


Yarael Poof: "We must always strive for peace, but also justice. Peace without justice is flawed, hollow at its core. It is the peace provided by tyranny."
Ephru Shinn: "I do not believe there has been a single instance of the Jedi getting involved in the military affairs of galactic government that has generated anything but endless complexity."
Lahru: "So we should strive only for simplicity? The galaxy is not a simple place."
―The Jedi High Council discuss the threat of the Nihil[3]

Xo Lahru[4] was an Anx male who served the Jedi Order during the High Republic Era.[1] By 382 BBY,[5] he[1] had obtained the rank of Jedi Master[6] and sat on the Jedi High Council.[7] By 232 BBY,[8] Lahru served as a Grandmaster of the Order and convened the Jedi Council to discuss the threat of the Nihil. While the Order were invited by Supreme Chancellor Lina Soh to join forces with the Republic Defense Coalition in a mission against the Nihil, some members of the Order held reservations against interfering in galactic military affairs. Such Jedi included Ephru Shinn, a Mon Calamari who was selected by Grandmaster Yoda as a temporary replacement on the Council. When Shinn countered Councilor Yarael Poof's belief that the Jedi should intervene in the Nihil conflict, the Mon Calamari voicing her fears that such would only lead to further complications, Lahru rhetorically asked whether the Jedi should refrain from doing so if only for simplicity. After other members of the High Council made their stances clear, the Order ultimately decided to accept Chancellor Soh's offer.[3] Later, Jedi Master Estala Maru informed Lahru that Master Avar Kriss had requested an autopsy of a Hutt trader who had been killed during a Nihil attack while transporting Vratixian barley. Although the request perturbed Lahru, the autopsy was authorized.[9]

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Notes and references[]

The Jedi High Council (382 BBY)
Yoda Xo Lahru Char-Ryl-Roy
Xinith Tarl Ela Sutan Dijuka
Gluth Andoi Unidentified Mikkian Unidentified Pantoran
Unidentified Duros Unidentified human 1 Unidentified human 2
The Jedi High Council (232 BBY)
(Ephru Shinn as depute)
Xo Lahru Pra-Tre Veter
Keaton Murag Ada-Li Carro Teri Rosason
Oppo Rancisis Adampo Yarael Poof
Rana Kant
Stellan Gios
Soleil Agra Jora Malli
Ry Ki-Sakka
The Jedi High Council (230 BBY)
Yoda Xo Lahru Pra-Tre Veter
Keaton Murag Ada-Li Carro Teri Rosason
Oppo Rancisis Adampo Yarael Poof
Ry Ki-Sakka Soleil Agra Stellan Gios
The Jedi High Council (229 BBY)
Yoda Xo Lahru Ry Ki-Sakka
Keaton Murag Ada-Li Carro Teri Rosason
Oppo Rancisis Adampo Yarael Poof
Soleil Agra Pra-Tre Veter Empty