


"I'm Tenedra. We've got you covered."
―Tenedra, to Burryaga Agaburry, Vernestra Rwoh, and Bell Zettifar[1]

Tenedra was a Tholothian female who served as a pilot in the Republic Defense Coalition as a member of Blue Squadron during the High Republic Era.[1] In 228 BBY,[2] she took part in a Jedi-Republic Defense Coalition assault on[1] the Mid Rim[3] planet Naboo, which was under occupation by the Nihil pirates. During the battle, Tenedra and the other Blue Squadron pilots assisted Jedi Knights Burryaga Agaburry, Vernestra Rwoh, and Bell Zettifar, when they tried to capture Nihil General[1] Abediah Viess,[4] from the San Tekka clan compound on Naboo. After they made their way into the compound, Rwoh ordered the pilots to secure a room, and Tenedra nodded at her.[1]

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Behind the scenes[]

Tenedra appeared in the 2024 novel The High Republic: Temptation of the Force, written by Tessa Gratton and published as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's[1] Phase III.[5]


Notes and references[]
