, grabbing and carrying many away to be eaten. As a Hellhawk closes in on Nathan Lind, Ilene Andrews, and Jia, Godzilla's atomic breath bursts through the temple and sends the creature reeling. Frightened, the remaining Hellhawks dispersed.

Godzilla x Kong: The Hunted[]

Hellhawks are among the taxidermized creatures kept in Raymond Martin's personal compound.

Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire[]

Kong and Suko walk pass a flock of colorful Hellhawks foraging on grubs and insects. Some are also seen being preyed upon by a flock of Warbats.

In the film's novelization, juvenile Hellhawks accompany their parents foraging for grubs and insects, mimicking and learning their progenitors' behaviors.

Several Hellhawks can be seen flying away from Kong while the latter is pursued by the Skar King's subordinates.



Hellhawks can use their leathery wings to fly through the air. They display high levels of speed and maneuverability while in flight. They are capable of reaching speeds of up to 68 miles per hour, or 109 kilometers per hour.

Sonic lullaby[]

The Japanese movie-guide for Godzilla vs. Kong reveals that the Hellhawks are capable of an unseen ability known as a "Sonic Lullaby". In addition, their vocalizations are capable of reaching frequencies as high as 200,000 hertz.[1]

Strength and combat[]

The Hellhawks' primary weapons are their beak and talons, which enables them to carry and prey on humans effortlessly. Their talons also allow them to cling onto walls and ceilings. The power behind the Hellhawk's talons is 4,400 pounds per square inch, or 30,340 kilopascals.

List of appearances[]





  • The way the Hellhawks fly and attack are somewhat similar to the Terapusmordax in the 2005 King Kong film.
  • The Hellhawks might be inspired by the Giant Condor from Ebirah, Horror of the Deep.
  • A Hellhawk is visible on a promotional image for the collab between Godzilla vs. Kong with the mobile game PUBG, although no Hellhawk is present in the game.
  • According to the film's Japanese release guide, Hellhawks weigh 14,000 tons in the Northern Hemisphere of the Hollow Earth,[1] and 4,600 tons in the Southern Hemisphere of the Hollow Earth[1], presumably due to the denser gravity in the Hollow Earth. However, this appears to be erroneous, as organisms of this weight would have to have a proportionate height and density to match, while the nine-foot height[2] of the Hellhawk species is insufficient, even compared to other Hollow Earth species.
  • In production, Hellhawks were planned to be several stories taller than a human before it was later decided to shrink them down to be a challenge to the human characters.[3]

