

For other uses, see unidentified Clone Commander.

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"General Chiata, our forces have inflicted heavy damage to the Separatist dreadnought. Unfortunately, the same is true for our vessel."
―The Clone Commander, in a recording to Chiata[3]

This Clone Commander was a Clone Commander who was part of the military unit led by Jedi General Chiata and Jedi Commander Marseph, and was stationed aboard a Venator-class Star Destroyer. The commander and their forces participated in a battle against a Separatist Alliance dreadnought, and although they destroyed it, the Venator was heavily damaged. When the ship exited hyperspace, it crashed on the planet Zeffo. Surviving the crash, the commander and General Chiata were attempting to search for other survivors when Order 66 was issued, which forced all clones to turn on and execute their Jedi officers. In the ensuing skirmish, the Clone Commander was killed by Chiata in self-defense.


Service to the Republic[]

Dead Commander Zeffo

The commander's corpse years after their death.

Grown on the planet Kamino from the DNA of Jango Fett,[1] a bounty hunter who became the template of the clone trooper army,[4] this clone served as a Clone Commander in the Grand Army of the Republic by the end of the Clone Wars as the clone commanding officer of the military division led by Jedi General Chiata and Jedi Commander Marseph.[3]

Shortly prior to the end of the Clone Wars, the Jedi, the Clone Commander and their unit were headquartered in a Venator-class Star Destroyer and participated in a battle against a Separatist dreadnought. During the battle, the Separatist dreadnought was heavily damaged, as was the Republic Star Destroyer. The Star Destroyer jumped into hyperspace and then crashed on the planet Zeffo.[3]

Order 66[]

"General, are you injured?"
"I'm fine, Commander. W-Where is Marseph? Where is my Padawan?"
"My men are scouting the wreckage now. We'll find him. I'm getting a transmission now, probably the squad. Hang on, it's from the Supreme Chancellor!"
―The Clone Commander and Jedi General Chiata, immediately prior to the execution of Order 66[3]

After crash landing on Zeffo, the commander organized squads to look for Marseph and other clone trooper survivors. Shortly thereafter the commander received Order 66. Eventually during the subsequent skirmish on Zeffo, the commander was killed by a lightsaber wielded by one of the Jedi. In 14 BBY, after the implementation of Order 66, Jedi Padawan survivor Cal Kestis came across bodies of the commander's unit, where he picked up transmissions the commander had before his death, as well as a hologram recording of the commander. Cal eventually found the commander's body in the wreckage of the Venator's broken wing.[3]

Skills and abilities[]

As a clone trooper officer, the commander[3] was trained in combat[1] and directed their forces under the leadership of General Chiata.[3]

Personality and traits[]

"Despite the damage, I recommend we see this through… together. You know I'm not going to back down from a fight."
―The Clone Commander, to Chiata[3]

The commander was not one to shy from a fight, despite having odds against them. The commander had a close relationship and loyalty to Chiata as they tried to calm Chiata down when they worried about Marseph after the crash of the ship.[3]


The Clone Commander wore Phase II clone trooper armor during their military service, which was painted with yellow markings similar to those used on the armor of clone troopers from the 13th Battalion. Furthermore, the trooper used a left-shouldered pauldron in yellow and black. A utility belt wrapped around the commander's waist.[3]


Notes and references[]

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